To commemorate the loss of my hair

@NaHCO3 (106)
November 8, 2008 8:50pm CST
After a week ideological struggle,i have decided : i want to revenge. i run to barber shop, a pocket full of secret weapon --[there are a dime and a piece of paper and reading: although this is a dime , but it is also the weight of more than 10 yuan ,so please don't feel the loss,you know what ? your technology is good ,everyone see my hair and have a lot of finger-pointing so,i have a headache. only his wife ,i fear that some i am surprised to see his wife for a mins i immediately said to her:i just want to shampoo. [his wife is very good , on the contrary ,her husband is evil, i am very hesitant and will not harm the innocent?i will not be life threatening? ....... i run and look back,ha ha ,safe passage after a few weeks ,that the black shops were closing,my reason?
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