Liberals Don't Care About Jobs!
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
November 7, 2008 10:32am CST
The myth is that liberals care about the working man and work to preserve jobs. That may be the rhetoric and lip service, but it is as far from the reality as it gets.
If liberals got their way (and since they now run both the Legislative and Executive Branches, they probably will), thousands, even millions of American workers should be scared for their jobs.
Most liberals would love to see Wal~Mart fold and implode. Wal~Mart is one of the biggest private employers in the US. Even if no other jobs were lost that year, Wal~Mart going under would add whole percentage points to the unemployment rate. When liberals hope for Wal~Mart to fail, they are literally hoping for millions to lose their jobs.
With the election of Barack Obama, there is a lot of talk about making the "Fairness Doctrine" the law of the land. Back in the 80s, the AM radio band was almost dead. Small, local shows coughed up a few advertising dollars as a few hundred AM radio stations chugged on. Fishing, shopping, home improvement and gardening were the staples. Few were willing to take on the crap that came with political talk, mostly 1 station per state, usually in the capital cities, covering what was going on in state politics. Listen to any talk radio station on saturday or sunday morning.. that was what talk radio was all week.
Then the fairness doctrine was lifted by the FCC....
What happened next? Thousands of stations hired 10s of thousands of people. Nationally syndicated shows brought made it so local shows could be established and flourish. An industry that was being choked out by unreasonable demands from the FCC became flourishing and profitable.
But liberals hate talk radio and would love to see it just go away, not giving a flying flip about the people who work in the industry, or the jobs that would be lost. The people who would lose their jobs should just starve as far as they are concerned.
Obama has made it clear that he doesn't mind forcing the coal industry out of business, he lied about "looking into" nuclear power, and refuses to allow more petroleum jobs to be created in the US. As far as he and his supporters are concerned, every coal worker should be thrown out on their ears. Work in nuclear power? You should be given a pink slip and forced onto the dole.
If you work in the petroleum industry, well, you are the enemy, you should not only lose your job, but be punished.
So lefties, just admit that you don't give a crap about jobs, people or "living wages" and "benefits". There are millions of people who you want to see out of work. Your rhetoric is as emty as your black, cold hearts.
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6 responses
@anakatora (77)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I doubt the economy can get any worse than it already is. Look around -- there aren't many jobs.
It doesn't help fishermen when there is mercury in the fish.
It doesn't help coal miners when coal companies stop mining and begin hiring a very small handful of people to blow the tops off mountains to get the coal instead. These coal companies have become so greedy that not only have people lost their jobs in these areas, but now they are losing their mountains, too. The loss of these mountains has caused flooding in these areas, too. Many have lost not only their lives, but their homes too. Coal workers have already been thrown out on their ears -- and it didn't take a liberal to do it. It was greed.
In Germany, families with solar panels on their houses are making extra money for the surplus electricity their generating. Jobs that could've been available in Ohio were sent to Germany because Ohio wasn't putting in the political or economic work necessary to have these jobs. It has been estimated that over 17,000 jobs could become available to Michigan, which is struggling, when Michigan focuses on solar and wind energy.
Our economy is struggling because of politicians who want to keep us in the dark ages with dinosaur technologies. It's struggling because of stubborness and greed -- and an overall fear of change.
Our car industries have suffered because they refused, with the same stubborness, to create fuel efficient cars that would change our need for oil. However, Japan has been creating these cars -- and they are selling.
If a politician or company can't admit when something is failing -- then they need to step aside. It's pretty obvious with the current state of our economy that things are failing.
Open your eyes -- lefties care about jobs, wages, benefits. They also care about our health and the state of the environment we live in, eat from, and drink from.
Lefties simply do not believe that the "Trickle Down Effect" works. It never has. And frankly, I find it insulting that it was ever suggested. It is us, the hard workers of this country that pay the taxes to run this government, that keep these companies ticking with our precious time -- and the best they can come up with is a "trickle". Yep, and that's exactly what we've gotten. A trickle of health care, a trickle of cash - along with massive debt, and even a trickle of clean water. Thanks.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
It was much worse during the Carter adminstration, so your first line is simply naive.
Obama didn't say he wanted coal companies to be more ecologically friendly, he said that he will impose charges that will bankrupt them.
17,000 jobs? That is nice, but greenie demands have cost Michigan workers hundreds of thousands of jobs.
What you call "Trickle down" has only been tried once, and that was during the Reagan administration, and that was part of what brought us the longest period of economic growth in our nation's history.
But I guess growth is a bad thing if you want the US to fail unless you have a president you like.
Either way, all you do here is defend the fact that you don't care about jobs... or the US for that matter. You care about having your own way.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I personally don't see why "Big Business" is so hated. Go to your local mom and pop coffee shop. How many people do they employ? Go to Starbucks. How many people do they employ? Big business equals big jobs.
We all know that liberals seem to think Wallmart is such a horrible company. It pays minimum wage to many of its employees. Now, look at the minimum wage employees working there. I have. Most of these people are too stupid to to put their shirt on without help, but Walmart does the fine service of making them part of a functional organization.
On the charitable front I'll also point out that I volunteered with Give Kids the World for over a year. Does anyone here know who gives them more money than anyone else? Walmart.
Here's an example of how EVIL the big bad Walmart is.
Now of course we all here about how evil big oil is. Anyone want to wager how many jobs would be lost if we shut them down? I guess the liberals would be in heaven with all the welfare and unemployment recipients we'd have if that happened.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
Hey! I was once one of those people you are saying is "Too stupid to put their shirt on!" :~D
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Nov 08
My daughter started at Walmart through a school program for disabled kids. The first 500 hours the state paid her wages at $5.15 an hour. When that time was up Walmart hired her at $7.00 an hour. She's now making $7.90. She works part time, has rights to full benefits including a 401k.
Evil Walmart allows her to keep the same schedule, avoid situations that cause her distress and keeps in contact with me if a problem arises. Would other companies be so patient in dealing with her quirks? Probably not.
I really don't like the word liberal in connection with these people. They aren't really liberals because they don't see the rights and worth of all. Only the ones they agree with.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
That is true. There will be many more out of work, and that recession that America is in will turn into a depression. Oh and the few who are working will have to support the many who lose their jobs. Americans made a big mistake by voting in Obama as president. The leftists just want leaches, they do not want workers.
If they bring back the Fairness Doctrine, there will be no real discussions, it will be like here in much of Canada where when you drive through a local town, all you hear about are the general auction, and what is on sale. And CBC just gives the government point of view.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
Whether it was a mistake or not has yet to be seen. But you're right, the far left doesn't want discussion, they want blind followers and for the right to just go away.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
OH it was a mistake. Canadians, not me, but a lot of us voted in Trudeau even though there was evidence that he had Communist leadings. except for the new Maple Leaf flag not much happened but he appointed leftist leading judges and senators, they gave lip service to marriage and family, but gradually Canada became more leftist and then we got Chretian who said that all the Liberal party had to vote with him, and he was virtually a dictator. Just wait a few years.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Yes to all that and you can add that one big reason for food prices going up is the use of corn for ethanol which has not only been subsidised by a liberal Congress but mandated. The liberal voter base is made up of people who are the lower earners and they are always promising them things and never delivering, especially on jobs, because then they would lose votes and power. A good example was Johnson's Great Society which increased poverty instead of reducing it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
8 Nov 08
The Mayans also sacrificed their young, so I don't see a lot of reason to emulate them as a culture.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
8 Nov 08
You are forgetting that it is used to feed many animals that supply food of the protein type to us humans and thus using it for ethanol has driven up the price of milk, eggs, beef, pork, poultry, etc. Also, it is a huge waste of a fast becoming scare necessity, water; it takes about 1,000 gal of water to end with 1 gal of ethanol from corn. Also, all the extra fertilyzer goes into runoff and polutes the water. In addition land is taken away from growing wheat to grow corn which drives the price of wheat up.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
8 Nov 08
As a nutrient, corn is almost worthless. And since the introduction into our diets people have gotten heavier. In the Myan culture the poor people who survived on a diet or corn and other startches were much shorter in stature than those who had access to adequate protein. And High fructose corn syrup is a very nasty product. It should all be used for gas.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
7 Nov 08
It's pretty quiet here on this discussion. Because, as usual, the libs just ignore any criticism of their agenda. They won't defend it. They won't refute it(since they cannot). They will simply ignore it. They figure if they ignore it long enough it will go away. Just like they believe,as Marx taught them, They a lie repeated often enough will become truth.
Everything you say here is absolutely completely true. Liberals will not be happy until every American is working for and completely dependent on the Federal Government for everything in their lives. This is the main difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Libs believe that gubmint is the answer to all things. While Conservatives believe that Gov't. is the problem. Well,there's that and the fact that Liberals are stone cold liars who don't even believe in objective truth, let alone care about it.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
Well, it has only been 45 minutes, so I won't give up on them for awhile yet.
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@SocialSocietyNews (107)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I agree that there i$ a lot of cold empty rhetoric.Such as liberals thinking and
Envisioning People as being treated no more than humanoids who makes a wage and benefits just to earn there way through this life.That is there function in and to society.
That is how they are rewarded and paid for their good deeds.
This in turn is accredited to their bank of self value and self worth
Enough credits in their self valuable$ and $elf worth bank
Could lead to more duties that may require more responsibility and trust.
Why with enough continuing credits in their self worth an self value banks even a validated valor of trust can be achieved.
It is their rights as liberals to choose and consider their choices and contributions to society as liberals,But in a manner that will benefit them as a Society of liberals and that is how they are contributed for the contributions in general as a society and for the betterment of all societies around the World and for the love of all Mankind.
Liberals are a more philanthropical group of people
What group of people do you know that or more philanthropical? When you find the answer please post it a reward may go to the one that comes up with the right answer.
Wal-mart has had it's controversies on the news does that mean liberals want wal-mart to fail so it can be percentage towards unemployment I don't think so Wal-mart helps keep down a lot of unemployment hiring minorities that make up a big chuck of the unemployment percentage Wal-mart has always been a willing participant to curb unemployment from all levels.Is that the President Elect Barack Obamas plan you say?
Well if you are looking to be less dependent on oil in the future and the less you are dependent upon oil then what direction and what is the oil business doing to Help us as when try to find other means such as solar, and wind and other types of energy to wane us of oil?
It seems oil is tied to petroleum and coal in some form or another besides some of the mind shafts are getting old offshore drilling for Florida and Texas will this equipment stand a category 5 hurricane winds and prevent oil slicks.and shipments?
And this is why on January 20 2009 whoever is the democractic elected should be given the pink slip?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
9 Nov 08
I have never found that liberals were more philithropic than any other group. In fact, when part of my job was to go around the country responding to disasters, I was never surrounded by a bunch of liberals. Yes, there were liberals there, but they weren't the majority... ever.
Barack Obama and his 1% donation record is nowhere near a good example of charity.
He's a classic socialist liar. He wants to share others' wealth but has no intention of ever sharing his own.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Nov 08
"Barack Obama and his 1% donation record is nowhere near a good example of charity."
Hey, even that 1% is far beyond Joe Biden who literally gives 0.1% to charity. That is not a typo. The man earns over $300,000 a year and typically gives $300 per year to charity. In his worst year he gave $120. I make $46,000 a year and I have always given more to charity than him. In our last move my wife and I donated easily over $400 and it wasn't the first time we gave to charity this year.
In case anyone's wondering, John McCain gives 27% of his income to charity annually. That includes the raise congress gave themselves in the 90's which he voted against and subsequently gave it all to charity.
@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
8 Nov 08
The truth is that those greedy rich people give more money than anyone else...combined. Just look at the candidates, Barak Obama gave very little to charity, when compared to his percieved care for the poor. My thought is that the amount of money given in his campaign would have better served the country by be given to the poor.