dial up connection

November 7, 2008 3:21am CST
is it easy 2 use mylot in dial up...im facing that problem........is der any one facing the same.....if im getting 1 cent im loosing 10rs for an hour by using this slow dialup connection....it decreases my enjoyment in mylot...i want 2 njoy mylot...what 2 do?
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3 responses
@abyin007 (426)
• India
7 Nov 08
disable the images,videos,and other settings... more over try to get broad band..it is cheap when compared with dial up... happy lotting
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@ishaq173 (42)
• Pakistan
10 Nov 08
i have the same problem. the time i would spend on myLot to earn money cost me more than actually i would earn=P. I want broadband but problem is that we have this line provided by government and their broadband packages are not good or not unlimited. Morever, its load the content slow on mylot and make you feel sleepy instead of taking part in the discussions.
@legend4u (1019)
• India
8 Nov 08
go to your search engines settings and disable the viewing of image. thus it could get little bit quick. of cause you can't see the image then , but it is better.