Obama's immense victory!!

November 6, 2008 8:14am CST
What factors do you think were crucial in clinching the win? Did the youth factor play a big role? Care to drop in ur responses!! And a special congratulations to the new President from mylot family members!!
3 responses
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
6 Nov 08
Hello,Savitha! It is not truly the victory of Obama.It is the victory of Democratic party over the Republican Party.Obama won because the American people wanted change in the administration.Obama consolidated the democratic votes and at the same time draw the anti-Bush votes to his side successfully.All the more he is a young and dynamic person.Let us see what he is doing for addressing the economic crisis and Iraq issue.ALL THE BEST TO oBAMA.thanx.
• India
7 Nov 08
Yeah.. Shud wait and watch his next step. But then,I am so excited with his win. And I really don't know y. I am happy that he made it!!
• United States
6 Nov 08
I believe that the youth support was definitely crucial, but it wasn't the only factor. The biggest factor, I believe, was the inclusiveness of his campaign. It was not a campaign for youth, or for African Americans alone. It was a campaign by a principled man who resisted the urge to attack others and had a firm enough grasp on his campaign staff to hold them back from attack tactics. He is steady and calm and presented himself in an adult manner. All of those things factored into his victory in the election.
• India
6 Nov 08
Ofcourse yes!! Saw his speech after he won the elections. Just like how a perfect leader should be Cheers
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
8 Nov 08
Hi dear Hope u must be doing well well to me its not wining of obama or youth. all i would say that is winning of Party. People of USA and well as of world were not happy with the policies Of Bush, and problem arises due to result of these policies, specially waive of terrorism, economic pproblem Etc. So every one was looking for Major changes and lets see whats going to be his ploicies Regards