The first thing that elected President Obama should do is...

@impexp (246)
November 5, 2008 6:55am CST
We welcome the new USA President Obama! It's not easy to win this election, however this is only the first step of the long march.Everybody wonder what changes would this new president bring to USA and the world.So to your own benefit,what is the very first thing that you expect President Obama to do?
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3 responses
@nilugo (348)
• Singapore
5 Nov 08
I hope he will try to bring peace and harmony in the world. And end the war against Iraq.
• China
5 Nov 08
i am not American , but as the first prisident as a black man , i think every one is looking at him and want to know what he can bring to USA and the world
@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
5 Nov 08
what i want him to do is bring order in this country , our situation is fuking ridiculous lol and for the uph teenth time bring the troops home and let the locals fight their own war , bring more jobs to the people like myself ..JUST GET THE JOB DONE
@impexp (246)
• China
5 Nov 08
The whole situation would be better,I'm sure.Just be patient,dear.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Nov 08
I would say every body is waiting for their piece of the pie. The redistributing the wealth! I guess that if we are going to be socialist, lets go all in. But he will probably re-enact the Fairness Doctrine so that the Conservative sector will be shut up.
@impexp (246)
• China
5 Nov 08
haha,I just expect you to be the next president,then change USA in the socialism.