who do you think is really at fault for all the overwieght kids
@easymoney75503 (1702)
United States
November 3, 2008 7:31am CST
we had this discussion the other day at work. most people blamed it on fast food and media. me personally i think it is parents fault. i mean as a parent we have control over what are kids do. we are the ones that stop at drive thru cause we dont want to cook. we are the ones that buy the food at the store. we make rules on when and what they can do. i mean teens yea they have there ways of gettign around it but what about all the smaller kids. now i think alot of it has to do with what the gvt has approved to put into our foods to and the prices of foods dont help but still as parents we can say what comes in our homes. what do you think?
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17 responses
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
19 Mar 09
Well, I would say parents if the child is still young. They should watch what the kids eat and always ensure a balanced diet. As the child grows older, its hard to keep an eye on what the kids eat because of obvious reasons. But if the parents teach the kids from young about 'eating right', then the teaching tends to follow on as they grow up. It would be like a habit they picked up since young.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
You are right! We need not blame anyone but the parents! We have the control over the food intake of our kids. It's our fault if they get obese because we are allowing them to indulge in instant foods or eat a lot in fast-food because we ourselves are doing the same out of our laziness to prepare healthy food for them. And sometimes parents will reason out that they can't control their kid's appetite. Why because they allowed their kid that way. They did not discipline them. I have a niece who herself can't control herself from getting obese because of her unhealthy style of eating, the result her daughter is also obese. I keep on scolding her every time I'd see her. I always tell her to do something before it's too late. Obesity could kill and she should not take their obesity as a simple thing.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
4 Nov 08
it is always the parents' fault why they have overweight children. they are the ones that buy food, take them to fastfood restaurants, and would not give them active lifestyle.
@crimsonladybug (3112)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I think it's about 70/30, parents and public schools. Especially the schools that have contracts with Burger King or Taco Bell to serve their food in the cafeteria, but also the schools that took it to heart way back when Reagan made ketchup acceptable as a vegetable in school lunches. Parents can send their kids with a sack lunch from home but when they are away from Mom and Dad who's to say they're going to eat a turkey sandwich and carrot sticks when Taco Bell is made available to them. But that's only one meal out of three. The other two meals fall to the responsibility of the parents to make them healthy.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
I think that the additives put in food has something to do with overweight kids. The trouble is that the meat that comes from grass fed cows, or free range poulty are more expensive. In Canada we do not have this problem because some of the additives that they put in American food is now allowed up here. So I would suggest cutting down on the meat and filling up with fruits,veggies, and salads and wash them carefully and you may need more nutritional supplements.
The trouble is that not everyone can have a garden, the cities do not allow someone to have their own poultry in their yard. And the bad food is cheaper.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I think it would have to be the parents fault. At a young age who else is there to blame? A child at a young age doesn't make decsions like that for themseleves, they eat what they are fed. And sometimes are allowed to snack anytime they want. It should be the parents job to monitor and make sure the child is getting good things to eat and not munching all the time on chips,sweets and other stuff. Also fast food is probably another big factor. But I think it all comes down to the parents control of the situation.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Hi ,
I think it is just in the childs genes and it is the parents job to help the chld stay active and help them eat better .
My parents they had so much junk food and that did not help me at all . I wish I would of known what i know now , ya know what I mean . Sometimes, it can just get outta control .
@ebought (56)
3 Nov 08
Yes I agree; parents are to blame when it comes to their children overeating. Also, bad diet and lack of exercise really causes major problems.
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
3 Nov 08
Parents who give a bad example. Believe it or not, as a parent if YOU start on a health trip today, your whole FAMILY will feel the improvements. Maybe not right away, maybe not 100% of what you have, but they will definetly get some, just by your positive influence :D
Start today. Or later this week, but no later than that, or you will likely postpone it forever.
Computers / videogames - Don't get me wrong, I too spend plenty of time on the comp, and I used to be much fatter because I didn't work out enough to compensate. Here there's little we can do, if you ban comp access your kids will hate you for EVER :P
What you CAN do, is buy a Wii. Nintendo Wii. That is a console that by its very nature, is VERY active, cannot be played from the couch, is social and simple
enough for the whole family, and WILL make your kids call the friends over to play together.
If you want to spend more time with your kids doing what you BOTH like (Bowling, boxing, etc) AND burn everybody's calories, then a Wii is for you. That is always money well spent.
Other than that, try many things, see what YOU like in sports, see what your kids think is cool (skating, snowboarding etc) and see what you can afford. Fat kids DO become thin and sporty, if they find the right sport, I know because I was one :)

@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
Essentially it is parents. However one cannot expect skinny kids when the parents are fat as they are eating the same food. The kids are not the ones buying and cooking the food that goes on the table so the problem can start there. Combine that with fast food that is typically high in fat and calories and you have another risk factor. Combine that with the lure of television and video games, which are both sedentary pursuits.
Children seem to have hours of homework every night so they are doing nothing physical while doing that and have no time for physical play. Parents imagine a pedophile around every corner so never let the kids out to play or even walk to school, they are all driven every day.
Apparently this is the first generation that will not live longer than their parents. Already youngsters are developing adult dietary diseases like type 2 diabetes because of overweight and inactivity. You can blame everyone else for our children's problems but it is not everyone else that is forcing choices and the food that the children eat.
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
3 Nov 08
hi i think it could be every ones faught we need to educate children a little more on what to eat and how to eat and how important it is to mantain a healthy body.
@reneedevoe1 (9)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I agree with you. We, as parents, have control over what our children put it to their mouths while they are at home...I guess it gets a bit more difficult as they get older...With the exception of certain medications and true "gland" problems and genetics-parents need to know how to say no to kids who want to eat all the time. In our school district, they no longer allow any kind of junk snacks...that means during holiday class parties, no crap. No chocolate, sweets or anything unhealthy. -Not even cupcakes on kids birthdays but it really isn't as bad as I thought. I'm a room parent and had to supply food for the Halloween party and everyone really loved all the fresh fruit and veggies...What do you happen to think of those kids they put on the tv shows like Maury Povich..."My 3 year old weighs 150lb"....or something like that. It really is a shame.
@mrslisaepoetry (65)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I believe the parents are at fault. Media doesn't help and some new parents are under-educated on risks. Perhaps if there was less money put into media and more put into pediatricians and parenting classes educating parents in nutrition things would be better. Some children have genetic problems but with proper nutrition they can be much healthier.
@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
3 Nov 08
It is a mixture of all that and more actually. Have you forgotten vending machines?? Or school lunches?? Parents control what comes into their home but even parents make mistakes. If you have a healthy child and an overweight child you cant forbid everything that falls into fattening foods for both.
There the problem begins to unfold, if the overweight child gets hold of ice cream they'll keep eating and spooning their way till it's done! (My cousin's daughter was like that). Even when talking about hotdogs, some will eat it uncooked (again cousin's daughter). What did my cousin do? He started demonstrating tough love. She wants seconds not a full serving half. Wanted more? Either take an apple or go play-- no more...
Unlimited second helpings in schools... typically if you have the cash you get as much as you want. Usually for kids that would be pizza, burgers, fries... you know... that kind of stuff...
So it's not just one thing, rather several different things that contribute to this problem.
@maddulamohanbabu (43)
• India
3 Nov 08
I agree with you parent are at fault, parents must be cautious in the eating habits of the kids.