Are you voting for Obama or McCain and why?
By guinness1982
@guinness1982 (261)
United States
November 3, 2008 8:49am CST
there was a radio show on this morning with people calling in and saying who they were voting for and why, I didnt get to hear much of it and most the ones I did hear were really stupid people saying they were votig McCain because Obamas black and things like that, I feel people on mylot are better then that and would like to hear some real answers. I am still unsecided so Id like to hear what you have to say.
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3 responses
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I'm voting for McCain because Obama's tax plans will destroy what is left of the ecomony of the USA and because I trust McCain to do what is best for the military and foreign relations. He has the experience(22 years military, 26 years Senatefor me to believe he has the wisdom and foresight to handle any challenge facing the USA. Obama's team offers neither the benefit of experience nor the record of patriotism and love of country that characterized John McCain's life. I guess the bottom line is, I trust McCain. Obama is just too green, too unknown and too risky in my opinion.
@guinness1982 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 08
But they said that about bush, that he had the experience because of his military background and look how great he has been, and as far as Obama being green An to unknown and risky, I kinda look at it like eating something you have never ate before then trying it and LOVING it. I am leaning to Obama because this country need REAL new direction and McCain is going to be just like bush, I agree with the people above you here. people who make LOTS of money should be taxed more, I have thought that since I was 13. There's no reason they shouldn't be, if I made that much money I wouldnt care of they taxed me more. I remember McCain from when he ran against bush and he was a different person, I liked him then and would have voted for him but he has changed, he does what he is told to do now he had to to get where he is now, Did you know that when He ran against bush and lots he seriously debated going Democratic? Look it up He did watched it on PBS. This country needs something fresh and I really think Obama is IT!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
6 Nov 08
First of all, I LIKE President Bush. I think he has done as well as any president could have under the circumstances. He is a good man and he has done his job honorably. Also, although President Bush serve honorably in the in the Texas Air National Guard, his stint in the service can't really compare to John McCain's 22 years of service, even as a POW for his country. I think McCain would make a great president.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I'm voting for Obama because I'm sick of the politics of fear mongering which is all we've gotten in the last eight years. Republicans campaigned on keeping us safe from terrorism and their Homeland Security of which FEMA is a branch couldn't even resue the people of New Orleans from a flood. In my oppinion, they used fear of terrorism to manipulate the American people.
I'm voting for Obama because we need to address the problems with the environment that the Republicans have spent the last eight years sweeping under the carpet. Just as the internet bloomed in the Clinton years, I expect environmental issues to come to the fore in the Obama presidency. Alternative energy is a new issue and we rank pretty low in our exploration of new energy methods. When Clinton started his presidency, we were behind Europe on the information highway (as it was then called) but we caught up quickly. Amazon, Yahoo and eBay all started up and once again we lead the world. I expect the same thing to happen in the Obama years with alternative energy. With encouragment from Washington, the people of this nation can perform miracles. Problem has been that the Republicans never give the nod to anything new or innoventive. Democrats are more open to new solutions.
Lastly, I'm voting for Obama because I'm tired of being dictated to by the religious right that doesn't seem to understand we have a separation of church and state when it comes to their own evangelical christianity. It pained me that Mitt Rommney had to address the issue of his Mormonism. I thought we were past that and once we were. But that was before the Republican party came under the control the the religious right.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I wrote this a while ago, but I feel it's still pretty relevant:
I am voting for Obama because his tax plan is exactly what this country needs. He wants to give tax breaks to 95% of working families, the people who are struggling thanks to the broken economy, and brings the upper 3%'s taxes back to where they were during the Clinton years (in which the U.S. had the largest peacetime economic expansion in its history). No one making less than $600,000 a year will be taxed any more than they are being taxed now under Obama's tax plan.
I am voting for Obama because his foreign policy is exactly what this country needs. He understands that invading Iraq was wrong, and he knew it was wrong before we ever set foot there. He wants to get our troops out of there, but responsibly, supporting a timetable that Iraqi leaders firmly agreed with (so much so that even Bush has succumbed to the idea presently). Again, this is a point in which Obama took a then-unpopular stance that turned out to be the right one, which shows good judgment and clear thinking. Obama will not saber-rattle or engage in 'cowboy diplomacy', as he knows, and we all know, that you don't properly deal with enemies, much less turn them into neutral forces or even allies, by constantly threatening them and throwing your weight around. He understands what it means to be a true statesman.
I am voting for Obama because his energy policy is exactly what this country needs. He sees through gimmicks like the "gas tax holiday" and other such nonsense, labeling them as the rhetorical non-solutions they are. He understands that "drill here, drill now" is not the way to reduce our dependence on oil, and has consistently voted to develop alternate energy sources, which is the only real way we could hope to break the oil cartel's grip on us (drilling here will never do that, because we consume far more oil than we have access to). When it comes to more conventional energy sources, he understands that, if at all possible, work should be done to come up with a solution for the storage of nuclear waste before putting more eggs in that basket--he doesn't feel it's responsible for us to just toss it all into Yucca and forget about it, but he definitely prefers innovation on that front, and doesn't want to ignore nuclear power altogether.
I am voting for Obama because his attitude is exactly what this country needs. He doesn't like the kind of politics we've all gotten used to--character assassination and pointless bickering on irrelevant things. He doesn't condescend to the general public; he talks to them like adults, and focuses on issues when he speaks. He refuses to engage in the kind of mudslinging politicians have become infamous for, and shows respect for his opponent despite their ideological differences. He is very willing to defend his ideas, but is not so stubborn that he ignores all contrary opinions. He looks for common ground and understands that it's the perfect starting point for a post-partisan U.S.A.
For the past eight years, the American public, Obama included, have seen what's been going on, and they have been paying attention. Obama knows that we are better than this, that we can do better than this, and that so much more can be accomplished when we come together to achieve our common goals.
That is why I'm voting for Barack Obama for President in 2008.