@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
November 9, 2008 9:52am CST
Yes, it is true.
www.change.gov is the official Obama transition web site. I urge all Americans to visit it frequently. Frequently, is required. They keep rewriting it!
I've already had trouble with cutting and pasting from it only to be made to look like a liar when they rewrote and removed the stuff I cut and pasted. This is going on with many sections of www.change.gov
The Obama team has a hard time putting forward proposals millions of Americans do not strongly object to, hence the need for the constant rewritting.
The section on the Obama policy towards firearms is but one more example. Here is an NRA article on the topic.
I say that since the 0bama team has already wiped clean and sent down the memory hole all the things the NRA pointed out in the linked article, it is proof that the public does not support 0bama's proposed firearms policy as was originally written at www.change.gov
I further say that 0bama's proposals as represented at www.change.gov are so often being modified, rewritten and abandoned, it is strong indication that 0bama's orginal intent as to how to govern America is way off track as to what Americans find acceptable.
What do you say?
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7 responses
@cathy_human (78)
• China
10 Nov 08
American put so many hope to Obama, who really can chang somthing?
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Good points. America did put a lot of hope into electing 0bama, but who really can change something as big as a whole country?
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Thanks for the site...I don't know how much of what's on there will be true and how much of it will just be more of his double talk but it's a good site to try to keep up with what he's trying to do to our country.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 08
You are welcome. www.change.gov is an official web site. It is worth checking into to see what 0bama really believes and thinks. Just keep checking back as he changes his mind a lot.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Obama is all about change and this proves it. The Obama camp creates a website to spell out the agenda of the Obama/Biden administration. My point is if America really loved this man and his policies, then why change your policies on the fly? Stick with them, America just elected you, you will never be more popular than the day after your election.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Wow, good point. 0bama is squandering the good will from winning the election probably faster than anyone in history. What a guy!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 Nov 08
*clears my throat*
Alright. Now to be serious;
To be fair, the website only came out a couple days ago. Most new websites would be in BETA and be considered unfinished at this date.
but it would be most interesting for people to keep records, if only to see if we can catch anything really interesting.
The power of the internet should gain us information when someone in positions toward the top just hand us something awesome like this (that is, something that could be so potentially juicy).
As for if Obama's methods for governing America are out of sync with what we want...*shrugs* could be, might not, we'll see. He tends to ride the line of "wow that's iffy...and OK I don't even know what THAT is" quite often.
I'm interested in any new information, the more real and scandalous the better. Just need something solid. *will wait and keep my eyes and ears open* =)
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 08
The heart of www.change.gov is merely 0bama's policy positions consisting of text that can easily be cut and pasted from already existing files 0bama's campaign should readily have at hand.
There is no excuse after 2 years of campaign to not know what your candidate is running on as to his positions.
At www.change.gov 0bama's actual positions are explained and deleted because of outrage about as fast as they can publish them.
0bama does not know what he is doing.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Throughout the history of mankind, what I call high IQ sociopaths have been a major problem. 0bama is one of these, but not in the top ranked category. I believe he is an instrument of the top ranked.
The biggest problem with such people is that most people just refuse to believe there are such people so good at lying, so charming, and so diabolical.
Trust me, they exist. Their biggest protection is they seem so nice.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Redyellow- I do believe this is what everyone was referring to as job training which I think is ridiculous, because like you said he should know after 2 years campaigning...but I have a feeling he already knows which way he wants to go....and like he said some ideas won't be liked...maybe even by his own supporters. Which may explain a lot of the ambiguity. Dunno call me a skeptic, but it was all there for us to see before hand.
I just hope for the best.
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@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Yeah, this is probably something the people should have checked before they voted for him. It amazes me that we actually elected a Presidential Candidate that was not vetted by the third estate. Well, I imagine that we shall see alot of "test" proposals before being slammed by the real deal. I urge all our citizens to be skepical and to scrubb the proposals with a fine tooth comb. I also urge the Republicans to be the loyal opposition for the next few years.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I agree with you completely. Also, I do not find any comfort in the fact events are starting to show we were right to be skeptical of 0bama. I'd rather be wrong.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
10 Nov 08
This does not surprise me at all. It fits the character of the man who promised he would never abandon his church and pastor of 20 years which meant that he would do so shortly after that statement....we watched this on national tv and on all the news channels as it unfolded during the campaign...still no one questioned this part of his character.
One thing that not many Americans realized during the campaign is that the word Change was used ambiguously. And anyone who questioned it was made to be looked like someone who is against any type of progress. Well, I like most Americans should have been, should be and hopefully one day will be, need to know the answers to questions and do not rely upon a ambiguous word to give me HOPE.
I noticed in his first press conference he not only again was ambiguous, which on some things I completely understand for confidenetiality reasons, but was a little put off by the fact that after he asked one female reporter to repeat her second part of the question as if he was going to answer it (it had to do with campaign promises and if he now felt pause to any of them) he said "Skip that one." Not to mention when I saw the news only two days after the election some of the campaign workers either were shorted hours, paid in correctly or only given gift cards. Well, honestly I see working for campaigns as either volunteer basis (for the cause right) well one lady made it quite clear. Gift cards for groceries are fine, but she was there for the money. She said those words. I certainly hope he realizes who it was that voted for him and the real issues on their minds.
But like I said before he is our president and I will do my best to set these things aside in hopes that he may realize he has received his chance to make a difference and not change our lives so much so we are led into nowheresville. But I do know one thing. I am paying much more attention as all of the voting Americans should even after election day. The party is not over yet and it would be nice to think this historical moment will actually work out in the end.
Who knows what the future holds. But I do know this also I am going to continue paying attention to Palin and Paul for 2012.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 08
A plus and best response for you.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Hey people wanted change, they got it...
On a daily basis...
It's tough to say what Obama's plans really are but everything I read on his sites look bad to me and it seems every time he changes it, it just keeps getting worse. What is certain is that we are in for a 4 year long bumpy road. I don't see anything about Obama that give me confidence in America's future, however I pray that I am wrong. All I can say is people need to wake up and stop looking for the government to save them and take it upon themselves to get themselves to a safe destination to weather the storms that are life. Thank god for Dave Ramsey... otherwise I'd be freaking out right now. lol
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
12 Nov 08
As to 0bama's plans, the hope, and the change, I think anyone who has been paying attention to remarks from the 0bama camp can see that everyday 0bama is becoming more and more like Bush!
Sure, there will be minor differences, but that is it. 0bama is going to cause a sigh of disappointment to people who voted for him, and a sigh of relief to people who voted against him.