lets debate about christains.
By dragonflyfli
@dragonflyfli (5528)
United States
53 responses
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I'm going to be on the opposite end here cause I am a Christian. And I wanted to say that I'm sorry the interaction you had with Christians they've preached to you. That's not how things are supposed to be. There are Christians like me that don't preach to our friends, we talk about our faith only when the subject comes up and we don't push our faith.
I know Christians that do preach and act "holier than thou" and those are the ones that play into the stereotype. I'm one of the Christians that admits that I'm not perfect. I drink, I smoke, I cuss from time to time, I don't read as much as I should, I don't pray as much as I should. I try not to be hyporcitical or judgmental....I try not to be the Christian everyone hates.
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am just annoyed by them. no matter who they are as a person when christainity comes up i just want to scream. it seems so stupid to be suckered into a religion like that. and so many christains seem so brainwashed. and seeing my sister like that makes me feel sorry for her.
Thanks for your response! ;)
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@daisee (60)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I too am a Christian, I'm proud of it but I won't preach it to anyone, unless asked first. I have a lot to share and I gladly will but ONLY if another person asks. I wouldn't want to be preached at either. Please don't be angry at all of us. :-) The Bible may hold answers for you but when you feel ready to look.
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@robertdj (116)
• United States
7 Nov 06
It's not just the stereotypical christians that preach and judge, I really have issues with anyone that does that. Doesn't just have to be religon, could be politics or the type of gas you buy.
You may or maybe not have seen some of my real issues with organized religon in some of the other topics here. Religon is an invention of man and man is flawed, I'll leave it at that for now .....
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
yes i agree with you . but the others have proof of the things they debate about and they have most likely lived some experience that has something to do with it. i dont know.. christianity just seems like people are asking to be made fun of.
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
7 Nov 06
and i dont have a religion
i just believe in GOD.
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@robertdj (116)
• United States
7 Nov 06
but in the their minds (those that force their religon) they too beleive they have proof of what they are debating. One of the dangers you see. I mean think of creationist. Their proof that we didn't evolve is that monkies today don't pop out human children ..... it's like "hey let's disreguard all of this other sciency junk to prove our point"
Like I said in the gay thread, that lady quoted a thing from the bible, made up a definition of a word and then said that was proof god hated gays, but even the definition she gave didn't support her assumption. Some man told her to hate something so they corrupt something else to give support to the idea ... shame-worthy
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@Sunset50 (1397)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am a Christian, strong in my beliefs, but I get agrivated also. Other branches of religion come to the door and spend time telling me my religion is wrong and theirs is the only way. I usually interrupt them, tell them I am strong in my faith and am not interested and shut the door in a nice way of course. I do not believe any denomination is better than another one. I believe it is up to each individual to decide to believe or not believe. Many can tell you what you should do but who is to say they are right. Simply tell them you have your own beliefs and walk away. A christians actions in every day life shows more than all the words in the world.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
yes i agree with you . Thanks for your response! ;)
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@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
8 Nov 06
Yes and unfortunately, all Christians don't truly portray what Christ is about.
It is kind of like Islam. Muslims around the world say that the terrorists and radicals we are facing don't show the true face of Islam.
Well we say hypocritical, hateful, prejudging Christians don't show the true face of Christianity either.
Other religions claim the same thing.
So all sides should respect that we all have idiots ruining other's perception of our beliefs.
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@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
8 Nov 06
Yes and unfortunately, all Christians don't truly portray what Christ is about.
It is kind of like Islam. Muslims around the world say that the terrorists and radicals we are facing don't show the true face of Islam.
Well we say hypocritical, hateful, prejudging Christians don't show the true face of Christianity either.
Other religions claim the same thing.
So all sides should respect that we all have idiots ruining other's perception of our beliefs.
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
7 Nov 06
I like the Christians who live like Jesus taught - they help their fellow man and are humble about it. I don't like the hypocrites who proclaim their faith the loudest, yet live selfish lives
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@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
8 Nov 06
I totally agree with you there. I am a Christian, and admit that a lot of times, so called "Christians" are definately their own worst enemy. They are basically trashing what Jesus is really all about.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am a proud Pagan and I have found that the hard core Christians are NOT tollerant of other religins even tho the bible states to be tollerant of other religins. It very much upsets me that they associate Satanism with witchcraft when we dont even believe there is a satan or devil.
We all worship the same God. There is only 1 God, we all just have diffrent ways of worshiping and we all call God something diffrent all over the world.
Christianity think they are the oldest living religin when in all realty witchcraft has been arround long before christianity and is still going strong today if not stronger now that the "witch burnings" are over and we can practice more openly and freely.
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
thanks. i agree with yhou about the non tolerant christians are too quick to judge . in my opinion, everything outside of demanding religions, * which are usually based around christianity, are wonderful to have. Alot of the pagan religions such as nature related religions, wicca, celtic shamanism, paganism, satanism, witchcraft ect.... are very mentaly, emotionally and even physically healthy. it's all about making yourself a better person based on how you would like to be not how some random old guy in a book wants you to be. lol
Thanks for your response! ;) Good one!
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
17 Nov 06
i could argue with that because it is them trying to get the last word in and saying "he" believes in you. HOw do you know its not a she? It just way too opinionated and i think it is kind of a guilt trip to say that. thanks for responding. :)
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
17 Nov 06
i could argue with that because it is them trying to get the last word in and saying "he" believes in you. HOw do you know its not a she? It just way too opinionated and i think it is kind of a guilt trip to say that. thanks for responding. :)

@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
7 Nov 06
My beef is not with Christians per se, but instead with any religion that preaches to me that their beliefs are the only true beliefs and has no respect for any other's beliefs.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
thank you. yes, that makes total sense.
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
there's too many christians and they are every where. and annoy me.
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@barb2586 (28)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Don't know if my original message went through. It would seem you have a problem understanding that there is an authrotiy higher than you, God who dreated you and knows what is best for you. It sounds to me as though you should perhaps privately read your Bible. The problem you have is not with christians, but sounds rather like it is with God.
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
8 Nov 06
i appreciate your concern but i have read the bible as my father is a preacher. but i am HAPPY not conforming to religion of anysort. i am interested in self improvement, relaxation, and fun. and of course my family. but from what i have seen in my life and continue to see is totally not seen by ppl who believe in it. so i dont expect them to understand. i just live in the bible belt and it seems everyone is against me. so it is nice to know there are others who feel as i do so i dont feel so alone in that aspect. Thank you for your response! :)
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
8 Nov 06
My mom is like that. She is in A.A. and a big part of that is spirituality but she married this guy and she has changed so much. She is always pushing her church on me and my fiance. I have been going to my grandmas church since i was like 6 or 7 years old. My mom always offers me to go to hers but her church is a prophetic church so they speak in tounges and hear God talk to them. I mean I am happy for her that she foud something but keep it to yourself. She gets pissed if I tell her I don't want to go to her church. I really hate when people try to push their beliefs on you.
@Gwenshin (171)
• United States
8 Nov 06
The only religion where they don't harrass, start wars, or act superior is Buddisim!
The rest of the major religions be it Christian, Muslim or Jew, are oppressive, make people afraid to think, and all think that ONLY THEY are the correct ones!
These 3 major religions makes people feel superior to other human beings. They often demand that you be willing to die for your faith as well!
What a great way to control the masses!
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
8 Nov 06
did you know that when the first churches came out, the way they built the churches was esencial . they put gargoil up to represent the evil side of ppl, (to make ppl feel ugly and want salvation)... and the churches' enterance ways are huge and the intreior celings are sooo high to give ppl the illusion that they are small. therefore small creatures that are ugly. shi*t, id be going to chruch every day too if i felt that way about myself and thought that if i give money (tithe) and pray to god i would be able to be normal again. lol
ppl just dont see. and they say us nonchristians are blinded. ha
i def like budhism. as i wrote earlier, i grew up in a communist country that was China, i have been to the budhist temples and it was beautiful. so free and peace ful. every one leaves you alone. no pressure, just a place for you to listen to monks chant, like a theater, and burn some incense and pray if you please. and all they want in return is some fruit for buddah, which sits in front of the statue until it rots. how beautiful is that??? wow.
@Gwenshin (171)
• United States
8 Nov 06
The buddist religion is the only pro-life religion too. They have the most respect for all livng things that other religions do not possess.
My advice to Christian pro-lifers (which you'll find is an oxymoron after thoughorly reading the Bible) should check out Buddism. ALL life is respected human, animal, and even vegtable. THey don't even reqire a god to threaten and scare them into it.
I was really impressed with that, in fact, Jesus seems more like a Buddist than anything else.
@Gwenshin (171)
• United States
8 Nov 06
In response to the Christian church being designed to make people feel small and ugly, Christiantiy (and Islam) seem to appeal to the machcist side of human nature. (the need to be punished).
In the early days the monks used to self-mutilate, and even today, people sit in a protastant church to be screamed at by a preacher telling them what sinners that they are!
Just think, people wake up early, on their day off work, to be yelled at, and told how terrible they are!
They'd be better off paying to go to one of those dungeons to have a mistress whip them.
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@handful_at5 (74)
• United States
8 Nov 06
I don't get angry with true christians, I get angry with religion. I'm a christian, but I teach Sunday School at a Babtist Church. I am not Babtist. I was babtised in and raised catholic, was again babtised in the Penticostal church. I am not Catholic or Penticostal or any other religion. I am a Christian. My pastor would like me to get babtist into the Babtist church to make things "right under the Babtist church" and become a "true" member, but because of my beliefs I won't do it. I was babtised in the name of the Lord, not the church. No where in the Bible says you have to be babtised anyway to get to heaven, it just says you have to believe in Christ and ask him for forgivness of your sins.
In Sunday School I don't teach how to be a Babtist or how to be religious. I teach children how to love god and and act like christians. Respecting your parents, neighbors and friends is to respect God. I don't "preach" outside the church, but everyone knows that I am a christian by my actions. I don't act Holier Then Thou, I do cuss, I drink occasionally, I have many friends that drink, smoke, and smoke the green stuff, most of them don't go to church, and they are more christian then most I know that go to church.
I don't believe you get people to become christians by knocking on doors and preaching to your neigbors and freinds. I believe people will see how happy you are and be curious and want to know what makes you so happy, and will want that to. That's how you lead people to God, not by forcing christianity on them. That's my view.
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@MercyGurL (112)
• United States
9 Nov 06
I have been following the responses here and i must point out that the non Christians which they call themselves seem to be the ones that are angry and mad at anyone that is not like them... just observing is all..carry on
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
9 Nov 06
no it is the opposite really. i get angry at how they are all so alike and have no inviduality. i like it when ppl make up their own minds and have their own opinions. But they seem to say and think the same exact things. that is what annoys me. but i was just hoping to get responses from people with their own minds.
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@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
3 Dec 06
Why would you basically start a discussion asking people to bash a certain religious group of people? This is dumb and should be removed.
I wouldn't start a discussion to get people to talk bad about Atheists or some other group that thinks differently than I do.
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@leopardxtasy (2426)
• United States
8 Nov 06
i am a christian but at the same time i know where you are coming from. alot of christians speak the word but dont follow it. they are quick to tell what you are doin wrong but never take a hard look at themselves. i dont like people preachin to me eihter especially when i didnt ask them to. i dont have a problem with god but dont force any religion beliefs on me if you cant even follow them yourself.
@sororravn (448)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree eith you on this one. I have read the bible at least once and recognize that most xtians have not read the entire bible. I think that it is funny that they try to scare you into religion by telling you that terrible things are going to happen to you when you die. Unless you can prove to me that these terrible things are going to happen - and I mean actually scientifically prove it, not just theoretically - then go away and leave me to my lovely atheist self. Thanks!
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
21 Dec 06
thanks for the response. it makes alot of sense what you wrote.
• India
7 Nov 06
I was like you once. But my experience proved that I was wrong.I came across Christians who truly love humanity without looking at your background.It is because of their preaching today many have turned back from their bad lives becoming good to the society. If you hate them too much one day you might endup loving them.B'cause you may not get a reason to hate them.Lol, let me tell you one secret that Jesus Loves you like a father loves his Child even if you hate HIM.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
ok. you're just brainwashed. but of course you dont see it cuz anyone in a cult doesnt see how it is a scam. Thanks for your response! ;)
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
8 Nov 06
ok , mother theressa. i doubt you are as perfect as you portray yourself to be.
• India
8 Nov 06
I was once.But now I am not. My stand is on the basis of facts. I am well balanced thats the reason I love everyone.People who got their brains washed hate people for no reason.GOD bless you. I just cant hate you for any reasons. B'cause hatered is a symtem of perversion.Have a nice day.

@prue187 (517)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am a Christian and I'm sorry how you feel about other Christians. We don't believe in forcing our beliefs to others. Me and my husband pray for people who are in trouble and stuff like that and we give counsel to people who had problems. But we do not force them to listen to what we say and we do not just slam our holy bible into their face, this is not how we are taught.
@heathertruett (478)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Maybe you should clarify, as not ALL Christians do that. I am Christian, an imperfect human Christian and I pray I am not like what you describe.

@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
8 Nov 06
well,just becasue that is what YOU believe doesnt mean it is the truth.
And i would appreciate it if you wouldnt disrespect me by writing my name for everyone to see.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
it is what they beleive in that make their mind a certain way. no matter how hard you try not to, you still see a nonchristian as a non christian who is going to hell if they dont "repent".

@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
7 Nov 06
That kind of behavior is what happens when so called "Christians" put the religion and their own agenda ahead of the relationship with Jesus Christ.
If you want to know about true Christianity, read the Bible and see what Christ taught and had to say about the matter, not what many people made it out to be.
I am a Christian as well, and attend a Baptist Church weekly. We don't focus on religion, rather we focus on relationship, with each other, with those around us, and most importantly personally with Jesus Christ.
It is all above love and relationship with Christ.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
8 Nov 06
If it is all about love and relationships then why are you not tollerant of other religins as it says to be in the bible? If we are all to live in harmony we all need to learn to accept that there are people who dont have the same beliefs as you. I am not trying to attack any individual in any way. I just dont understand how a religin like Christian can preach about peace and love yet if you are not a christian you are evil. Why is that? We all serve 1 God and 1 God only the main diffrence is the way we serve him. I dont think we should be considered evil because we choose to worship diffrently.
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@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
8 Nov 06
We don't consider other religions to be evil, we just don't consider them to totally correct in their beliefs. They don't consider us to be totally correct either and that is their right.
We do, however, consider someone evil who thinks that by killing Christians, or others who don't follow a their religion, that God will take them to heaven because they have killed an "infidel".
It is about love and a relationship. Christianity is the only "religion" I know that was founded by Christ, and based on the fact that you accept him alone as your savior and Lord, and that you worship noone but him. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, and noone else.
@jonas_71ss (174)
• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
8 Nov 06
We don't consider other religions to be evil, we just don't consider them to totally correct in their beliefs. They don't consider us to be totally correct either and that is their right.
We do, however, consider someone evil who thinks that by killing Christians, or others who don't follow a their religion, that God will take them to heaven because they have killed an "infidel".
It is about love and a relationship. Christianity is the only "religion" I know that was founded by Christ, and based on the fact that you accept him alone as your savior and Lord, and that you worship noone but him. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, and noone else.

@fyrescryer (912)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I agree, for the most part all the christians i know are very judgemental and full of themselves. I wonder if they have even read their bibles because i am sure it says in there "thou shalt not judge" if they believe in their god than they have no right to judge people or try to tell people how to live, it's called free will people. Don't try to "save me" with your narrow minded preachings. I am a wiccan who lives in the bible belt so i really could go on for days here, lol.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
7 Nov 06
thats great. I love the way you think. I also live in the bible belt and Im not wiccan but my husband is and i will let him teach our son to see things any way he wishes.
@HeroOfValor (55)
• United States
8 Nov 06
Its all fake just face it. Gods just their to keep the world in order.
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