Do you have a neighbour that watches everything you do from their window?
By SketcherD
@SketcherD (1114)
November 3, 2008 12:20pm CST
I do! He watches my daughter to the point that she gets a very bad feeling from him.
I've told him to back off and leave her alone or I would call the cops. Actually I screamed it at him!! Oh well I am a Mom after all!!!
We have lived next door to these people (yes the man is married) all of my daughters life and then some. This guy has harassed us for years.
Between the two houses there is a U shaped driveway that we shared coming and going from the houses for many years and then he started to blow snow onto our driveway many years ago.
He told us to tell our friends and family to stop driving in his driveway although his family and friends drive through ours on a regular basis. My husband and I really don't care if people need to use our driveway. Live and let live I say.
Now he is blocking his driveway to make sure that we don't use his. Can you believe it?? Nice guy eh?
Do you have a lovely neighbour that you have to live beside like we do??

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20 responses
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
3 Nov 08
This is quite creepy. He seems to have some sort of beef with you guys. And him staring at your daughter an watching her is more than creepy.
I had neighbors in the past who were the 'neighborhood watch',lol. One was an adult lady who lived across from my parents. She would be in her window almost all day long. When she thought nobody was home she would go and explore other neighbors' yards and peek into their windows. My window was street level. I was a teenager and sick at home, my parents had gone to run an errand. She didn't know I was at home and came and walked up to my window and tried to peek inside. The window was ajar because it was a warm day. She tried to open it, lol. At that point I said, "Hello, Mrs..." I had never seen her that red-faced. But she was good natured and simply nosy. She also was the neighborhood gossip, lol.
Anyhow, the second one I encountered when I was in college. This guy was constantly at his window looking outside, for many hours, day and night. The dorms were two buildings close together with a just a little park in the middle not wider than a street. My room was directly across from his in the other building. I kept my curtains closed at all times. He still knew where my TV was and how the furniture was set up. Several people thought he was a real creep and although he was always friendly and polite, we kept away from him.
As to having a beef with us, we used to have a couple neighbors like that. Right now they are all nice. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't envy you. Situations like that can quickly escalate and the constant feuding and not knowing what the neighbor will come up with next is not good for your health either. Please make sure that your daughter stays away from him.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
My daughter is very very cautious when she is outside and she know that he could be outside as well. If she goes to lay out in the sun in the summer she makes sure we are home and that she does it on the opposite side of our house to the nasty neighbours house.
It's really funny that you call it feuding neighbours because this guys son-in-law, whom we like very much keeps calling us the Hatfields as in the feuding Hatfields and the McCoys. 

@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
How frustrating! And to be honest, a bit strange. Some people need to get their own lives, and stop just sitting around watching other people's lives.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
NO kidding. I wish he would just go about his business and ignore us.
We have a ton of friends and we don't need to be friends with such a nasty person. 

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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
Yes I do have nosey neighbours right down to them coming over with a half doz. stale cookies just to see who's here and have even phoned over to ask who that is at my door. This comes from small town living but what you're talking about is right down creepy. I wouldn't trade my nosey neighbours for the people you have living next to you. I think this person has mental issues and don't appolize for anything you've done as you say you're a Mom and a good one by the sounds of it. I did read everything you said here and I get it that you've been living with these issues for a long time, but never step off you guard because I feel very strong in thinking this guy is a sick unit and watching your daughter like he does is not normal. The driveway issues I could over look to some point but being stalked is not only agasinst the law and creepy but it's a warning as far as I'm concerned. Talking to the police and asking them to go talk to this creep may be a good idea. I guess the way I see this is if nothing ever happens fine but if he ever did harm to your kids, heaven forbid I hope not, but you know what I'm saying you would feel like hell if you thought you should have talked to the police. Good Luck always.

@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Oh Thank God this has put up your guard, I am concerned for your daughters' safety and in this cruel world I wonder why? Right? Good luck mty dear friend!!!
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
You know maybe you are right. The driveway is really quite minor really just annoying.
But when it comes to my daughter there is nothing I will tolerate from this man. IF she tells me he is doing this ever again I think you are right that I will go to the police. I don't care that he babysits his grandchildren and that it may jeopardize his being able to do that. Too bad. He needs to keep his eyes in his head.
You know I have had the neighbour, who is a grown adult tell me that he leers at her, as well in the summer when she is out doing the gardening. When she and her husband put up a shed that blocked his view of her gardening he told them to move the shed so he could see the garden.
Can you believe it?? Then when they didn't move it he proceeded to not speak to them again and give them the cold shoulder when they used to have bar-be-ques together all summer before this.

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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Oh he knows I am watching his sorry a$$ when it comes to my daughter. The driveway be d*mned as far as I am concerned.
He better just stay away from my daughter or I will not be responsible for the response that I give to him. 

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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Oh my! There is nothing more aggravating than having bad neighbors. I have some that live directly aross the road from me. I would go to the police station and report him and ask them what kind of charges you can file. I'm sure there is something that would get his attention. And even if there isn't then you need to keep it on record in case he gets really stupid.
I was in a property dispute with my neighbors for 3 years so I know somewhat of what you are going through.
We have owned our property for 35 years and when my son decided to build a home on one end of it they reared their ugly heads claiming they ownd it! People are nuts!
And even though w had the deed and all the paper work we still ended up in court for 3 years because they tried to claim it by what is called "adverse possession".
But after 3 long years we were delared "winners" in the case although there was no compensation for attorney fees involved. So basically we spent out a few thousand dollars to claim what we already owned because these nuts wanted to steal it!
Oh well didn't mean to get on a roll. But the best advice I can give you is keep very accurate records..they will come in handy one day!
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Well they tried to claim it by "adverse possession" which in short means that they claimed that they kept it up and took care of the property for 21 years. Kind of like squatters rights.
Over the course of the three years we had to go find neighbors that used to live here to testify that they had never took care of the property. It was a nightmare but like I said the one thing that helped was that I had just simply taken a notebook (I was advised by my attorney to do this) and every single thing that happened, no matter how minor, I wrote it down, dated it and kept it. When we did go to the final trial the judge requested my notebook for proof that they had been harrassing us for 3 years. It worked!
They still live across from us but they don't even look our way anymore. And if they do I write it down! LOL
Good Luck
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
6 Nov 08
That is so weird. People just think they can get away with anything just because they push! Funny when someone pushes back they hate it!! 

@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Oh wow!! That is crazy!! How could they possibly think that they owned your property when you had the deed???
I really think you are right I should at least make a complaint about this guys behaviour so it is on file. Thanks 

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@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
3 Nov 08
That is creepy. :( I wish that you could report him to the police or something. But then again, you may not want to cause trouble with somebody who may be mentally unstable.
And of course, you shouldn't have to move because your neighbor is a freak!
I don't know what to tell you, but I hope that you can improve your situation somehow!

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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
I know we have lived next door to this couple for almost 20 years.
We know his whole family very well. I don't want to stir up problems.
But come on there is a limit to my patience. 

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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
4 Nov 08
neighbors!!! Oh yes we all have the neighbor from H E double hockey sticks lol. I have neighbors like that although I have been getting peace and quiet for a while because I hear the lady is in a rehab clinic. The son I guess moved out but before he did he used to turn his radio up so loud I could see my walls shaking.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
OH my!!
Rehab eh?? Nice people. Maybe she will move soon or get kicked out.

• United States
3 Nov 08
he sounds like a total a$$. i'm sorry u have a have a neighbor like that. it's bad when their is conflict betwwen neighbores. i do have one that is awfuly nosy but she never has been ugly about it. my friend across the & i expect her to fall out the window one dayi don't know what i'd do w/one like yours. i would probably be in jail for trying to beat the stufing out f him. i don't know what makes people so darn mean. he needs to get a laugh. good luck w/him.sounds like u are going to need it.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
I have been known to go almost hoarse screaming at him a few times. But he is in his late 70's so who knows how long he well be around for.
I surely have no intention of moving.

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• United States
4 Nov 08
i wouldn't let the old fool run me off either. like i said he needs to get a life.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
I wish I could put a fence up between the two houses.
But we can't put one down the driveway though.

@ronacruz2007 (650)
• Philippines
4 Nov 08
well i am thankful i havent encountered such thing in my life hopefully will not .
@corleone82 (415)
• Malaysia
4 Nov 08
What a very bad neighbour you have. I'm sorry to hear that.I'm also have one neighbour like that. But she is the old lady already. Her house is opposite mine. Everytime she would sitting beside her window and watching to the direction of my house. And in the late afternoon, she always comes to my house and have a chit chatting with my mom. Later she will asked.."just now who come to your house?" " Who's the person that came in the white car" My mother doesn't like her very much because her attitude is so annoying. Furthermore she always bragged that whatever happened in our home's compound, can be seen clearly from her place. However, she's just an old lady so even we don't like her very much we just pretend not to bother it.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Yes perhaps you are right. I think I need to have a chat with the local police now. 

@wujinbo (341)
• China
4 Nov 08
Between the neighbor the general meeting has the contradiction,but we calm the mind friendly treatment opposite party that they also slowly will comprehend your manner to transfer also change them to your manner, will feel for others, this will be the basic truth which the manner will get along with people.if your neighbor dont accept it ,you can warn him and make a alert to make him scare...even though it doesnt work ,you should move to another house for your security.....
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Wujinbo I am not worried about our safety just our sanity.
Thank you though. The guy is just a pain in the butt not dangerous as far as I can tell. I also absolutely refuse to move because of a person like that. I will persevere. 

@yangshuai (136)
• China
4 Nov 08
oh,that's really an unfriendly things.though it nothing happen to me.but i can imagine each people happen to it feel upset.just as if a spy staring hard at you each day.i haven't done anything wrong.what's more,that belongs to my private space and action.that really annoys each person.what do they really want to do?they only do this but nothing.don't care about it.i think they will quit after a long they get nothing or any benefits.wish you happy.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
Thank you so much for your sentiments. I hope he stops soon as well. 

@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
4 Nov 08
How horrible!! and to think you have been living next door for years.... its totally unexpected, try to ignore him what else can be done... complaining about our own neighbour would be like inviting trouble for ourselves... hope you can handle the situation well...cheers
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
3 Nov 08
Immediate neighbours like that are H3LL!!!
I'm in a townhouse complex, and I'm happy to say that I get along famously with all of the people in my strip of 7 units.
There are others in this same complex that I cannot say the same about. Most specifically the mother in denial of her hoodlum children. They bully my kids, enough so that I've gotten police involvement as well as making official complaints to the school and counseling for my sons through the school. This too has been going on for years. I've talked to the mother, but she does nothing. Her kids claim innocence, and then issues aren't resolved. It's highly annoying.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
I feel so bad for your sons. Hopefully these people will move away sooner rather than later. 

@zhaosonghan (1039)
• China
4 Nov 08
I really want to say 's' word to your neighbour!I really hate this type of person,selfishness,impudence.If i have a neighbour like this,i must struck him with my fist!This person don't care what you said,you shall treat him as some especial way,calling the cops is not any effect.This type of person is anywhere,if i was you,i would treat him with force a litte.I have ever have one before i moved to this city,he always make me in trouble,i have ever fighted with him because i can't bear it anymore!I am lucky,i moved to another city,i was far away him.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
I really understand what you are saying. But I am not a very big person. This man is in his late 70's. I don't think it would be a good idea to have this become physical.
There is now way I am moving just because of this useless neighbour either. I love my house and neighbourhood.
I will not
surrender to this twit. He will learn what stubborn is by watching us!

@Lexus656 (672)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I have someone like that in my apartment complex. He comes outdside everytime I go outside to smoke and when I go out to walk the dog he is always getting something out of his car it is strange. I think some people are just weird about stuff like that.
@cocooreo (705)
• Malaysia
4 Nov 08
How can that neighbor being so not considerate! I have my inner wear stolen when I dry it at the back of my house but somehow there is somebody often come over my house and steal it away. I suspecting my neighbor but did not have any idea which one. No proof as well.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
5 Nov 08
People are just unbelievable aren't they? I hope you catch to person stealing your clothing so something can be done about it. 

@loxion (1553)
• India
3 Nov 08
Thats what they call "the neighbour from hell", they'll do anything to make sure that they ruin other people's life, is kind like funny because most people who act like this mostly do childish stuff,and when you sit there and watch what they are actually doing you'll probably laugh at some of funny tricks they do.
I think in your situation, this guy is just angry because maybe your dughter realised what he is trying to do and he can see that he don't stand a chance in getting her. I personally think this is some kind of illness, i mean how can you close a driveway so that other people don't use it?, i think there is some unregocnised illness in those kind of people
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
Well the man is in his late 70's so I think it may be dementia setting in. I am not trying to be mean either I really think the man is losing his little marbles.