And You Wanted Obama To Be Your President You Have Got Him
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
November 7, 2008 2:09pm CST
Before the Obama nation start jumping down my throat, everything I am about to write came from Obama's new website
The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
Did you catch what Obama just wrote, he will require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Require, when is it the job of government to start requiring community service from us. Can we say SOCIALISM, and I was a nut for calling him that during the election.
Expand Paid Sick Days: Today, three-out-of-four low-wage workers have no paid sick days. Obama and Biden support guaranteeing workers seven paid sick days per year. When did it become the roll of government to make sure you have sick days.
Establish 20 Promise Neighborhoods: Obama and Biden will create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation. The Promise Neighborhoods will be modeled after the Harlem Children's Zone, which provides a full network of services, including early childhood education, youth violence prevention efforts and after-school activities, to an entire neighborhood from birth to college. The federal government created the inter city projects, now the same government wants to spend more of your money to create Promise Neighborhoods. I wonder how that will work out.
Fully Fund the Community Development Block Grant: Obama and Biden will fully fund the Community Development Block Grant program and engage with urban leaders across the country to increase resources to the highest-need Americans. Great more money to ACORN.
Cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and their families with a tax cut of $500 for workers or $1,000 for working couples. Sorry Obama but that is not a tax cut, that is just giving people money.
End Deceptive Voting Practices
Obama will sign into law his legislation that establishes harsh penalties for those who have engaged in voter fraud and provides voters who have been misinformed with accurate and full information so they can vote. Oh like ACORN right!
Win the Battle of Ideas: An Obama Administration will defeat al Qaeda in what the 9-11 Commission called "the Battle of Ideas" by returning to an American foreign policy consistent with America's traditional values and by working with moderates within the Islamic world to counter al Qaeda propaganda. Barack Obama will establish a $2 billion Global Education Fund to work to eliminate the global education deficit and offer an alternative to extremist schools. So we are going to start paying their education, oh that will work. Next we will start paying suicide bomber not to kill themselves.
Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families. Well if war is bad then we do not need more troops. What war is Obama planning on fighting with these new troops?
Create a Civilian Assistance Corps (CAC): An Obama-Biden administration will set a goal of creating a national CAC of 25,000 personnel. This corps of civilian volunteers with special skill, sets (doctors, lawyers, engineers, city planners, agriculture specialists, police, etc.) would be organized to provide each federal agency with a pool of volunteer experts willing to deploy in times of need at home and abroad. Why do we need a CAC Obama?
I am going to stop there but fell free to read more about the Great Obama.
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18 responses
@lovelyladydancing (1016)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I was required to do community service in high school, and I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House, and I learned a lot. This new generation is one of the most selfish generation ever and they could use some compassion! What is wrong with today's youths thinking of someone other than themselves!
And why not have companies giving employees sick days? Do you guys really have a problem with that? My company gives 15 days vacation and 10 sick days. I think that is great! The people in my company work very hard and very well deserve the time off! Last year my Mom was in the hospital and I was able to use sick days to be there for her.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I believe that you have taken some of his concepts out of context. He is talking about requiring the community service out of college students who will in return earn $4,000 a year in grant money for college. That is a more than fair return. I would have gladly done community service when I was in college to earn some grant money for the cost of college.
I do believe that we should be given sick days and I feel that it is for the government to step in and do something to make sure that the companies will give it to us.
His tax cut sounds good to this working parent who could certainly use some money extra each year. I work hard and I deserve some breaks. I am sure that most working people would agree with me.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
7 Nov 08
I believe you did not read it correct it very clearly said quote "Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55. He is NOT only talking about college students!! Duh!
BTW I have worked hard for 50 years and do not intend to spread my tax dollars on extra sick days/freebies for people who just don't feel like working if they can stay home and get paid for it.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
Years ago when the draft ended, I thought it was a good thing because now the men entering the military would be doing it because they wanted to fight and defend America. Forcing people to volunteer does no good, no matter how idealistic or how much you love your country. There are certain people who will be unable to join these corps and it will also mean, if they are working, that they will not be paid. Oh and when employers give their employees paid leave it is because the employees have that deducted out of their paycheck each pay period and that is put in a fund that is given to an employer when he is sick. So the employee already pays for his sick leave.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
And it was the Democrats accusing the Republicans of planning to reinstate the draft!!
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Obama is speaking complete non sense. Forced volunteering how does that work. I have sick day that I do not even use. At the end of the year I take them just so I do not lose them. I do not need government fighting my battles when it comes to sick days.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Nov 08
I was born while World War II was on and of course, I learned from my father and from watching those history movie news what went on. And Obama's doing what the Nazis did. They started youth organizations, volunteer organizations, etc. but of course, being the evil white men, what they were doing was evil, while Obama, being the good black man, what he is doing is good. Sarcasm is intended, by the way.
If Hitler was bad in started all these organizations that the German youth had to belong to, then Obama is just as bad. If it is bad for white people, it is also bad for black people or is there a different standard based on ethnic groups?
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
7 Nov 08
In other words, he will be telling people what to do with their free time. Then he is going to pay the enemy to do things our way. And what good is Biden? He is afraid to speak up and have a view. Now why is that? This is scary. I would love to know what plans Obama has for career baby mamas on welfare. Will he reward them for each baby they have to join his little army?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Just one point because I'm tired and I doubt you'll respond anyway.
All four of my children were REQUIRED to perfom X number of community service hours in order to graduate from high school. This covers several years since my oldest is 30 and my youngest just graduated...and two states...Maryland and Florida. Was that requirement socialist in nature under the current and past administrations?
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@momiecat (997)
• United States
8 Nov 08
When you are young and in school, community service is no problem in my opinion. You do not have the pressures and responsibilities that an adult has. The idea of community service for children does not bother me. What bothers me is stuff like having to do jury duty service when the company you work for does not pay you a dime for the time you have to take off and the small amount of money they give you for jury duty is not enough to even buy gas to get to the **** courthouse.
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@ShealM (388)
• Canada
8 Nov 08
So basically, if you are young and vibrant - heck yeah we require you to do community service because you are young and you can stand to learn from it and we say you should do it because we're the adults and we know best but if you are an adult (and a lot of adults in our community are no better than a 2 year old having a tantrum at times) you shouldn't be required to set an example for the young ones you require to do community services. You can't tell someone to do something if you aren't willing to do it yourself. That statement smacks of disrespect for younger communities and agism (discrimination against a person younger or older or of a certain age group. For example, you are are too old to work here, I'm forcing you to retire or You are too young to do this job because of lack of experience that I perceive even though your resume and references clearly show you have the experience, I'm choosing an older employee for this position).
How do you expect the younger communities to do what you are not willing to do yourselves? What's so wrong with encouraging volunteering within the community. If more people volunteered then the community wouldn't suffer as much and would benefit from the volunteering from it's supposed roll models. We are the roll models for the future generations and yet we sit here bickering amongst ourselves about semantics of political platforms and economic discord all the while not lifting a finger to help ourselves and each other within our respective communities. It's human nature to complain without wanting to take action. Society wants something for nothing these days. That's not the way it works and nothing in life is free from fee (whether it be emotional, physical, monetary, spiritually or otherwise).
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I would be happy to do 100 hours of community service for a $4,000 grant! That sounds like an amazing idea. Giving people an incentive to serve the community. You know, I'm really tired of people using the term "socialism" to scare people. Just ask the socialist candidate for president, he will tell you that Barack Obama is, in fact, NOT a socialist.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
8 Nov 08
First show me where it say 4000 dollar grant? I have Obama's own website up there. No where does it say anything about a 4000 dollar grant. Second where does the 4000 dollar come from? Third if spreading the wealth, which is Marxism look it up, and forced labor is not socialism then what is it, because it is not freedom?
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Umm...the $4,000 dollar grant part IS on the page about community service. It's right there above the part about encouraging people over 55 to serve.
".... and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free."
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Yup. That's 40 dollars an hour to do work that actually helps people. And it even has a trickle down effect, because by helping college students, it really does go back into the economy. Being a college student is REALLY hard, and we can use all the help we can get. Seriously, we have to manage at least 5 classes at once, along with thousands of pages of readings to do and papers and tests up the gazoo (I made that word up, by the way), and on top of it all most of us have to work!! And we have to find a job that works around our school schedules! And usually those jobs pay below 9 dollars an hour. And after going to classes all day and working all night, we are too exhausted to do our readings and write our papers and study for our tests, but guess what, we do it anyway. For FOUR YEARS. What a life.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
8 Nov 08
"Barack Obama and Joe Biden support plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops?" Okay I don't get this one, I thought they wanted to cut back. I know what my husband's commanders have been worried about if what happened after desert storm and other wars would happen again. When the men weren't needed and they started to kick them out and a lot of times ones who only had a year or two to go before being able to retire from the military with a full pension. And the CAC? What does Obama just want to add another branch of service? I mean that's what we have Reserves for right. My husband is a reservist and he volunteers to deploy to fill in various positions that are not in his job description. He's actually doing military post office overseas this coming year. Is the National Guard not good enough either? Thanks for making me aware of the new site. Now I can worry more. We'll see what he really does and after 4 years we will see if the American people will elect him again.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
8 Nov 08
We are already pulling back in some areas and reducing our forces where they are no longer needed. I hate the fact Obama will take credit for the end of our troops being in Iraq when really our success is thanks to McCain pushing the surge. We have done in just the past few months more than we have accomplished in years. He talks about how 'he' (Obama) will end the war in Iraq... He has nothing to do with it. It's set in motion before he's even in and even know he was the one who told Iraq's Foreign Minister not to negotiate withdraw plans during the election period.
My husband right now is being attacked (in a joking way) by fellow service men and woman on his base because he got a depolyment overseas that everyone wanted. He literally has to apply for these positions a year in advance to get them because everyone wants them. Positions are scarce and hard to get now if you want to deploy to make the big bucks in the Reserves. We don't need more men and woman fighting for them.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
8 Nov 08
What I do not under stand is if we are going to pull out of Iraq then there is no need for more troops in the military. In Iraq there is something like 140,000 troop, if they come back home then that only solve the problems with the military being stretch to the backing point. About the CAC I have no clue why we need that.

@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
7 Nov 08
If you thought the government had too much control before, look out. We may not even be able to do what we are doing right this moment within the next four years. They can take away one freedom at a time and people won't even realize it until it is too late. W elected him!!!!!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 Nov 08
I remember being required to do community service... it was when I was arrested for a misdomeaner.
I guess Prs. Obama considers us all convicts and demands we do our time.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Are the high school students who are currently required...and have been required for many perform a certain number of community service hours in order to qualify for graduation also criminals? I've experienced this requirement in our public schools in two states and haven't heard anyone screaming about it.
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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
8 Nov 08
Oh dear... the volunteer work does not really set well with me. I have kids in the house and I work about 12 hours a day. I don't think that I have the energy to do some volunteer work. My sister who lives in Boston called me about the volunteer thing yesterday and she was not happy either. She has a job and kids to attend. She deserves whatever break she can get as do other people.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Nov 08
Guaranteeing sick days would not cost the government - it would cost employers - it is they who would be giving their employees paid time off at their own expense.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
7 Nov 08
If they don't leave, the most definitely will downsize.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
7 Nov 08
This is now hell in America and those who voted him will be jumping for joy because they can not rest anymore. hhahaha they have to spend their precious vacant time to work without pay. and if this will be put to record by Obama, no body can say no to work, no rest...this is the promise he said, he will create jobs.. hahah truly jobs without pay. That is good. Let's try to see if these people who voted him will still be rejoicing. I am upset that he won and i am upset to those who are obsessed with him,
@momiecat (997)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Wow, what an informative post. I hear your anger. I want to say I also share your opinion. Obama's whole goal will be to eliminate the "poor" class and take from others who don't want things (money) to be taken away from them. I do believe instead of democracy we will have socialism. I think that the popular vote was fairly divided in that half of the Country voted for him and about half did not. He does have charisma and also his promise of giving money to certain groups of people for free appeals to those who may not have the education to understand politics, freedom, and the differences between socialism and democracy. I really do not know how we in "middle class" are going to live with so many new taxes and so little money that we will be receiving. It seems to me if he takes away from the middle class and spreads the money around, things will be "thinner" overall and may be we will end up with just two classes of people -- a "poor" class and a "rich" class and no middle class. In California, Gov. Arnold S. was to raise sales tax. It is already starting. Soon America will no longer be the best place to live. Let's see if Obama digs into his own pocketbook and gives some of his over-paid salary to the "poor", I doubt it. He will be living in luxury at the White House.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
8 Nov 08
That web site is a gold mine of future myLot posts! What I like best is what you already pointed out. No one can argue these are not 0bama's ideas.
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@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
8 Nov 08
if he does all you said and it betters our country so what the powers that were were obviously doing nothing for us but feathering their own nests at our expenses any thing will be better than four more years of the same rat hole the bush yrs brought us to
@Boraxo (225)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Agility....the ability to adapt to change........People in general do not like change, however this change machine that just got elected will soon awaken the people who thought they wanted change, which is contrary to human nature, with some policies that will affect their lives that they did not see coming. The choice for many was the lesser of two evils, however the lesser of two evils is still evil. I can hear it now as I have so many times when change is put forth to people, "that's not how we use to have to do it", "why do we have to do it like this","I do not want to do this",and mark my words in a few years when this change is all around us we will hear" he is trying to change everything I can not believe I voted for him" and the only change that happened that was beneficial to the individual was the change in their thought from I want change to I cannot believe I voted for these changes.