did your kids keep their rooms clean and at what age will they start to clean ?
By annjilena
@annjilena (5618)
United States
November 6, 2008 5:25am CST
i think at 17 years old they should keep there room clean my son is living like a dog in his room iam sick of it everything in house is clean except his room.he have pulled the curtain down and plates all in the room i got mad this morning about this room i told him to get up clean this room before going to school or get out my house i refuse to live under those condition he is just lazy and have the nerve to invite people to that nasty room.what does this say about him? do you have this problem with your children.
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28 responses
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
6 Nov 08
This almost seems age appropriate behavior and is probably one fight you will never win. All you can sometimes do is close the door and forbid food in the room, at least with no food you will not get vermin and insects in there. I have heard one parent that had the door removed until the room is presentable, but I do not know how effective this is.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
you know what iam going to take the door down tomorrow while he is in school when he return the door will be gone no privacy until the room is clean this is a good idea thank a lot.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
Good luck with that. The door comes off with the removal of the hinge pins with a hammer and flat screwdriver, takes about 2 minutes off and a few more minutes to put it back.. Sounds like lisa in the previous post stripping the room of everything but a bed and dresser also had to resort to drastic measures. Maybe you will have to do that too. Sometimes teens can be stubborn though.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Nov 08
i removed that door to his nasty room it is expose guess what he been cleaning it all day he went to wash his clothes today it worked he is imbrassed how his room looks when the door is open he was mad but i dont care he will get over it thanks again
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
6 Nov 08
Kids learn from their parents. If the parent is clean and tidy with their room, then chances are the child will be also. If you are a slop and allow your child to be the same until he/she is 17 - God help Yon! There is no way on Earth you can train that child to be clean and tidy. This is not about laziness, it more about family tradition, and life style. All families have different standards. Its as simple as that!
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
sorry thats not always true iam very clean i adopted my son so this has no barren between me and the child sorry.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
7 Nov 08
No, that may be true in some cases but not in mine. My husband and I both are very tidy people. Everyroom in the house (including the basement) will be spotless except for the kids room unless I break down and clean it myself.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I and my ex husband heve come from mothers that didn't keep clean houses. but I learned to be fairly clean about the house. My grandmother would streighten out my and my brother's drawers( we lived with her for a time. My drawer was always a mess and his very neat. We were 8(me and him 5. I have raised 4 kids of my own and 2 are neat and 2 are clutter bugs. I have also raised 2 grandchildren. When my grandson was s,all he kept his room fairly good but his sister older was always a mess. They are now 20 and 22(we live together)His room looks like a trash dump and just in the last month she has really cleaned up her room and started keeping it clean. I tried once to shame him by asking one of his friends about their room and his friend said his room looked the same. It is a thing that you will struggle with until they are ready to clean it and keep it clean. I am just now getting him to clean up after himself in the kitchen. He does his own laundry. So I believe it will come in time.(I hope)
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
well i surely hope so i think you have to care about where you live nobody wants to live as a animal in the woods never have anything hung up in his clothes and have plenty of nice clothes that need to be on a hanger.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
i know he is old enough iam not cleaning behind a adult who is just lazy and don,t respect where he lives.he going to have to do better because iam done with this i don,t have small children to pick up behind so he got to clean are get out iam sorry. food bags in the room he and his friends had just nasty
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Not right to think oh Mom will do it when she gets tired of looking at it.
We had a girl living with us once that kept open soup cans in her chest of drawers . and different food every wher I ended up one night dumping it all on her bed she had to clean up to sleep!
after that was soon she moved out thank goodness
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
11 Nov 08
I think you have taken the right stand on your own son. He should be made responsible to clean his mess and put his room in order. I admire you for being firm.
© ronaldinu 2008
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
12 Nov 08
after telling him so many many time you get tired so you have to do something with this situation the door is off he cleaned the room and it still is back like it was lasted one day he is living like a pig i think he really don,t care about where he lives.i told him if he doesn,t do better he have got to leave here and i mean it thank you for sharing
@eddie42 (270)
• United States
9 Nov 08
my kids was mess and did ot want to clean it seem the more i talked the worse they got they have gotten a little better there is still room for improvenment.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
11 Nov 08
that good at least they have gotten a little better who knows evenually they will get it down packed and be able to do it without you asking then too.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
my child is just two years old but i can see now that my wife is giving him not so hard chores. such as putting back his toys and fixing his pillows. i know as he grows older my wife will let him fold his clothes and eventually clean or share some chores. i too make a share with the chores so i think i am a good example 

@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Nov 08
at least he trys my son is 17 and he is lazy he just really got like that he act as if he don,t care about nothing he has to start caring it will get him in trouble i really worry about him the sort of attutide he has is not good.thank you for sharing your son is very handsome
@celestial052506 (2914)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
yes indeed specially mu boy. He is still 11 years old but he will not made his bed every time he wake up in the morning. Just jump down from bed and left if messy. I always tell him to even fold his sheets but he is like deaf. Maybe this is normal with boys. I also have a 9 year old girl and I taught her how to clean, wash dishes and sweep the floor. It's really important for our kids to know how to keep their things in place. Boys are really nasty.. hahahaha.. it;s just nothing to them. Yes they are not embarrassed to let their friends see their nasty room.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
i know he is old enough iam not cleaning behind a adult who is just lazy and don,t respect where he lives.he going to have to do better because iam done with this i don,t have small children to pick up behind so he got to clean are get out iam sorry. food bags in the room he and his friends had just nasty
@Erssyl (617)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
I thought my son aged 15 and my daughter aged 28 are the best in keeping their room always in a mess.I also have done all the possible tactics so they will learn lessons in keeping their room even putting their things in place.If I clean their room I almost want to lock it so they will not occupy and make it messy again.We have the same problem with my two children.There are really people who can stand that mess it's a good thing my two other children is not like them at least I have someone to help me when they were still with us.But now that they have the family of their own and the two messy people is left with us I wish to leave them alone in the house.If your son is living like a dog mine is living like a pig I'm also sick and tired of them.Hope they will have the life of their own as soon as possible.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Nov 08
iam so happy iam not a lone my son iam not going to clean his room because he is old enough to clean it and we don,t have any one coimg in to clean house iam not washing his clothes either it,s high time he start growing up.
@yeshuakaleo (168)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
I have already 5 year old son. As early as now, i am teaching him simple things to organize things inside the room. I think If you teach him the responsibility, he will learn how to keep his room clean. At the age of 17, he should be responsible and mature enough to clean his own room, or help you out with the household chores.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
7 Nov 08
my kids are 9 and 11, and their room is really a mess... im tired of telling them to atleast put their toys and books in their proper places... but it seems they would only do it, when i am very furious... so most of the time, im still the one doing it...
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Nov 08
don,t give up keep trying to get them to clean their rooms because practice make perfect.let them keep trying until they get it right.please don,t turn out like mys son living like a dog in that room oh my goodness it don,t make any sense.thank you for sharing i appreaciate your responds.
@lavender88 (192)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 08
I think children are all the same every where. You can't live with them but you be lonely too without them. Have you try talking to him. Consult him on the cleaniness of his room. Am sure with proper and strict consultation - he will improve his ways of living. Good luck
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
yes i have many many many times he don,t listen,how can you get up and just pick you clean clothes not out of the basket but out of the floor and try to walk around like you are clean knowing full well you haven,t thought of cleaning your room.
@rlrsktskni (35)
• United States
6 Nov 08
i think a 17 year old has the capability to keep their room clean but not the motivation, usually!
children as young as 5 should be taught to put their toys, books, clothing, etc. where they belong. at school they probably have their own bin for their school items and their teacher probably teaches them put toys up after playtime so they should be able to behave the same way at home.
hopefully, the lessons they learn will carry on into young adulthood.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
he use to try living all over the house i fused so much he got tired of hearing it so now he just keep his room in a big mess.
@shine55555 (213)
• China
7 Nov 08
I have not have any children now. When I was a child, I began to clean my own roon when I was 12 or 13 years old. At that time our family moved to a new house and I had my own room. I love my room, so I clean it every one or two days.
I think is good to make children to clean their room as a habit.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
9 Nov 08
been making him clean for years just all of a sudden he jsut stop cleaning his room and simply not doing anything today i made him wash up all those dirty clothes and he started to clean the room i took his door down in his room he don,t like that because he can,t hide what he do in that room anymore.thanks for sharing i think it,s good you keep your room clean.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
but your son is just 4 and half that is young to clean your room thats good if you have him trained so young.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
6 Nov 08
I try to get my kids to keep their room clean. The youngest is 8, and she too has to clean her room. We have in the past told the kids if they do not clean their room they will lose everything in it. And we have had to do this, we took everything but the bed and dressers out. No toys, t.v.'s, no games no nothing. Completely striped them of everything. They have learned for the most part to keep them clean.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
you did what you had to do you played hard ball with the kids and sometimes you have to do that to get them to listens and do what they suppose to do.keep up the good work it will pay off in a long run.
@nandan62 (3)
• India
6 Nov 08
I am insiting my childrens to do their clean their rooms, cloths and their bed rooms etc. I startd to make them do it by the age of 8 itself. Now they are in the age of 14 and 10 and they do all the works in the house and also help for cooking also. Making them acquestomed to do all the works will make the children more capable as well as to adjust any situation and to manage things.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
i don,t eat his cooking and he can cook but if you see this room you will know why i don,t eat his cooking when he load the diswasher he will not even start it up leave the disher in there over night i told him don,t put pots and pan in the disher guess what they are always in the dishe washer. he is lazy he got fired for being lazy on the job.
@Firefly99 (251)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Do I ever! I have a 15 year old and I have to constantly stay on him about his room! I swear he could live in a garbage dump! I have to keep my bedroom clean always! It has to be clean where I sleep and my kids are the oppisite? Clothes everywhere, i dont know how they tell what is clean and what is dirty? Dirty dishes crammed under their bed and candy wrappers and such everywhere! It is just disgusting! But since school started they have been doing better, My 15 year old has to keep his room clean if he wants to gp anywhere for the weekend and my two younger kids get 5 bucks every friday just for keeping their room clean. Its working so far.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
iam so happy iam not a lone my son iam not going to clean his room because he is old enough to clean it and we don,t have any one coimg in to clean house iam not washing his clothes either it,s high time he start growing up.
• United States
6 Nov 08
I think that most every parent has this problem with their kids at some point. My kids are 11, 9, and 5 and they are responsible for keeping their own rooms clean. The way i get them to do this is not allowing them special privileges until the room is clean. My kids also have other chores around the house like picking up and taking all dirty clothes to the laundry room, loading the dishwasher, etc. I think this helps them to be more responsible. I don't think that him not cleaning his room really says anything about him except that he is lazy and probably does have better things to do with his time than clean his room. I think this is probably normal for a 17 year old boy.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
what better to do is clean where you lay your head this is crazy at least put a sheet on your bed he want even do that how lazy can you be.always want to be talking on the phone iam done i through talking it,s doing no good.how you put on clean clothes and call yourself clean and don,t keep your room clean.
@cookieweber (316)
• Philippines
6 Nov 08
i guess i'm lucky with my kids. my daughter's 14 and she keeps her room neat and tidy all the time. my son is 12 and you would have to remind him fron time to time but he wont complain and he would clean his room when told.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
7 Nov 08
thats great at leat they do as they are told to do if needed