Have You Done It? (Rake Leaves) Are You Going To Do It?.... When?
By Chevee
@Chevee (5905)
United States
November 6, 2008 11:45am CST
Have you done it? Are you going to do it? When are you going to do it?I am talking about raking those beautiful fall leaves that have fallen in your yard.
I haven't done it yet. The weather here is just perfect for that task to be done. I don't know why I am putting it off.
Here are a few tips for you if you are going to rake leaves:
1. Stay dry. Rake leaves when they're dry. Wet leaves are heavier, harder to rake, and more slippery. They also can breed mold and mildew, which can make raking unpleasant for allergy sufferers.
2. Watch your footing. Wear shoes with good traction and support to keep you from slipping and falling. Good foot support will also keep your back from tiring as easily.
3. Be aware of your surroundings. Be careful of holes in the ground or objects you can trip and fall on, such as rocks, branches, roots, buried garden tools, or misplaced hoses or lawn ornaments.
4. Heed nature. Look out for insects (especially the stinging kind) and snakes or other critters that might have made the leaves their home. Wear gardening gloves to protect your hands. If there is mold on leaves, trees, or elsewhere in the yard, consider wearing a mask if you have allergies.
[i]Raking leaves is not only good exercise for you, it's good for your lawn; grass that's covered with leaves can't soak up sun, which it needs to grow. Raking also will make the outside of your house safer and prettier. So add raking to your physical activity list and welcome those falling leaves!
[/i]See you guys outside in the yard. Anyone want to help feel free to join me.
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23 responses

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Hubby and I did this work for 3 years and it is a job and a half! Since then we've moved and now I learned a new trick to solve the problem. It is to mow them down with the lawn mower and mulch them up so they can be absorbed into the ground and recycle itself. Why go through all that hard work when it can be made much easier? We wait till a pile have landed on the ground, not a big pile but a pile nonetheless and then when the next pile land, it won't be so much and we mow them as well. We keep doing that until they've all fallen and all are mulched. It's so much easier than raking and bagging them. Another trick is, get a tarp and put the pile onto the tarp and drag it to the curb - if you have curb service. It's much easier raking too!!
Please rate my picture!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I have a mulching lawn tractor and I plan to go over them as soon as the ground dries up. It's been raining here for the last 3 days so I haven't had a chance to do it. My grass needs one last mowing anyway, so I'm just going to mulch the leaves in with it so they will break down and fertilize the ground.
Hopefully, I'll be able to get to that in the next couple of days. The weather is supposed to be really nice in the next day or so and I'm hoping to get as much lawnwork done as possible. I also have some flower bulbs to plant so they'll grow next Spring. I hope I can get to it all!
I'd come over there and help you but, well... it'll probably take every ounce of energy I have to do what I have to do here! Want to come over and help ME? LOL

@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Nov 08
Hey! Maybe you could organize some leaf raking parties? Maybe you have friends or family who could use help, too. Just pick a day for each house and everybody get together and do it. I'd MUCH rather do it like that than do it alone... makes the time go by faster and it seems more like fun than work!
I saw your post about your greedy neighbor so I wouldn't include him in this... maybe it would make him feel bad if he was left out when everyone else was having so much fun!

@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
6 Nov 08
My husband was going to help our landlord with the leaves this weekend, but there is a fallen tree in the yard that was knocked down a couple of weeks ago when we had a storm. the landlord said that he was going to have the other tree cut down, so I guess the raking will be put off until the other tree is cut down. Looking out of the window, the leaves are out of control. the top of the shed is covered completely. Today the leaves are wet, since we had rain yesterday and drizzle today.
@agrant10 (1476)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I have been in my house for about 3 yrs now. I remember when we first got the house I went to lowes and brought a lawnmower a blower and about four rakes. The kids and I would go out and rake the yard on weekeneds and bag up the leaves. I think we might have done this about 3 times and that was it. Now my spouse blows the leaves across the street into the woods.
These are some great tips that you have listed.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I have raked mine a few times so far this yewar.
Today it is windy as heck and this is my yard right now.
I need to rake again and will do so this weekend.
I've mulched some leaves for my flower beds.
Some leaves I've added to my compost bin as well.
Now the last batch will be split between composting and trashing them for pick up.
Good suggestions you've stated here as wqell. Thanks.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I am 8 months pregnant. So I won't be doing it at all this year. But my hubby started this morning. Shortly after he started it began to rain.
We have ALOT of leaves and tress in both front and back. So our nieces and nephews will be called in as recruits. Look forward to watching our daughter jump in the piles.

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
6 Nov 08
I will wait until later in the year to give most of them time to fall, then I will get out there and cut them up with my riding mower. Then I will probably take a blower and clean them off the yard. I will only do this once though. Any leaves that fall after that will lay there until I have to mow the grass the first time in the spring...
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
7 Nov 08
The leaves where I live haven't really fallen yet. The weather was so warm and then it suddenly started snowing. It's like autumn was totally skipped over this year. Totally sucky cuz autumn is my fave season. Maybe if the snow stops for a minute I'll get the chance to rake the leaves, but it doesnt look like it'll let up. Maybe I can shovel the leaves instead. lol. Those are some great tips though. Especially about the insect thing. I always find earwigs when I rake. Ewwww!! Ughh. Just thinking about them gives me the heeby jeebies. bleh. They are so gross.
@wujinbo (341)
• China
7 Nov 08
it really is a good exercise.but for me i will be online.it will drive me crazy....the internet has become my desease of normal.it is a habit to beonline for me when i am wakingup .withoutthe computer,and i dont know what to do,orhow to live my life.it is the computer makes everyone get used to it.....
@Fit_Jaime (23)
• United States
7 Nov 08
YES I have and I am going to again ~ we have a huge maple out front and it is contributing to the entire neighborhood's lawn ~ Raking leaves can burn up to 300 calories in one hour, and me being a trainer I look for fitness in everything. If you can incorporate it into your everyday life it so much easier and can be fun.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I will do it this weekend.
Hubby asked if I could help him like I did last year.
I need to sort things in the house first, then I can help him outside.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Nov 08
i need to rake pine needles and other junk outside in my back area. california recently had a wind storm, and there is a mess outside that i need to clean. it looks terrible, but i keep putting it off due to the computer and other duties i get busy with.
@gimmeadream (43)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I haven't raked yet. The leaves haven't fallen in any great quantity since it is still like Indian summer here. I may rake depending on the wind and the weather.
@ThirdMillion (604)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I raked a little earlier this year and got tired of it quick. I have a huge yard with a ton of trees and the rake just wasn't getting it done. I went out and bought one of those big leaf blowers that you wear on your back like a backpack. Now this is great! I can do my entire fornt yard in an hour or so with this blower and it took me about half a day with the rake. What a great investment. If you have a lot of leaves, I recommend giving one of these a try. :)
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I live in a condo and the maintenance guy has a big mower that blows the leaves into the bagger. he seems to go over it several times as the leaves come down as there are lots of trees around here. However he seems to neglect the patio areas so my leaves had accumulated so much I raked them all to the main area where he ran over them with the mower. I took advantage of a warm spell the last 3 days so it was nice out and I also covered up the BBQ and covered up the air condtioner. I also swept the patio and put away the patio furniture. I guess this was my last opportunity as rain is forecast for the weekend.