With Friends Like Fox News...
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 6, 2008 6:20pm CST
Sarah Palin had really better just hang it up, I'm afraid! In all honesty, I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen this reported on MSNBC or CNN, but FOX??
She didn't know that Africa is a continent, not a country; she didn't know what were in the North American Free Trade Agreement. Assuming these things are true - and Fox said so, so doesn't that guarantee it to any conservatives who are reading this - is there anyone who still thinks she was remotely qualified to be the Vice President of the United States? It also appears that she spend even more than the widely reported $150,000 on clothing and accessories for herself and her family, some of the items purchased are now missing and that RNC attorneys are headed for Alaska to investigate. Another especially "juicy" report has Palin appearing wearing only a towel around her body and another around her wet hair when when aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter visited her at her St. Paul hotel room to brief her.
I can't argue with people from both sides of the aisle who say we haven't sen the last of Sarah Palin, and I saw how when she arrived back home in Alaska late last night she was greeted by supporters urging her to run for President in 2012. I hope they also urge her to do more studying and less shopping!
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17 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
7 Nov 08
"is there anyone who still thinks she was remotely qualified to be the Vice President of the United States?"
Never have never will. I don't think the small portion of ultra conservatives have the ability to ever elect her. Well maybe if she promised to do the same thing in Alaska with the oil companies she might pick up a few votes, but, not from me lol
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
7 Nov 08
uh huh lol Although you know when Republicans do socialism it's not socialism...it's for the better of the people...yeah yeah that's it
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@xandercordy1 (296)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Nope she is definitely not qualified. And if she's going to run in 2012 she better be a quick study because she definitely has a lot to learn. Let's start with teaching her that a wink only gets you so far. That wink may have worked for a few months but then she started opening her mouth more and more and pretty soon she wasn't America's sweetheart anymore.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
7 Nov 08
For eight years the world has been making fun of Dubya's ignorance on even important matters, and it is now apparent that political analysts are putting him down as the worst president in history. Now here's Palin demonstrating the same basic sort of ignorance. I know we can't expect every leadership candidate to have advanced education or even advanced intelligence, in any country, but surely a basic grasp of facts and a modicum of intelligence should be necessary.
But then it wasn't with Dubya, why should we expect it of anyone else?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Your willingness to believe this garbage from nameless sources just shows that you're no better than the morons who believe Obama is a muslim terrorist. You're so willing to subscribe to the belief that Bush is ignorant and yet you fail to realize he got his MBA from Harvard, the same school Obama went to.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I didn't care much for Palin. However, I think the press should just GET OFF HER BACK!!! I feel she was USED by the Republican party as a pawn in their plan to get McCain into the White House. Now that the plan failed miserably, they want to blame her for their loss. Our press has become like bottom feeders who look for the worst in everyone. Not one of them could live up to the standards they hold up for others. The Republican party used her & she used them back. I find that hilarious. Think about it...had she worn her soccer mom clothes while campaigning, the press would have eaten her alive & the American public would NOT have accepted her at all. I think ALL these anonymous sources should be outed & prosecuted if they lied. We as the American public have become so pious as to pounce upon any badmouthing we read. We used to be able to trust the press. I find that no longer to be the case. It would be easy for me to say you are wrong if I don't have to back up my claim with fact by hiding behind the press. If I were being held accountable for my accusations, I would probably be much quieter. Before badmouthing anyone, I look into my own life & ask have I done any better???
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Thanks for a very thorough and thoughtful response! You made enough good points for me to decide to go through it point by point.
"I feel she was USED by the Republican party as a pawn in their plan to get McCain into the White House. Now that the plan failed miserably, they want to blame her for their loss."
I think you're absolutely right about that, they really did use her.
"Our press has become like bottom feeders who look for the worst in everyone. Not one of them could live up to the standards they hold up for others. The Republican party used her & she used them back. I find that hilarious."
I agree she used the Republicans back but I'm not personally so inclined to blame the media completely for what they report. Now, if it were to come out that they've made up the stories that have been circulating lately, allegedly from McCain campaign staffers, I'd eat my words in a heartbeat; for now, I feel they're just dong what they do - looking for a story that will sell papers or magazines or draw in viewers.
"Think about it...had she worn her soccer mom clothes while campaigning, the press would have eaten her alive & the American public would NOT have accepted her at all."
Here's where we really disagree; I'm not saying she should have campaigned wearing tattered jeans and sloppy sweatshirts, which I'm certainly NOT saying that's how she "normally" dresses, but there is something in between wearing clothing worth more than many Americans spend in an entire lifetime for clothes from the most high-end, expensive stores in the world and wearing the kind of outfits the typical soccer or hockey mom may wear when she takes her kids to practice everyday. Had she said in one of her early speeches something like, "I came here from Alaska without much notice so I had to do some clothes shopping at Target (or Wal-Mart or K-Mart)" or "I just came back from J.C. Penney's where I got some great buys on sale". That wouldn't have made me vote for her and McCain based on the issues but I think that would have made lots of women feel they could really relate to her.
"I think ALL these anonymous sources should be outed & prosecuted if they lied."
Without even getting into the First Amendment issue I'll just say that's a very tall order indeed!
"We as the American public have become so pious as to pounce upon any badmouthing we read. We used to be able to trust the press. I find that no longer to be the case. It would be easy for me to say you are wrong if I don't have to back up my claim with fact by hiding behind the press. If I were being held accountable for my accusations, I would."
I think this is again a case of blaming the media and I think you're implying that journalists should be forced to reveal their sources. Do you know how may important stories never would have been broken if they didn't have that protection? There are good and bad journalists and it's our responsibility to do our best to figure out the difference. In the case of Sarah Palin vs. the Media I think it just might all come out in the wash eventually.
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Nov 08
In all fairness, I suspect the 'didn't know that Africa was a continent, not a country' was an extension of a different statement. According to one of the Newsweek reporters, Palin had asked one of her handlers a question about whether South Africa was a country or just the southern region of Africa. As far as that goes, I can see the question making perfect sense if she was asking for a clarification of a question - do you mean the southern region of Africa when you say South Africa?
It's a characteristic of the press in general to sensationalize things, and it's a characteristic of failed campaigns to start taking shots at each other to blame someone else for the failure. The Newsweek reporters said much the same thing about the Clinton campaign staff - that sometimes it seemed that everyone on the campaign was trying to undermine the others on the campaign so they wouldn't get blamed for bad decisions.
The press conference with the reporters who traveled with the campaigns for a year for Newsweek was fascinating, really. The woman who was with the McCain campaign from the start spoke about how the campaign's handling of the press changed over the course of the campaign, and how, toward the end of the campaign, staffers actually made a decision to "protect" McCain from how bad their own internal poll numbers were because they felt that if he believed he was going to lose, he'd choose to preserve his image rather than fight to the end.
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@ThirdMillion (604)
• United States
7 Nov 08
These people on Fox felt this way about Mrs palin all along, they just couldn't say anything about it until after the election in order to not hurt the campaign. I think it's ridiculous personally. They just need a scapegoat to blame for the loss and Mrs. Palin is an easy target. I believe they knew all along that John McCain couldn't beat Obama in the election so they chose Sarah Palin as the VP candidate so they could blame the loss on her. Also, all this talk about secret sources makes me think that very soon we'll be seeing a new book by a member of the McCain campaign coming out. ;}
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Nov 08
A lot of the newest information is coming from the Newsweek special election issue, which has been published after the election in each election since 1984. Newsweek makes a deal with the various campaigns to allow a reporter to travel with the campaign and to grant that reporter more access to the campaign staff and records in return for a promise that nothing they learn will be published before the polls are closed. The reporters involved even had their own computer network to reduce the chance of accidental leaks. There were also interesting tidbits about the Obama campaign (even though the campaign advisers decided early on that Hillary wouldn't be on the short list of VP picks, Obama kept coming back and asking "Are we sure about that?" Early on in the campaign, Hillary looked around her living room and asked out loud, "Do I really want to do this? I love this house..." And when one of the campaign aides responded "The White House is nice, too", she responded, "I've been there.")
As far as books about the campaign, I'm sure of it, and I'd bet we'll see it within the next four to six months. Tell-all exposes always do well.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I think you're probably right, Xandercordy. The choice of Sarah Palin alienated a lot of moderate Republicans, but I think what alienated them even more was the campaign's insistence that she is something she's not.
It's funny - my daughter and I also had many discussions about whether Obama would - and then why he didn't - choose Hillary as running mate. She kept saying "They didn't even VET her!" Interestingly, I was flipping through channels yesterday afternoon and stumbled across the press conference with the Newsweek reporters who contributed to the Special Election Issue, and the gentleman who'd moved from the Hillary campaign to the Palin group put a different face on that, too. According to him, Obama's campaign staff had decided early on that Hillary was an unlikely choice and made a conscious choice to -spare- her the vetting process, which can be positively brutal to a possible candidate. They saw no point in putting her through that and possibly damaging her career when she was such a long shot as their choice.
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Wow, the things people when say about a person who is 'putting it all out there' and willing to deal with the craziness in this country. To be honest with you I don't know if anyone is qualified right now to run this dang country. Apparently no one that has been in control has done a good job or we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. I don't believe for one minute that all of our problems came from the past years of a Republican President alone. I believe we have been in a mess for sometime and it is just now coming to a head. All Presidential candidates lie and so do others running for public office. They say what the people want to hear and when they get into office it is a whole different story. Let's see what people have to say about Democrats in 4 years or even 8. Unless Obama is a miracle worker he won't get us out of this mess neither. Let's leave Palin alone and hope she runs for President in 4 years. Lord knows a woman would probably straighten things out, it seems to work on the homefront, doesn't it??????
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
7 Nov 08
[i]I hope they also urge her to do more studying and less shopping!
OMFG okay that was just too funny!! 

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
You would believe anything bad said about Sarah Palin.
Stop that criticizing. That is all you have been doing, bringing down Palin and the rest of the Republicans just so a baby hater Obama gets elected. What you have to do is check your sources. And know when a rumor is a rumor and not fact. But you do not. Whenever someone says something bad about Palin, you pounce on it.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Jend80, there are mindless followers from both sides I'm afraid...lol...some more mindless than others!
Suspenseful, I wouldn't tell anyone to check their sources or not believe things you hear or read if I were you! You've been posting that Obama is for gay marriage and would make it so heterosexual couples can't get married for months now among other outrageous and totally false claims. There is a lot more credibility in these reports about Palin because they come from the McCain campaign itself and were not just runors started by the "evil" media. Time will tell if these anonymous sources come forward but since there are reportedly several book deals in the works I'd say the odds are in favor of that happening, at least in some cases.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Annie, this article is a load of crap.
"Fox news has reported that Mrs Palin did not understand that Africa was a continent, not a country, and did not know what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement."
Fox DID NOT say these things were true. I was actually watching when this was discussed. A Fox News person simply said that those were some of the claims made by this "UNNAMED" Aide. He NEVER said these claims were true. Frankly I consider all this crap from nameless people to be just that, crap.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Nov 08
OK, I guess in a sense you got me there, but in fact they reported the story just like any network reports a story, saying it had been said by whoever, named or unnamed, whichever the case may be. Can I assume you're saying Newsweek is telling nothing but lies this year and does that mean they've always told lies when they've done their post-election reports?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Well Annie the article you linked to was Times Online, not Newsweek. Since they've already lied about what Fox News said I can't assume that they were reporting on the Newsweek article accurately either. I don't really read Newsweek so I can't give you any opinions on their honesty or integrity in reporting.
I can say that this Times Online article was deceptive, poorly written, and clearly intended to mislead its readers into thinking these claims were verified facts rather than unsubstantiated claims made by an unnamed source.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Nov 08
this is the second post here today on this link I have responded to today. I wall say again, it is pure here say krap. There is no proof WHATSOEER she didn't know these things and it is highly unlikely. The election is over, Palin is back to governing Alaska, can we get over the Sarah bashing thing now you think?
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@xandercordy1 (296)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Whether you liked Sarah Palin or not here's one fact that I have noticed. Any time anyone said a word about Palin, they were supposed to beg her forgiveness. People were making it sound like it was awful that those bad men were talking about a woman like that!
No one was more bashed or knocked around during the campaign than Obama. But he was just supposed to take it because he's a man and John McCain was supposed to take all the bashing because he's a man but Sarah....no! Leave her alone! She's a woman!
I'm a woman and I respect strong women but if Sarah couldn't take the heat she should have gotten out of the kitchen! Politics is mud-slinging and slander. Making mountains out of molehills. Telling out and out blatant lies. It is not for the weak of heart or the crybabies, so why does everyone want to defend her? She knew what she was getting into and she accepted the nomination anyway. Let her take her beat downs like the men. Heck, even Michelle took hits and she wasn't even running.
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@mrsfred96 (85)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I agree with you completely. It's time to leave her alone and let her get back to her life. She has been the subject of far too much criticism- more than any other. It's nonsense. They are just looking for someone to blame for what went wrong. Let's put the blame where it belongs and move on.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
7 Nov 08
This ignorance from the woman who wants to run for president next time. Well they really need to send her back to school first. I know there are some people here saying that she is a spent force but that is up to the party.
Judging by the way she ran her part of the campaign and the fact that support for the republicans bottomed out after she started opening her mouth then I would like to believe that the republicans will not support her again.
In case anyone doubts what I just said I was watching the CNN coverage of the election and they showed the graph of polls running up to the election. Republicans were trailing until the announcement of palin as the running mate and then they took off and were ahead of the democrats then as she started to campaign the line nose dived and never recovered. Hmmm on a brighter note that might mean that support for the republicans will be low as long as she is around.
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I think that many of us are guilty of saying Africa is a country because the way that we speak of it so much. If you think it is really the only continent that we speak of like a country. However everyone has their faults and whether your an Obama fan or Palin fan it is now time to put this all behind us and pray for our president elect that he can make the right decisions and become a christian.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Actually, I'd never heard of anyone, especially anyone who is supposed to be educated, saying that before, but even if what you said was true shouldn't a V.P. candidate know a few more things than the average person knows?
You're right though, it is time to get behind our President Elect but he IS a Christian and why would it matter if he weren't?
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Hi annie! I don't really think that anyone will even remember
who she is by 2012! She will be long since forgotten long
before then! She will never be able to run for anything. I
don't think that the Republican Party would even consider
having her run for anything again. She is a loose cannon which
she totally proved already. She is incompetent which she keeps
proving over and over again. She can't even run her own
family and no one wants her to run the country. Thankfully
McCain lost or we would have been in really big trouble. I
also don't really believe that he wanted to win either. He
looked so relieved at losing. I really believe that he did
not want to be President and I don't think that I was alone.
My girlfriend and I were watching his face when he came out
to make his concession speach and he looked so relieved. I
really think he was glad to loose!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
8 Nov 08
I think that this is a personal attack on Palin. One should not dwell in their personal lives. They have a right to live how they want in their personal life. What counts is their political career.
© ronaldinu 2008
@twallace (2675)
• United States
8 Nov 08
She got the bad end of it all and now she has to deal with it. If she didn't know that Africa was a continent then what is wrong with her. She has to be in her own would and that is why. Then there are times when alot of people don't know certain things that they should know.
I guess you can say that she is stressed out and needed help. At least she still has her job as Govenor of Alaska.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Nov 08
The reporter on FOX (Carl Cameron) was telling us what some with the McCain campaign were saying about Sarah Palin. (I think their way of blaming her for his loss.) He wasn't saying it as fact. He also said that towel was a bathrobe. As far as her being qualified to be vice president, she is a natural born citizen, she is over 35, and she has spend more than 14 years as a resident within the United States. Those are the qualifications to be vice president and president nothing else. One does not have to take a geography test or know another administrations policies to become vice president. I understand what you're saying, but maybe you should say it differently. Perhaps you could say she's not ready. Of course we conservatives would think that was rich. Sarah Palin who has run a city government and a state government isn't ready to be vice president because she's not good at geography, but Barack Obama who was a community organizer before becoming a United States senator in 2004 is qualified to be President of the United States. Two of those four years have been spent running for president. Wait a minute, I don't remember Obama taking a geography quiz. Perhaps we should make sure he's ready before he takes the oath of office.