Obama's Grandmother's Death Mocked By Republicans At Michell Malkin's Blog.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
United States
November 4, 2008 1:11pm CST
Have these people no shame? This is why our country is so divided. How could I every walk hand-in-hand with people who can't even keep their closed-minded opinions to themselves regarding the death of someone's "GRANDMOTHER"?
Gee Whiz!!!!!!!!!
I just happen to see a link for Mitchelle Malkin's Blog and clicked on it.
Michelle Malkin is a Republican commentator. In addition to a widely read blog, Malkin posts regular video blogs. Her weekly syndicated column appears in nearly 200 newspapers and websites. She has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel.
I couldn't believe what I was reading. Here are a few of the comments posted about the death of Barack Obama's "GRANDMOTHER".
"May she not be judged by the daughter and grandson she raised".
"I know, I know, but still it’s hard not to see this as a cynical attempt on his part to win the sympathy vote tomorrow".
"Why is her death news? She stayed out of the media in life. Why now is she in the media"?
"Fox News has had her as their headline the WHOLE day! Like she is even slightly newsworthy. Thanks Fox, give Obama as much of the sympathy vote as possible"…
These are the type of people that we are supposed to reach across the isle and work with.
Well they better forget it. I hope we get complete control of the Senate and Congress and teach these bastxxrds a little humility.
You can read more of their stench and filth at the following link:
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24 responses
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Lloyd, you assume that all those nasty comments you see there are from Republicans. You haven't been on a liberal forum that I've been on that is not bias! There are thousands of Democrats against Obama and they aren't all white, believe me. Besides, Michelle Malkin can't be held responsible for the comments. She has the following disclaimer on her blog:
"Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from michellemalkin.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand. A reminder: Anyone who fails to comply with my terms of use may lose his or her posting privilege."
I do know that she has banned people from commenting. At one time,she shut down commenting because of some radicals that got nasty in their comments.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I assume nothing. I know these nasty comments weren't from Democrats.
I could care less about thousands of Democrats who are against Barack Obama. If they are "gutter rats" then they should be condemned also.
Your comment that Michelle Malkin can't be held responsible for comments on her blog should be the Republican motto.
"We Should Never Be Held Accountable For Anything. It's Always Someone Else's Fault",
Michelle Malkin is the owner of the blog and can edit or delete anything she desires.
Her inaction only proves that she agrees with the comments posted.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
4 Nov 08
"I assume nothing. I know these nasty comments weren't from Democrats."
You have absolutely no way to know who they were.
"I could care less about thousands of Democrats who are against Barack Obama. If they are "gutter rats" then they should be condemned also."
But you would never condemn a Democrat that had awful things to say about McCain, right? They are definitely out there saying VERY nasty things on Gretawire.com!
"Your comment that Michelle Malkin can't be held responsible for comments on her blog should be the Republican motto."
No, actually that should be the Democratic motto. There is a video out there that you should watch. Someone has captured the befores and after of Obama - very interesting to hear with all his remark brought to one video.
"We Should Never Be Held Accountable For Anything. It's Always Someone Else's Fault",
"Michelle Malkin is the owner of the blog and can edit or delete anything she desires."
Sure she can, but she gives everyone the ability to speak their piece as long as they don't talk nasty. She actually believes in FREEDOM of Speech - something that the OBama campaign doesn't believe in.
"Her inaction only proves that she agrees with the comments posted."
There you go assuming and making a judgment against Michelle. If you read her blog much, you will see she lets ALL derogatory comments stand unless they are nasty with ugly talk.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Nov 08
That is such bullshyt that some people are so disgusting! Today was the first time I have ever went to vote and paid attention to only the (D) behind the name. I have been an Independent for as long as I have voted and never done this before today but, I am so repulsed by the Republicans this year.
These are the people that are a part of "family values" party! What a friggin joke!!!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Can you imagine what people outside of the United States think when they read such hatred?
They have to ask themselves, "How dare the United States ask us to be a model of their type of Democracy"?
I truly hope that this election puts a nail in the coffin of the Republican Party as we know it.
They've shown their true colors over the last 2 years and it's nothing to be proud of.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I am so happy to say that I know a lot of Republicans that are turning Independents or Democrats.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
4 Nov 08
And these are the same people who criticize anybody lampooning the very lampoonable Sarah Palin??????
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
4 Nov 08
When I read this post, I thought you meant that John McCain and Sarah Palin said disgusting things about Obama's grandmother and you gave me the idea that they were the nasty ones who wrote what you consider filth. I do agree with what Rooster said, that Obama should have brought his family to have one last visit with his grandmother. In fact, that would have really endured him to the voters.
Also if you wanted that only nice things to be said about Obama and his family, you are in favor of censorship. I do not like insulting people either, but I like the idea of censorship even less. And people should have the right to disapprove of Obama's actions and motives just as much as you dislike the motives of McCain or Palin, but do you really wish that your demigod not get insulted or blamed for anything?
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Why do you and other people feel that you have the right to tell Barack Obama how to run his personal life?
It's a decision to be made between he and his wife. He knows what's best for his own family during a critical time like this.
It's not censorship, it's called being decent. Let Barack Obama's Grandmother and the Great-Grandmother of his childrent "REST IN PEACE".
What's so difficult about that concept?
You can pick on Barack and Mitchell all you want, but leave his Grandmother out of the equation.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Right now, we still have freedom of speech. And Michelle was allowing that on her blog, nothing else. I've seen her ban some mean people from her blog,and she took commenting down at one time. I think Lloyd is for censorship because you never hear him take any democrats to task for the nasty things they've said about McCain and especially Gov. Palin. I've noticed even Obama making fun of people if he doesn't like what they said, i.e., case of Joe the Plumber. He and Biden both cut down Joe, and Joe only asked a questions ,and the democrats went after him hot and heavy. Then, Biden got asked some hard questions on the TV program in Florida, and the campaign quickly locked them out from any other interviews simply because they didn't like the questions. But, did we hear anything but criticism when the liberal commentators went after Palin? Not one good word. This game should work both ways.
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@dvschic (1795)
• United States
4 Nov 08
but in all fairness, she didn't say those things, people said those things on her blog. she didn't erase them, so she's condoning it, but she didn't say them. she doesn't actually say that much if you read her blog, its all postings from other sites and comments from the idiots that bother to read her smut.
from her bio:
"I’m a mother, wife, blogger, conservative syndicated columnist, author, and Fox News Channel contributor. My other blog is Hot Air."
that sums it up. she's full of hot air
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
Mitchelle Malkin knows what is being written on her own blog. It reflects her own opinions.
Hopefully she will be sent out to pasture with all the other hate-mongers.
She adds nothing to the betterment of American society and therefore should be relagated to just being an afterthought.
She sucks, her blogs sucks and that's the bottom line.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I just find it so outrageous that people would make these types of comments about someone who has played such an important role in Barack Obama's life and is not here to defend herself.
What did she ever do to deserve this? Barack Obama can't respond. Mitchell Obama can't respond.
Someone has to say how vile these comments are.
Enough is enough.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
4 Nov 08
People are ignorant. They love to show just how ignorant they are by posting on blogs and places like myLot. I would love to think that the majority of American's are fair-minded, caring and have a degree of dignity; that is not the case, though. Most of us are no better than a pit full of belly-crawling snakes.
Thankfully, we are not all that way. I already cast my vote for Obama last week. I am looking forward to having a Democrat for President, Vice-President, Governor and on down. All my votes went to Democrats this time; I think I will never vote for another Republican again.
You would think the party that pretends to be all for individual freedom, God and Country would at least keep up the act 24/7. But no, they are some of the most narrow-minded, low-brow, ignorant people I have ever met or come across.
I, too, hope we (Democrats) get complete control of the Senate and Congress; I just don't think it will teach them anything. I think they are incapable of learning; besides, when it's all over, they will attempt to rewrite the facts, anyway.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
People are ignorant, but I can't believe how ignorant they really are.
I've witnessed so many diplorable comments made by those on the right, I sometimes wonder what is their real agenda.
What do they expect to accomplish by these attacks?
There ought to be more people on the Republican side condemning these types of comments.
They've really crossed the line this time.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Personally, this is so sad that there are people out there like this, and the Republicans are getting so Cruel anymore, it is not funny. I honestly could never be a Republican anymore, and I am a Christian even. For me, the Republicans had no heart at all, and will be judged on their thoughts and actions as well. For them to constantly be saying things like this is interesting for sure. Someday it could come back to haunt them as well. No matter what though, Obama won so maybe some of the Bad stuff will Stop.
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I have received so much e-,ail from my friends who are Republicans and every bit of it has been shameful to the degree I have asked them to not send me anything else. My Democratic friends have sent nothing down grading McCain.
I had received on Saturday morning an e-mail suggesting that Obama didn't got o Hawaii to see an ailing grandmother, because it was a ruse so he could do something about his non existent birth certificate. I have to wonder how those insensitive boobs feel now that she has passed away. I wonder what they will dream up next.
This has been the trashiest campaign on the part of the Republicans I have EVER seen. I hope Obama and the Democrats trash them today!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
4 Nov 08
It's almost as if the Republicans have lost their collective minds. What in the hell is going on with them?
This obsession with Barack Obama's birth certificate is just rediculous. Barack Obama would have to be the world's greatest con man in order to pull that one off.
They are just grasping at straws. I hope the Republican Party do some self-reflection after this election and ask themselves what in the hell were we thinking.
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
5 Nov 08
It is really sikening. My heart goesout to Obama and his family right now however it did not affect my vote, I voted for him because 1. he will be a damn good president and 2. I am a democrat. My prayers are with the family of Barrak Obama and his family.People like Michelle Malkin make me completely sick.
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
7 Nov 08
That is so wrong about the sympathy voting thing. What in the work was this person thinking about. Those republicans are just mad that they lost and this is the excuse that they used. His grand mother passing was not the reason that he won. He won cause unlike the republicans, they are not people, people. Obama came out to chill with the people to let them know.
I'm really no different than you. Just cause I'm running for president let me tell you my story. And yes, his story was similar to other people. That is how he won the race and votes. The republicans don't like to mingle with people that are not in there circle. That is where they went wrong and lost the race. Ha, Ha, Had they done it a little different they just might have pulled if off for McCain to have a win.
Some times people can say all the wrong things. That is what this person done all the wrong things. Yet anyway Obama is still the winner an that can't be changed no matter what they say about him now. He is the next president of the United States of America. A black one at that

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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
5 Nov 08
If you think it's so bad Lloyd, Why do you insist on spreading it. I don't read MM's blog and I don't read HuffPost. But there are and have been just as vile things on that site. You are just looking for reasons to hate, as usual. Just get over it.
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@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I'm with you Lloyd. There was no need for such a comment or such judgement for that matter. A person should be responsible for their own ideals and actions and thoughts. What my husband believes is up to him. I don't deny him such a privilage. But to blatently suggest that Grandma is less because of whom her family is? That is terrible. Don't judge me for whom I know or are related to. If you must judge me, judge me for me. Don't take it out on me when I am long gone either. If you have something to say and aren't ashamed to say it, say it to me now.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
4 Nov 08
I have never seen that website before and frankly I was disgusted with the people's posts there. I have never read such crap from people... such heartlessness, such coldness, such bigotry and hate... makes me furious.
I wonder at who these people are. Are they really Americans like me and you?
Is this what we have degenerated down to.
This kind of divisive rhetoric is what the talking heads like Rush and even the McCain-Palin campaign have caused because of their lies and their petty attacks...
Fanning the fires of bigotry, fear and hate...
They should be ashamed, very much ashamed of themselves...
And this Michellle too for allowing this to occur on her website.
Bad, very bad dishonorable conduct, unbecoming of any American or of any human being in general, obnoxious and evil!!!!

@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I blame those who made the comments and those who engendered the hostility which triggered those comments. There were many things that would have been better left unsaid by the two candidates and by those who were their supporters and handlers... all of those emails, the robo calls, the fear mongering and hate inciting...
And most of all the us vs. them thinking which splits us and makes us less strong as a Nation...
There was too much bad mouthing... perhaps on both sides of the aisle and too much fear mongering...
I personally have seen and heard far to much of it...
I do not think that people need to tell lies about other people or to use loaded and incorrect labelling in order to attempt to get votes.
Nor do I believe that it is appropriate to point the finger at someone and call him a name when you yourself are engaging in the behavior you are condemning.
These things do not need to be done by anyone.
I do not condone it on either side.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Now come on. Don't blame this on anyone other than the creeps who posted the comments. What McCain and Palin have said in the campaign needed saying. Obviously the news media wasn't interested in giving facts.

@hardworkingmom (1130)
• United States
5 Nov 08
To be honest I can't read this chic's blog, because I'll get very very offendent. I'm a person who tries to think on every color, ethic ground, and anything that is different from what I beleive or come from. I feel like this if they feel like Mr. Obama had the experience of both worlds so to speak. And I think everyone can or try to learn and think outside the box. I just pray for this Michelle person to find some kind of guidance in her life and a real reality check.
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@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
22 Dec 08
Well ne matter what she said barack obama won! My husband supported him since the beginning. My mother in-law was for clinton but she changed to obama when she got to know him better on the media. As for me, I am not a citizen so I couldn't vote for him. But fortunately he didn't need my vote.
Some republicans are so close minded. I was shocked when i read what this woman said. But again it doesn't matter, Obama is the next president of the US. He will restore America's image in the world and I hope he will be able to deliver universal health care.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
5 Nov 08
These people are idiots. Please do not judge all republicans on a few comments. (Besides what proof is that they are republicans. Maybe they're independents. Maybe they're not registered at all.)
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
12 Jan 09
Not really related to the discussion but since your 'i'm leaving' discussion somehow disappeared I thought I might try it this way. It's too bad that you felt you had to leave mylot but you seem to still check up on us every so often. What have you been up to? Wasn't it you who will go to the inauguration on the invitation of a friend? Are you ready to go? Hope you have fun! And please check back with us and let us know how it was real live and up front;)