Do you hate it when the Best Response goes in the first few responses?

November 9, 2008 5:57am CST
You know what I mean, you come in an hour after a new discussion starts, you're maybe 8th or 10th response, and the Best Response has already gone. I don't expect to be in the hunt every time, but it sort of takes the wind out of your sails a bit. I don't give a BR until the thread has had time to start slowing down, which is usually about 5-7 days after I start it. That way you actually have a chance to see who has really come up with the goods. Of course I realise that a lot of Mylotters are under the mistaken impression they're going to make a fortune out of it, so they can't be bothered reading long discussions, and certainly not in reading threads to see what's already been said, I mean, time is money, right? Wrong lol. And if you give the BR early you don't have to keep going back to read it - which is of course silly, because responding to the responses to your own thread has to make money. Oh well, what do you all think? Lash
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24 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Nov 08
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes you see a discussion, think "I'll have a look at that", see that it's only been up for a hour or so, less sometimes, and the BR has already been given. I think that there is then a kind of psychological barrier that stops you from wanting to continue. I do understand that for some people it's a case of wanting an answer to a specific question and the first one there gets the prize. But I do find it a disincentive to respond. That said, I am at the opposite end of the spectrum. I can wait months before awarding the BR.
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• Australia
9 Nov 08
Yes, I'd noticed you are tardy lol. And yes, I guess the simple Q&A are understandable, but I think this practice tends to cut short a discussion that might otherwise keep coming up and gathering more responses the longer you leave it. Lash
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Nov 08
LOL. I agree. I need to get on top of things. However, I see little point in calling it a discussion if the BR is given too soon.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Nov 08
Thank you for the BR. Much appreciated.
@ronreyes (4724)
• Philippines
12 Nov 08
You've stated an excellent point. However, please bear in mind that best response is pretty much self-explanatory. If a member feels that he / she had read the answer he / she is looking for, then we should respect his / her decision of deciding what will be the best response for the discussion, regardless of the quality or quantity of the response. But like I said, your idea is quite plausible. Perhaps I should put it into practice from now on.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Dec 08
Maybe, but it the discussion has not been open for very long then how can you know that you have the best response. There may be a few people who come very close to each other in their skill at answering the post.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I have many threads I have not chosen best response for. Quite honestly, sometimes I do not 'get' a best response, in that among the responses I received, nothing stands out as better or more clear than any others. Other times I see a response that brings a totally different view to my entire discussion, or hits the nail on the head so well I cannot help but give it BR. I do prefer to read the whole thread and respond to comments first before choosing one. I don't judge discussion worth based on length, I mean I wouldn't avoid a discussion because it has many responses and I also like to read the responses and comment even if 2o other people said the same thing. I hear people say they DON'T reply because other people already said what they were going to say but I say why not? Just because it's the same sentiment does not make it the same response. In a place like this, everybody's is welcome. I think a lot of people come here purely with intention to make money. They don't look at it any other way. While you can make money at this site, it can't be forced by aggressively going after it. That doesn't make for quality interaction among discussion participants which is the point of this site - at least I think so.
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• Australia
9 Nov 08
How can you stand to have all those unresolved discussions lol? I'll give a BR even if there's nothing really great there just to get it off my list, but it always goes to a Friend. Lash
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Yes I have to agree. It makes me wonder how after 2 responses someone can determine that was the best response. Now, once I was given a best response within a few minutes after the discussion started but, it was by accident lol I usually wait a month or two just because once they do slow down, I forget about them.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I give BRs when the discussion becomes a week old. Yes, I have replied to discussions that got started within a few hours and I already see the prized pencil given. But it doesn't faze me. I just respond anyway. To each his or her own, I guess.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
10 Nov 08
Yes except that I have given a best response to an early post even though there were many afterward. But I really do know what you are saying. Giving the BR early is just like shooting yourself in the foot.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Jan 09
I don't even pay attention to whether a best response has been awarded yet or not. It doesn't matter to me, really. I am one that probably takes way too long to award them. I procrastinate going back and awarding them so bad. I usually will pick a day and just go thru a bunch of them at a time.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
10 Nov 08
I understand what you mean. There are people who give a BR in an hour or two after starting the discussion. They do not even wait for a day for responses. I think it is those who give BR for their favourites here. I think it is silly giving a BR to only your close friends here because anyway they are not going to earn extra for the BR.
• Australia
10 Nov 08
If I get a good choice of responses, then I give it to the one which I think is best, but if there are very few, normally they will be from my friends, and unless there is a good one from someone else, it goes to them. But I agree, no point in giving it to a friend just because they are a friend. Lash
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• United States
16 Jan 09
Yea I know what you mean and I've thought myself and sometimes if I see a best response given and no responses left for those attending the conversation then I'll leave because they obviously are not interested in anything I have to say. Heck, half the time I give best responses three weeks after I started the conversation because its just an after thought so maybe I'll change that now that I know it does matter. Personally, I find it a pleasant suprise when I get a best response some time after I responded.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
15 Jan 09
Dang it, I missed the BR here... But yeah, I go and find a discussion that has 3 responses that is interesting, go to make a reply, and the blessed BR has already been bestowed. If the discussion is interesting enough, I will still comment, but annoyed, yep.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Jan 09
Which reminds me of the funniest time I missed out on a BR. Somebody had posted a discussion on procrastination. The BR had already been given. Went something like this: Poster - I am a procrastinator, what about you? Do you procrastinate? Dawn - I'll get back to you on that. Poster - lol I would have given you the BR but I already gave it out. Dawn - Serves me right for procrastinating!
• Australia
16 Jan 09
Well, lol, you're three months late in getting here. Although it went to the frist response, I did wait a week or so to give it. Lash
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
9 Nov 08
I usually give BR after 2 to 3 days or more depending on my moods. Sometimes it takes 3 months for me to do it. Well, we cant do anything about it for that is there preferences, some likes to give it quickly without paying attention to the late responder.They say early bird catches more fish. I admit sometimes i just give BR even he/she dont deserve it because I like to award BR to the new mylotters for they will be eager to do more posting job here.
• Australia
9 Nov 08
When I have a very unpopular discussion, which is to say about half of them because they only pull a couple of responses, I award the BR to someone on my friends list, if there is one. New Mylotters can look after themselves lol. Lash
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
10 Jan 09
It is not very important to me if the best response is chosen after an hour or after 3 weeks. In my own discussions I always wait some days or a week, but everyone is free to do it their own way. Some people might give out the best response very fast, because they don't expect more than a few responses. I always appreciate it when I get a best response, but I don't expect it and I often respond to discussions which are a couple of months old. I don't care if the best response is already chosen, if the topic is interesting, I still like to respond.
@hildas (3031)
9 Nov 08
Yes, I know what you mean. I used to give best responses the first day when I first started, but now I know that if I see a discussion already rated, I skip it out. I now wait a few days or even a week. I had a slow discussion last week. I only had two replys to it. On friday I some how got another six replys to it, so it pays to wait. Yes an on going thread does make money. It is better to always go back to it. Yes you are correct. You need to read all the replys on the discussion. Writing up all the same things as others is boring to read.
• Australia
9 Nov 08
Yes, it's amazing how often bringing a discussion back to the top of the list can stimulate more replies. Lash
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@hildas (3031)
9 Nov 08
Yes it really is. I did not think I would of got that many that night.
@VenomX (22)
• Romania
9 Nov 08
it's silly with this best response. i think it should be a worst response too^^. i read long discussions too but i have a question..are longer discussions or longer responses better paid? :-/
• Australia
9 Nov 08
Some of us think so. Lash
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@anonymili (3138)
10 Nov 08
I totally know what you mean, I have seen BR awarded to posts within the first 15 minutes which I thought was really bizarre, especially as this has barely given members enough time to respond. It's a surefire way to stop many members responding to your discussion as if the BR has already been awarded they might assume the discussion author is not going to go back to the discussion and rate their response positively. Personally I don't award the BR for several weeks after I've started the post and if there are still responses coming in I will wait till at least 5 days after the last post to award the BR. I also don't go around giving BR just to my friends as I have noticed some members here seem to do, that is favouritism and isn't fair on those who have bothered to come and take the time to write a quality response...
• Canada
21 Nov 08
I agree with you! My approach is akin to yours. I like to wait awhile before awarding my BR. Many who participate in the kinds of discussions I post put a lot of time, thought and energy into their additions to the topic and I often find it challenging to pick a "best of the best" because there are so many quality responses. Your points about those who assign a BR on the fly probably are the same ones who want to make a few fast pennies. I have noticed that they rarely participate in lengthy posts or if they do...they are short and often have nothing to do with the discussion. So it is not all that surprising that they assign their best responses without a lot of forethought either. Oh well, there are still many members who do not approach it that way and they are the ones that most of us really appreciate having their BR. Hope others read your post and re-consider how they choose to designate their best responses in the future. Raia
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
21 Nov 08
For me, when I respond to a discussion I don't expect best response. I just respond when I have something to relate to the topic and I don't even care if how that person choose the best response in his topic. I agree with you that some people do not even bother to read and re read a long thread. In my case, I don't want to wait for many days to choose best response if I feel that I find the best response, I will award it not waiting for more days. But there re times that it took me many days to wait for the best response I want for my topic. So, it all depends.. that is my personal opinion.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Hi! Well, not that I hate it if the best response has been chosen too early but it make me confuse that how can a user choose a best response that fast in just a few hours. I always wait a month before I choose my best response for my started topics. It could be long but I like to take my time and read every response thoroughly so I can choose well. Besides sometimes I still receive responses even after a week or two the discussion has been posted. Yeah, maybe some users think that they have to immediately choose the BRs when what is written in the mylot guidelines is to wait until a week before choosing. We also don't earn from it but I think it helps to increase our star ratings. Ciao!
• China
9 Nov 08
Oh, I have already forgetten it. Without your words I cannot remember there is a thing called BEST RESPONSE. I have not notice it except the first several days. Later I will go to my discussuions and pick up my best responses. Thank you for reminding me.
• United States
9 Nov 08
I hate that lol and you type like a paragraph