In Need of Prayer
By anjelskisses
@anjelskisses (23)
United States
November 2, 2008 7:20pm CST
My name is Terri and I am a mother of four children three of which live at home with my husband and I. I have a newborn granddaughter that lives with us as well. Her mother is my 20 year old daughter that is unmarried and lives with us. I am married to Doug who is now unemployed. I don't know where to start or how much information is neccessary to share so I ask that you pray for my family as asked or however God may lead you. My husband, Doug has been out of work several times in the past year. Each time he has been out of work we have sunk deeper and deeper in debt with credit cards that we used to make ends meet every month. Also, to be honest with you on my part I was a little reckless at times in use of these cards myself as well. I had recently started us on credit counseling for us in which we pay $800 a month toward just credit card debt and the counseling agency which is for nonprofit negotiates on our behalf with our creditors to work out a payment plan that will allow us to pay these cards off in a little less than five years. This is debited out of my checking account on auto pay every pay check. After this I am only left with $800 a month out of my pay check. I also took a second job that brings in about $250 a month. This is not even half of what our family needs to get by month to month. Now with my husband out of work again he is no longer bringing in income other than unemployement which is only $378 a week that litterally just started. (He has been out of work for over a month and he procastinated getting this started which angers me). We have a monthly mortgage payment of $1956 and a car payment of $227 a month and monthly utilities of about $600 a month. We recently have started paying our tithes to our church out of faith even though we don't have enough to make ends meet in hopes that our obedience will prove Gods word and promise of blessings in return. We are in a sense testing God. Our pastor challenged us to take a 90 day challenge and to be obedient with tithes and if God doesn't bless us he will give us back all we put in toward tithes. I also just started fasting and praying every Sunday until my husband finds employment. My husband was recently blessed with an inheritance money from the passing away of his Grandfather. He got this money about a month before he lost his job. We were really hurting for money because even the job that he had paid him $30,000 less than the first job he lost. I am not sure if my husband is depressed or just has a huge problem with self control but he has thus spent almost all of this money and very little of it went toward paying bills and sustaining us till he gets another job. He and I both need prayer in becoming good stewards of what God has alloted us. I have learned my lesson about credit cards and am open to learning Godly wisdom on money and being a good steward but my husband isn't there yet. My first Objective of prayer is this, that God once again rescue us from ourselves and this mess we have created. To first bless my husband with a good paying job that will meet our family's needs to care four our children, keep our home and our transportation and continue to allow us to be obedient to God in our tithes and offerrings. My second objective is this, That God shows me and teaches me wisdom on how to budget and use what God has alloted to us and to convict my husband on his reckless spending of the money that God had blessed him with. I am the one who usually pays the bills and does all the family budgeting so this was the first time my husband has ever had this much money at his disposal. Since this was his ineritance money he felt he had the right to spend it the way he saw fit. I am hurt by his selfishness and the way he used this money while our bills have gone unpaid. Now we are out of money and he has no income coming in other than unemployment. my husband does not profess to be a Christian nor does he claim to be born again. Althought he says he "Believes in God" I am almost certain that my husband isn't saved but I believe that God can bless us through my own obedience and faith alone and that will sustain us till he repents. My third prayer objective is that God works on my husband's heart and that he will repent and recieve the Lord as his saviour. Please pray for our family however God may lead you and please pray for these objectives. I will post follow ups on our situation. Thank you so much for your Godly prayers and upliftment. Hugs to you my brother and or sister in Christ Jesus.
My Prayer Objectives:
1. My husband to find a good paying job/employment to meet our family
s financial needs.
2. That we both recieve wisdom on how to be good stewards of what God has alloted us in our finaces.
3. That God would work on my husband's heart and that he will recieve Christ as his saviour.
Thank you so much! I am also open to any scriptual advice that you would want to share and any words of wisdong of any similiar situations you have personally experienced and come out of by the grace of God.
Terri B.
3 responses
@mrsfred96 (85)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I will pray for you and your family to be delivered from your debt and to life a prosperous life in Christ. I will also pray that God will open your husband's heart to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Be strong in your faith and hold tight to the Word of God. Read Philippians 4:19. A sister in Christ, Sarah
@mrsfred96 (85)
• United States
3 Nov 08
You are very welcome. God's children are never alone and we need to stand with each other and pray for each other. I have 2 favorite Psalms that I have memorized and they always make me feel better when things aren't going so well- 23 and 91. God Bless!
@anjelskisses (23)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Thank you again I will meditate on these Psalms. Hugs
@lbenjamin21 (155)
• United States
14 Dec 08
Dear Teri, my heart goes out to you and your family, I'm sure your acts of faith in tithing, and fasting and praying would get GODs attention, has he said in his word "no good thing will he withhold from them that walk upright." remember has a child of god he promises to grant us the desires of our heart, and nothing is to big or to small for him to accomplish. As you continue to be the light that god wants you to be in your home, your husband will have no choice but to follow suit.
Has the word of god says "no weapon formed against you will prosper, and all those that rise up against you will fall." keep praying, and just know that tough times don't last, but tough people do.
Remember the story of Job( through all his trials and testing, god still took care of him) so my friend Teri you hold fast, stand still, and you will see the salvation of our god.
PS read scriptures psalm 41 and 91.
@pamfloyd51 (136)
• United States
18 Jan 09
i am very impressed on the response u gave Teri. it is Godly advice. the Bible says when u have done all u know to do, stand. Jesus promises us that our household will be saved (Acts 16: 31). Phil 4: 19 says that God will supply all our need according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Claim victory, even when u don't feel like it. the only way i can do that is to stay in the Word of God. it is more powerful than a two edged sword. God's word is true & every man a liar. we r snared by the words of our mouth. i have learned to go on what God's Word says & not my feelings. feelings r temperal & subject to change. we have victory thru Jesus Christ our Lord. read the Word of God, confess the Word (not doubt & negative), and hear the Word preached to stay builit up in God. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart & lean not unto thine own understanding & He shall direct thy path.
@gracetreyes (529)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
hi anjels, I am also dealing the same situation with regards with my Credit Card debt, although me and my husband are both Christians. We are suffering some financial crisis too. And I realized that we are not a good steward in handling God's blessing of finances. So just like you we are asking our Lord to lead us and teach us to be a good steward of His blessings.
And yes God hears all our prayers. Every child of God needs to pray for each other to strengthen each other.
We have a fellowship of Young Adult in our church, where in we have a covenant to pray for each other every 9'oclock in the evening. I will include you in our prayer as well as your husband and your whole family. Maybe you could do the same thing, set a covenant with closest brothers and sisters in Christ. It will not only strengthens you alone but the whole brotherhood as a whole. You will also experience God's love through your friends and will use them as a channel of blessings. God faithfulness is ever the same, even though we are not faithful.
And with this, just hold your faith, It's the most important treasure we have. And keep on trusting the Lord. No one can and will ever understand us, the way our Lord did...God bless you and your family..

@anjelskisses (23)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words and prayer.
Dear Father in Heaven please bless Gracetreyes and her husband and others that may be part of their family in their financial crisis. Please forgive us for being poor stewards of our blessings and help us to be delivered from slavery of credit card debt. When you have delivered us from this Slavery God please impart to us wisdom on how we can transfer our debt to put to good use in your Kingdom. Thank you Lord so much for my sister in Christ who has said a prayer for me and my family this day. Thank you Lord that you are faithful in spite of our lack of faithfulness. Thank you Lord that you are merciful and that we are never alone in our walk of faith. In Jesus name I pray. Amen