Do you buy movies or download them??

@dumindum (160)
November 3, 2008 8:20am CST
I watch a lot of movies. Most os them hiered others are all downloaded. Do you download movies??Do you buy them?? or hire them like me??
8 responses
• India
10 Nov 08
I have never ever bought a single movie. I usually download movies and watch it in my PC. Or else i go to theater and feel the real effect of it. I love watching movies a lot and i never hire them!
@zhaychel (610)
• United Arab Emirates
10 Nov 08
I watch them online because its free and accessible. You can try watching free movies at and . New and unreleaed movies are posted right here. Happy Viewing! ^^,
• Malaysia
5 Nov 08
I download movies.. lol.. I also watch movies in the cinema as well. I also burn the movies I downloaded to a dvd or cd for just in case. But I do buy original dvd movies as long as I really like the movie. And I do plan to have a really nice collection of dvds in my home when I get a home.. But I do not think hiring movies is worth it. You have a certain period of time to finish the movie, and you need to pay for late charges if you returned it late. So I think that downloading or getting your own dvd for the movies is the best thing to do, because you can watch the movie anytime you want!
@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I have never downloaded a movie. My computer is too slow for that! *LOL* I will buy a movie if I really like it a lot! :)
@mochipoki (112)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 08
Hmm, for me I only watch good quality show. So I usually buy them. It has better HD and nicer to watch. But some of the movies that has been out for quite sometimes I usually download them. It is very clear. I usually download them using program like uTorrent to download it. It is very fast and clear.Therefore if you want to save money, you should try downloading it using uTorrent.
@124bipin (24)
• India
3 Nov 08
I have a good download speed and I usually download movies. If the movie I want to see is not available for download then I hire it from video shops.
@lou_66 (909)
3 Nov 08
i never hire dvds from a shop as i think it is a waste of money. i used to dowload fims until my computer broke. now i wait for them to be released and buy them. sometimes i borrow dvds off my friends
@lorry86 (77)
• China
3 Nov 08
I never hire dvds ,let alone buy them. that's cost so much! you can download almost all the movies by BT .In general,I will download a movie until the DVD or Blue-ray come up instead of watching the pirated edition.