Obama wants to put coal plants out of business

@suspenseful (40192)
November 3, 2008 10:55am CST
I read this on "ONenewsNow" http://www.onenewsnow.com/Blog/Default.aspx?id=308558 that Obama wants to put such several penalties on coal fired plants that it will put them out of business and thousands of people out of jobs. And do not think that he will stop there. He will do it to oil, natural gas, electricity, even though there are no alternative fuel in place that will produce a cheaper alternative. I used to read about the cold winters there where people froze to death because they could not afford to reach their settlements in time and I do not want to see a return to those horrible days. And when a blizzard is blowing, nothing might work and besides who is to know if an environmental group will stop geothermo energy because it might harm some cute little gophers? I hope you read that article and do not discard it because it does not agree with your non=religious or atheistic world view. It should make people stand up and listen just as they should have when there was warning that the conversion of corn to ethanol contributed to the rising food and gas prices.
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9 responses
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Don't ya know, he's selling gulable people on socialism - I only hope a few undecided people can see this info and vote against him.
3 people like this
• United States
4 Nov 08
I would suggest that Obama is far from being a socialist. There is another discussion on mylot that you might be interested in because it was talking about the"spreading the wealth" comment which was taken out of context. It might make for interesting reading for you... Look it up.
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• United States
3 Nov 08
I get onenewshow.com, too. And to think, people still want to vote for Obama. But then liberals do not read such materials.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
The liberals do not care about ordinary people, unlesss they are dark of skin and have extremely curly hair and live in the south. Most of the people in North Dakota are Scandenavian or Dakota descent, so I guess they don't count.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I think no matter which way we go, we are in trouble. I would like to vote for none of the above.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
I wonder if America would have been better with a third choice. I hate it when a country has only two main parties. I think Obama is way too radical and McCain does not stand up for what is right more forcibly. We do need a third one so they can say " hey I am going too far," or "I should have spoken more on that matter."
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
4 Nov 08
AMEN! If we ever needed a "do over" now is the time!
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• United States
4 Nov 08
I think a third choice would be a great idea. Then we could have an independent candidate to consider. That would enable to to have Real change. It's sad that neither party could come up with a better choice this year.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I had heard several months ago that Biden had stated quite plainly that THEY were against coal - clean or otherwise. Though I am surprised that it is just now coming out. I would have thought there would have been a bigger fuss about it when he did. Unfortunately it does not surprise me. Though I actually believe that the outcome of tomorrow's election really will make little difference - we are in serious trouble here no matter which way it goes.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
The trouble was that we were not informed and if you wanted to find out about it, you had to go to the anti global warming or the religious sites, and you know people who believe that oil and coal are wrong will not go to those sites.
• United States
4 Nov 08
There seem to be a lot of things that a bigger fuss should have made about, but it seems to have all gotten swept under the rug. There have been many major red flags and either the majority of this country is as oblivious to their surroundings as Obama himself is, or the poll results are a lie. Think about it.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Nov 08
People won't listen. He has them locked up tight with the "change" theme--they don't care what type of change, thanks to George Bush who has ruined this country and economy. Well, him and the Congress. Anyway, Obama supporters don't want to hear this and they'll come up with all kinds of justifications and counter-articles. It's even hard to say if that's what he actually said, our journalists twist things around so much. But I believe if he is president it will be a disaster. Same for McCain. We're really pretty far gone and it'll take a miracle for the United States to stand up and be strong and independent again.
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@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I would suggest that you listen to the actual words Obama said rather than to what has been taken out of context by others: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfxhbwp1Vx4 He is for clean coal and is not planning to put people out of business. I live in California and have seen that clean technology does actually save money and would be more likely to keep people in business than to close them down. And perhaps you do not know that McCain has espoused the same plan... See and hear the facts... http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2008/11/02/obama-coal-plants/ This is another one of those last minute ploys to cause fear on the part of Palin-McCain... It is a wonk because, dare I say it, it is a lie. And I must admit that I am far from being an atheist and that many good religious and spiritual people are on both sides of the aisle... I have a high regard for the truth and believe that fair play is important. I cannot say the same thing for the Palin-McCain camp. It seems that a lot of fact checking is needed. It is a sad thing as both are better people than they are acting like now.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
These are recent posts and it shows how far he will go. Just saying that one wants clean energy. does not mean anything. It depends on whether one uses the cap method and will charge a lot if somoene wants to build a coal plant. It is how far he will go to accompish this. Besides there is more than one reason not to vote for Obama.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
I noticed the sight quoted is a for Obama sight. I showed a sight that is Christian based, and is not politically motivated and you have to remember one thing, Obama has socialistic tendencies so his motives are leaning towards that way. Also it seems that those in the Obama came think he has done no wrong, while those on the McCain camp know that he has done certain things wrong as has Sarah Palin. That means, that Obama is misunderstood and is good? No one is that perfect, only God.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Oh, trust me, he's a socialist
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Right now we get about 49% of our electricity from coal plants. All other renewable sources amount to about 2.4%. If Cap and Trade is put into place sometime during his first term it means that we will have to replace 1/2 of our electricity production. He also wants to not consider Nuclear until we solve all the problems so that takes 19% more off the table. With a 68% reduction in electricity our economy will come to a stop. Lets look at solar home power systems. For your home you could purchase a system to be sued during sunny weather only and the rest of the time you would be connected to the power grid. The cost $15,000 (http://www.altersystems.com/catalog/gridtie-solar-systems-sunwize-gts-systems-c-78_168.html) plus installing they system. With my current electric bill it would take me over 16 years to pays for the system with out installation. I would still have to be hooked to the grid to get power at night and on non sunny days. If you want to look at wind it is cheaper but still cost a minimum of $5,000 to purchase and installing is extra. http://www.bergey.com/ Both systems suggest a back up system which is an additional expense. Back in the last energy crisis I knew many people who invested in alternative power and found out that they systems did not last as long and did not produce consistent energy. Even with tax savings they felt it was costing them more than they saved. The only exception was the people who burned wood, which would not be allowed because of the green house gases. Remember that these prices are for today and with reduced electricity they could skyrocket due to increased overhead. Are we going to become obsessed with the reduction of green house gases that we become like the people who are so scared of getting germs that they avoid physical contact with other people and do everything they can to kill the germs that when they do get sick their body has no protection. What are we going to do if we reduce CO2 admissions to almost zero and find that plant life is suffering? Will we rush in like the ethanol solution and drive up world food prices only to find out it is not working like we thought. Lets go slowly and keep developing alternatives with out the government dictating to us what kind and how much because it help their friends.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
I was checking up on those alternative energy (we have geothermo energy here in Manitoba and that is being put in the new construction, but it is too expensive for someone to convert their regular gas, electricity, or oil to it, not to mention we already have to convert our house to make it more wheelchair and walker friendly.) and it is way too expensive. I remember years ago when I was a kid, we were converting from oil to gas. But first they had it so the stoves were part oil and part gas, and then whole gas or electric but I doubt that Obama is going to do something like get part of the heat from coal plants and part from alternative energy. He will want to go all the way and there will be some people who will have to go without heat or food during the winter.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Nov 08
wow a great post. and this is something that wasnt put on tv much or in the news some one hid this very good! We are realy realy going to be hurting if he gets in
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Nov 08
As usual he backpaddled. I suppose somebody pointed out to him that 50% of our electricity comes from coal plants. Think about the economic repercussions. It's not only our electricity bill that would skyrocket. Everything else would cost more, too. Our manufacturing industry relies on electricity. There are more than coal plant jobs at stake. So now it's highly desirable to do what he stated but of course the technology is still in its infancy (to convert the plants and to use alternatives to fill the gap) and therefore, it won't be done, of course. Poor Obama, just all a big old misunderstanding,...again! lol.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
That is why one should watch his words, because we have no idea whether he will say "I did not mean that," or what he will do down the road. For instance, he may assume that certain members of the American public are using alternative energy, that most of the Americans are and decide to raise the price then. And you have to consider his desire to look good. I suspect he says what will please others and that is not a good sign. Most presidents will do what they think is best even though the citizens hate them,m but Obama will do things for the crowd adulation.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Nov 08
He also said that electricity rates would also see a huge increase but it was necessary. Yes when you use alternative sources that are costly and inefficient. How are we going to produce the electricity for the Hybrid cars?
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