Survivor Gabon: Farewell to my odds on favorite...Cortjo Report
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
November 7, 2008 8:08pm CST
This sucks! That's just about all I have to say about this episode because my heart has been stomped on. LOL! I know! Mellow dramatic much Cortjo? Yes! I am! LOL!
So, I had to watch Marcus get voted off of Survivor this week and it sucks! He was my favorite castaway. Don't get me wrong, I still like Matty, Bob, Charlie and Sugar. But, if I had my choice, I wanted Marcus to walk away the winner. I have mostly been on the fence about Chrystal and after this week and her hand in sending Marcus to the jury...I can't stand her and want her gone.
So, enough of that. I have made my mind up about some others too. Randy annoyed me with his chastising his tribe when he said that tribal council was tough and they giggled. They weren't giggling out of disrespect. That was merely a case of nervous laughter. A lot of people do that. That and maybe a little bit of, "Well, duh. Of course Tribal Council was tough. It's not meant to be easy." So, his little chastising he did annoyed me. Get over yourself.
I don't like Suzie. Especially now that she voted Marcus out. And, she is sort of worthless.
Kenny...I have liked the way that he has been a voice of reason for Sugar but, after his role in getting my man Marcus out...I am not feeling as much Kenny love.
Bob...I adore Bob. How great was he during that task with the balancing the poles. Wow! Way to go!
And, that competition. Whew! I was torn on that one. I am cheering for the Kota Tribe but, I also didn't want Fang to lose it since, at that point, it looked like Matty was an odds on favorite for being voted out so, I didn't want to see him go and was torn between Fang and Kota as far as who I wanted to win that competition. And, as much as I like Matty, I liked Marcus more so, I would rather have seen Matty gone over Marcus. But, I can't always get what I want. In fact, as far as these shows go, I rarely do. So, I should have seen that one coming.
I am still on the fence about Corrinne. And, at this point, I think I have spoken about most everyone but, I am likely very wrong about that.
So, as it stands, I want Matty, Bob, Sugar or Charlie to win this thing. So, I should expect to see the four of them to be going home very soon. Stupid BS about me rarely getting my way.
How about the rest of you? How do you feel about seeing the eye candy Marcus get voted off? Would you have rather seen Ken go? Or, someone else like Suzie or Crystal?
How did you feel about Randy and proclaiming himself King? And, his little over-reaction to their nervous giggles?

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7 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I didn't want to see Marcus get voted off either:( I can see why Suzie did switch though. She knew that she wasn't going to be safe for very long. She is worthless and I am surprised that she is still in!
I would have liked to have seen Crystal go.
I love Bob and Matty...would love to see them as the final two. I can't stand Randy. I do like Sugar, but Kenny certainly knows how to control her thoughts.
Now that they are merged, it should be interesting.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I guess I understand why Suzie switched but, I still don't like it. LOL! Not that I liked her anyway but, she didn't help how I feel about her. LOL!
That would be cool to see Bob and Matty in the end. And, I wish that Sugar would start thinking for herself and stop letting everyone control her thoughts. Sheesh!
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@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
19 Nov 08
That's okay, you don't have to like Susie!
I think that for right now, Sugar is just waiting to see what the best move is. It is working for her now, but she can't keep it up much longer. She can't be the swing vote forever.

@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I would have never thought of Bob and Matty as being the Final 2. They are on opposite sides. But of course, they are merged now. So anything could happen. I'm still trying to work out the numbers, though, as to how both of them could end up in the Final 2. But, I'm all for it! Bob would win, though. Matty keeps changing his minds about who his alliance is. Well, he has been steady with one group for a while now. But in the beginning he just went wherever he thought was best for him and switched as soon as he thought that something was better. So, he might be penalized by the Jury for that. Who knows? I can't stand Randy, either, I am almost certain that that is one thing that we ALL agree on here! *LOL* I like Sugar, too, but I am afraid that she is beginning to feel a little *too* safe and won't play her Hidden Immunity Idol when she needs to and will get voted out.
But, we'll see. Yes, it should be interesting. 

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@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
9 Nov 08
*LOL* *LMAO* *ROFLMAO* People here are SO threatened by my love of Dan and my hatred of Marcus that they got my poetry Discussions deleted! Wow, so sad that we cannot all be allowed to have differing opinions!
Tears of Laughter, Tears of Joy,
Marcus went down in a blaze of Glory!
So sure of his Fate, he tossed the Idol away!
To the end of the game, he was certain he'd stay.
But the tribes were switched up, and Marcus couldn't deal.
Thought he still controlled the game, but behaved like a heel.
Susie got smart at just the right time,
Tribal Council that night was superb and sublime!
Now Charlie will be devastated and probably quit the game,
And Corrine will continue to play the ***** for her (brief) moment of fame.
Now Dan is avenged, Hahahaha, I'm sorry, but I find this so funny!
And Marcus didn't come anywhere near winning the glorious grand prize money!
Now it's Ken, Crystal, and Suzie for the Final 3, what delightful fun!
Such a pity about Marcus, the Golden Boy, the Chosen One!
Well, I'm laughing too hard to write any more than this,
So Good Night to you all, as we relish the blindsided bliss!

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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Nov 08
LOL! Ok! It's funny! But, I don't agree! LOL! I loved Marcus! I enjoyed watching his fine butt. And, he was a strong competitor.
Thank you for your input though! I have no problem with sharing their opinions with me...even when they are different than mine. As long as you are respectful of mine, I'm respectful of yours!
Have fun and I hope to see more of you in my discussions!
@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Well, Marcus was kind of hot. And he was a strong physical competitor. But he couldn't adapt to the fake merge and re-shuffled tribes. He could have done a couple of different things and he would still be in the game. He went about approaching Susie and Crystal in the wrong way, they sensed what was up, and they turned on him and got rid of him. It's like I like to say. Outwit, Outlast, Outplay. Winning physical challenges is only a part of it. If you are smart and can find a way to use strategy to get rid of a physical threat, then more power to you. :)
I am glad that you don't mind differing opinions. :) I was having serious problems here earlier with losing posts and earnings, and I thought it was because I posted Marcus hate here earlier. *LOL* But, I think it ended up being something different that was going on. So, I'm sorry. :(
I will have fun, and I can't wait to post here some more! 

@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I don't really have a favorite this season, but definately don't like Randy. Haven't liked him (or Ace) from day one. Crystal is useless in challenges. Thought she was an athlete. And Suzie can't be trusted at all. She is only concerned with herself, not the team. I like Mat and Bob and Sugar and Kenny and charlie, but we all know there can only be one winner, so it will get pretty rough now and especially after the merge when it is every man for himself.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Nov 08
I have been up in the air about Randy. I liked that he was at least smart enough to voice his opinion from the start about their food shortage. Not that it got through to his tribe's heads at the time. But, he is very abrasive and can get rude and has become too full of himself so, I'm done with him. He can go and I'll be fine with that.
Suzie sure can't be trusted. Basically, whomever gets to her last is who she will side with so, Marcus should have spoken to Suzie seconds before Tribal Council to ensure his safety. Too bad. I'll miss him.
I am still smarting from Kenny's hand in Marcus' demise so, I want him gone. At least for now. I don't see myself forgiving him but, it could happen. LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
9 Nov 08
Cortjo..well at least i am happy since Matty is still here and he's my fave to win..I knew you liked Marcus but wasn't so into Bob and Sugar so i agree..wonder why Crystal and suzie are still around, but individual comps they will always lose over Matty so i don't care..
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I'm glad Matty is still there too. But, he does seem to be on people's radar so, he might be in danger of being sent home soon. I hope he ends up in the end but, I am worried for him.
I can't figure out how Crystal and Suzie are still around either. Although, it seems to go back and forth every week. One week they want to get the threats out, the next they want to get the useless people out. Figure it out folks. Do you want the stronger competitors to help you get to the end? Or, would you rather be standing next to people who barely did squat to get you where you are? LOL!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Hey Star,
Well I was thinking of you when I saw Marcus walking off into the night. I think he blew it by talking to both Suzie and Crystal.But look at it this way, you'll see Marcus all spiffed up every week on the jury now. Now I would like to see Mattie win. These guys have to be careful about appearing to take leadership. That is what seems to doom them. Here are the ones I don't like. I can't stand Randy. Never have and never will. I don't like Suzie,
Crystal, and I am not fond of Corrine. The rest will be on their own. Sugar seems to be really dumb. I thought she played it right by voting out Ace but then Mattie made her cry over it. Mattie just wanted an a back up. It's going to be interesting. I want Randy gone!!!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Hey Leenie,
Thanks for thinking of me when we watched Marcus walk away.
But, you are right. Now I get to see his hottiness all spiffed up in a suit. And, he does wear a suit well. Whew! I might need a cold shower after I get done with this response to you. The very thought of him in a suit has me a little...well...nevermind! LOL! Anyway, thank you for reminding me that I will get to see him looking all kinds of fine in a suit from now until the end. I bet he smells good too. LOL! Sheesh! See what you started? LOL!
It bugged me that Sugar let Matty manipulate her like he did. But, she is very easily manipulated. However, if Sugar has to be manipulated each week by a man, I would rather it be Matty since I like him. LOL!
Suzie and Crystal can go any darn day now. Both of them, along with Kenny, got Marcus out and I now want their heads on a plate. LOL! And, I think I have decided I don't really like Randy so, I wouldn't mind seeing him gone either but, I want to see Crystal, Suzie and Kenny gone first.

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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
8 Nov 08

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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I would want either Sugar, Bob or Matty to win. Randy is just such a jerk. I was rooting for Krystal because going into this I was thinking "she is an olympic gold medalist" I thought that she was going to be able to compete and blow the guys away. The girl can't do anything. No swimming, no running (didn't she get the medal for track?) and as far as I can tell she is lazy around camp as well. She does seem to be scheming her way to the top, which I hope she does not make it that far!
By voting Marcus off I believe that KOTA will lose any physical challenges that they have to compete in. As far as FANG goes, well Randy I do not like, Corinne I do not like, I would hope that Matty would pull it off on that side. Either Matty or Sugar. I did not like Sugar until she blind sided Ace the way she did! That was a super move! Now I do like her. As far as Kenny, Charlie or Suzie go....don't care for them either.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Yea...Crystal did win a medal for some kind of Olympic running thing so, you would think that she would be better at it. She is pretty much useless. Not only does she really stink at competitions but, she also seems mostly to do nothing more than scheme either flat on her back in the tent or throughout campus, and lie flat on her back in the tent sulking about whatever is ticking her off at the moment. LOL! So, mostly she spends a lot of time flat on her back in the tent. LOL!
If scheming was a competition, she would have this game licked. If lying flat on your back was a competition, again...she'd have that licked too. LOL!
Kota sure did make a mistake getting rid of Marcus. He was their best competitor. Without him, they may start losing a lot more than they were before.
I also liked how Sugar blind sided Ace! That was awesome!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
8 Nov 08
Sugar is a goner then because my favorites in all reality shows get picked off one at a time and my favorite is Sugar. I think she is playing a great game and she may have a good chance as she still has an idol. I love bob too, he is a together kind of man and he is constantly showing the kids up. I like Kenny too, I think he is a good game player and it seems the good looking ones are getting played by the less attractive. I don't particularly like Susie and wouldn't mind if she got voted off. I am kind of impartial to her. I really like Crystal but she sure sucks at the competitions.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
8 Nov 08
Sugar is one of my favorites. I love that she is sort of naive yet still has managed to keep herself in the game with last minute "Ah Ha" moments.
I love that Bob keeps himself out of trouble and manages to show the younger castaways up a lot.
As for Kenny, I liked him and may again if I can ever get over him being a part of the reason my absolute favorite player got the boot this week. But, that smarts right now so, I want Kenny's head on a platter either next week or the week after depending on when Crystal goes. LOL! Sorry. I don't like her. Not her attitude. Not her whining and not her uselessness. Then, she was also a reason that my stud muffin Marcus was given the boot.