Damn Hospital!!!!
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
November 4, 2008 11:24pm CST
Oh this hospital aggravates the hell out of me!! UGH!! Again I had to raise hell with them to get what she needs!! She's been in a great deal of pain all day long and nothing was being done about it!! Excuses after excuses until I finally blew up THEN and only then do they get off their @sses and do something about it!! The doctor ordered some x-rays to see what the problem was and mom waited and waited and waited some more, I'm talking hours!! I decided to go outside for a moment then thought, why not go to x-ray to find out what the hold up was, it was closed but the door was ajar so I went inside. There was a security guard there and I explained the deal and she took me back to talk to the x-ray tech and he said he didn't see her name on the computer!! Oh talking about being hot to trot!! Then the security guard said that usually when an order is put in, she'd be done during the day!! As it was, the tech was there to do emergency room cases. Not anymore!! He's to do mom tonight or I'm not leaving!! Then I went outside to cool off for a few minutes and then I marched my tail upstairs and lo and behold!! There was the x-ray tech wheeling mom out of her room!! When mom got back, she was in tears. I went to find the nurse and told her she's crying because of the pain and she needs something done NOW. She said she had to wait for the results and get the doctors orders before she can do anything so we waited and waited and I went to find the nurse to see what the deal was and she said she still didn't have the results, same ole story (bullsh!t story) so I talked to another nurse and she gave me a rash of sh!t and that's when I really blew up!! She called the head nurse and she comes in and tries to give us a line of sh!t which I wouldn't listen to because I knew what it all was and I told her that mom was treated badly EVERY damn time she comes here and we'd go elsewhere if we could but since we can't, I'm NOT taking this sh!t for mom is here for you guys to take care of her so do your damned jobs!! She called the doctor on call at the hospital and had him come up and give the results!! and then give her some pain medicine because the morphine wasn't cutting it at all!! Now he was able to give the results because x-ray was taking their damned time in putting it in the computer!! What the hell?!?! Is it that I have to stand right there with them to make them do their damned jobs?!?! I will if that's what it takes!! My mother is laying in the damned bed in total agony and no one seems to give a damn!! Well guess what? I GIVE A DAMN!! Afterall, she is MY MOTHER!! Hubby and I didn't leave till she got her shot in the iv so now she's cared for!! It should NOT be this way but damn it all, if that's what it'll take then so be it!!
As it is now, there isn't anything wrong but the doctor suspects the pain is from the large stint that they put in. I'm thinking it's a combination of the stint and the infection because it's the same kind of pain she had before when she fell and broke her pelvis she had the same infection and she'd hold her side when the pain grabbed her. But now she should be resting comfortably as she should've been all along damn it!! Oh the nerve of these low lifes!! ARG!!!! 

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10 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Wow, I am glad to hear that finally your mom got some relief..
The problem with hospitals, there are too many people that work awful hours, I know this because a friend of mine is a emergency nurse and her hours are terrible..I don't know if it is because a shortage of nurses that they have to work 24-48 hours straight instead of 8 hour shifts..Maybe someone who works in a hospital can give you better info..
This is why my husband hates it when he is in the hospital and I am not there the whole time..The reason I am not is because the few times he was in was when I had little ones and no babysitter..I was there as much as I could, but the times I was there, he didn't complain..And then after he was home, he would complain how I wasn't there or help him..
Anyways, I hope that your mom gets out of there soon, I don't like hospitals either, I always felt that a person heals better in their own environment at home..

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Oh yeah, I remember having pain like that, when it hits it wakes you up, different reason than your mom, but I do know it..I am sorry that she is in so much pain, and they let her go home while still in a lot of pain? Did they give you any tips to help relieve it or what she can do other than taking pain pills to get through this?
You are right about when they take this job, that is required, though like I said, I have no ideas why..I don't have the stomach for blood, but if I did, I still wouldn't want to get a job where I work that many hours..I would look somewhere where the hours are not so bad, but that is me, I have to have my sleep..
As for my husband, I rather not talk about him, I started a vent on him and started getting attacked, even though I explained all I could without going into too much details. I have had problems before when I vent, but usually when I go into detail, (because venting causes you to say things out of context or misunderstood, and because of anger, saying things wrong), the person then understands and we go on our way..So I am avoiding that post now and hope it disappears, all I needed was to let go of some anger because some situations I can't do that at home, but mylot is a good place to do that..And sometimes I get someone who helps me see it in a different light, but that wasn't the case this time..

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
No they haven't because they don't care! They didn't care for her before and it's no different now. She does have a good family doctor so maybe he'll be able to help her out.
I understand and won't say any more about your situation. It has to be hard on you so I'll hush up!! LOL
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Actually she didn't get relief. All it did was make her sleepy. Every time the pain grabbed her she'd wake up in agony. She's going home in a little bit and is getting a prescription for pain killers and dad will get it filled on the way home.
No pun intended here ok? But, there's no excuse for how people are treated in the hospitals because people go in for a reason and they put their faith in the hands of the medical staff. If they can't do their jobs then they need to go find another one. Too many people are getting hurt or killed due to neglagence and that's just not right. These people knew what the job entailed before they took it. Grant you, I do feel for them because they do have awful hours but they knew this before taking the job on.
Your husband sounds like a self centered idiot. How does he expect you to be there when you have babies at home? Does he think you can pull out a babysitter from your rear end? Or does he think your kids can handle being alone? What's wrong with him? Can't he defend himself?
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I would have been calling the CEO and the Hospital Board members. I would have been raising nine kinds of hell. What was done or not done to help your mom was not right. I would be asking how to file a complaint against the hospital. I also would have been calling my lawyer in. A few threats to sue might have pushed things along. What is the name of this awful hospital? Where is it located?
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I would have also called the local newspaper and news media stations. I would have made this incident extremely public so all the town knew what was going on. The hospital would hate to receive bad publicity.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Oh trust me, I'm going to be doing something that's going to be raising some STINK!! I've so HAD it with these people!! They have a terrible terrible reputation and I wonder WHY!!
It's called Danville Regional Hospital in Danville Virginia. It's one of the worst there is!!

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I'm so ticked off that I forgot to tell you, she's going home in a little bit. The pain shot didn't help last night. All it did is make her sleepy and when the pain would grab her she'd wake up in agony. She's getting a prescription of pain killers and dad will get it filled on the way home. I swear, I'm going to be snow white before this is all over!!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I am so sorry!! I would contact the hospital administration! There is no sense in all of this. I am glad you finally had gotten her taken care of. I hope she is feeling better today! I would also give the Dr. a heads up on what has happened. It is a shame that she cannot be treated better than that.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Oh they've been contacted before when mom broke her pelvis and they were able to get things right for us then but then when she comes back, it's the same ole thing again and again. I did call for the patient advocate last night but by the time I left, they hadn't shown up but I bet they did this morning though! I'm going to find out who the president of the hospital is and I'm going to file a complaint because enough is enough!!
She's going home in a little bit. She said the pain shot she got last night didn't do any good, all it did is make her sleepy and when the pain grabbed her it woke her up. What good did that do? Sheesh!! She's getting a prescription filled on the way home, or dad will get it for her so hopefully this one will do some good.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Hopefully she is home and feeling better. I would try doing that and if I did not get any real satisfaction, I would write an open forum in the paper. People should realize what is going on, and I still would report them to her insurance.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Friend, do not waste your time being angry here. Look up the state Board of Healing Arts, and very articulately tell them what happened, both this time and the previous time. You may also see an office in the hospital labeled OMBUDSMAN. I hope so. The Ombudsman is there to advocate for the consumer/patient. At any rate, I would go to the top with my complaints. I know that medical facilities get rated on quality of care and pain management. You need to find a place to hit them where it hurts.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Thank you very much GG!! I've never heard of OMBUDSMAN but I will be checking into it and I'm going to be looking for the president of the hospital too. I want the media in it as well, the more pubicity I get the better for enough is enough.
BTW, mom is home and today she's feeling a lot better however, she's so worn out. She still has pain but it's not as bad as it was so that's a good thing!
• Myanmar
6 Nov 08
study chinese medicine and know more knowledge about the health.
so you do not need the doctor again.do not trust the hospital or doctor and trust yourself, if you want to get some advice on keeping health ,i can give you some advice on it.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Thanks very much but mom being almost 73, I doubt she'll want to go that route. I will check it out just out of curiosity for I love learning new things especially about cultures of other countries because I find it very interesting. Thanks!!
@NaHCO3 (106)
• China
8 Nov 08
during the intermship,i felt.
therefore , i have insisted on the work of less than ten days
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Damm, Damm, Damm, What the Heck!! Do they know who they are messing with. Do they know what you will do to them. They have no idea how bad you would like to clean someones crock. UGH!!!!!! I do hope and pray that things get better for everyone. Your mom should not have to suffer any pain, thats shameful on their part. Keep raising hell, they will get it together. Good luck, hun.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Oh trust me, they're going to remember who we are!! The last time she went in, a nurse walked in her room and said "You?! You're back here again?!" and then turned around and walked out of the room and never returned!! What the hell is up with that?? Damn they know how to piss me off!! I wish I knew who this gal was for I'd be more than happy to give her a piece of my mind!! And then I'd report her butt!!
Anyway, mom is going home in a little bit. The pain shot didn't do her any good. All it did was make her sleepy and when the pain grabbed her she'd wake up in agony. She's getting a prescription of pain killers and dad will get it filled on the way home so hopefully this will work for her. My name just might get changed to snow white before this is all over with!!
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
6 Nov 08
You GO girl! That's giving it to them! I don't blame you for getting ticked off. That's ridiculous! It's good that your mom has you there to help her out. But you shouldn't have to....those idiots should be doing their jobs more effectively and efficiently. Sometimes I wonder why people get into that profession. It certainly isn't because they care about their patients. Hugs to you sweetie.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Nov 08
LOL Thanks Kat!! Oh man was I hot to trot when I found out how long she had been waiting then to find out she wasn't even in the damned computer!! Ohhhhh man!! Things started happening right off the bat and then quit again, like they're trying to fool me!! DID NOT WORK!! lol I'd like to kick some @$$ when it comes to my mother!! She better be treated good and right or someone is going to catch hell from me!! 

@di1159 (1580)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I'm so sorry to hear about your awful experiences! First of all, I hope your mom gets the medication she needs and feels better soon. Secondly, just to let you know you are not alone! I've had several hospital experiences which seemed surreal. It felt more like a jail than an actual hospital. Nurses seem overworked and short on patience. I know it's not any one person's fault, but no one wants to do anything! They won't give any medications until approved by the doctor (who is never available). I suppose the hospital has the fear of lawsuits being filed against them and take many unnecessary steps in order to protect themselves. Our entire medical system is in need of a great overhaul. With so many technological advances, so many medications, so many options, it seems that when it comes down to basic care, we've regressed to Medieval times. I hope not to see the inside of a hospital for a very long time.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I can't agree with you moe di1159!! It's really terrible!! It's become a thing of all for them and none for you!! Everybody is nothing but a damned dollar sign and that's pretty darn sad!! Like I told the nurse who told me she couldn't do anything until the doctor ok'd it, I told her then go find the damned doctor!! And that this is MY mother and I'm NOT having it!! That's when the head nurse showed up and things started happening!! As they say, the squeeky wheel gets the grease!! lol
She's going home in a little bit. The shot they gave her didn't help her but made her sleepy. When the pain grabbed her she'd wake up in agony. She's getting a prescription of pain killers and dad will get it filled for her on their way home.
@gardenstategreg (175)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am not sure what you mean by stint or do you mean a shunt that they insert into the spine or something anyway sometimes medical care can be slow or it can be fast but in this case it sounds like they were non responsive to your mothers needs and cared more about the people who had more serious issues but you know what I want to know? who in he11 decides to make these kinds of calls esp if it is someone older then you also I don't think it is right for incompetence to have a place in a medical center esp since they need to act on a more professional level with courteous, prompt, and thorough care each and every time
but another thing to consider is unless your mother does not have a weakened immune system to ward off the infection caused by the stint, shunt or whatever you could possibly be looking at a possible lawsuit against the hospital for failure to treat the infection by allowing it to get so out of hand that a heavy amount of morphine or valium is needed to knock her out
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