
United States
November 9, 2008 12:30pm CST
Okay. so i think people are pretty much just horrible. They are being so racist towards Obama. The new black president of the united states. i mean come on. You all knew it would happen sometime. I think its a very sad thing. My sisters teacher is a black woman. While my sister and her class were at gym she ran to the super market. A lady walked up to her because she had an Obama and said. "See this black shirt i have on? This shirt represents the death of Obama". Like what the heck. People are really losing it. You know if Hilary Clinton won someone wouldn't have done that. I think the people of America need to get a hold of themselves. Its a lot better then bush in office. So does anyone has a problem with Obama being black?
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14 responses
• United States
10 Nov 08
i think obama will be way better than bush. because of some of the decisions bush made while in office our country is suffering big time, stores are closing down, small businesses are losing business. this change should have taken place along time ago if you ask me.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
10 Nov 08
ok here is my prediction, he will be shot by a red neck within 6 months of taking office. In my opinion some communities in the Southern states are amongst the most racist places on earth even today (is it true Alabama still has segregated universities?). I can not honestly see such people allowing a black president, can you? blessed be
• United States
10 Nov 08
In my opinion some communities in the Southern states are amongst the most racist places on earth even today... That is pure bs. Racism is not a "southern" thing, dear. It exists all over our great country. I am Southern, thank you, and I voted for Obama. So did my 79 year old mother and my 35 year old daughter.
• United States
10 Nov 08
that reminds me... I read about that some people are actually wanting AND waiting for the KKK to assassinate obama just because he looks like he's black or he's half black and half white lol
• United States
10 Nov 08
Obama's race didn't make any difference to me at all when I voted for him. One thing we will never be rid of is ignorant people. There will always be a great supply of them. I voted for Obama because I agree with his ideas and policies. His plans for the future of America made more sense to me than anything McCain came up with. I am looking forward to seeing our country become more like the country I want to live in. It's unfortunate that there are so many racist people in the world; it really is. Of course, most of them don't admit to being racist. But you know them by their words and actions. To me, constantly saying that Obama is "half-black" or "half-white" is racist. Most white people in America don't even know what they are. Implying that he is not black enough to be called Black is nothing but racism. That's my opinion.
• United States
9 Nov 08
The fact that Obama is (half) black is WAAAAYYYY down the list of reasons why I think he is bad for this country. In fact it's not even on the list.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Why is he so bad for our country....just look at what the "Republicans" did to our country they Raped it,so President-elect Obama can't do no worse than the "theives" that were there before him,he's like a " breath of fresh air"...and i already can imagine why you think that he is bad for "America" I can sum it up in one word..."RACIST"...
• United States
10 Nov 08
sirnose, since you have already made up your mind I won't bother you with any facts.
@YamiKiba (937)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Uhm. . .I don't have a problem with him being black lol. To not like a president because of his (or her) race, or color of their skin is just stupid. My vote went for him, and he spoke of change and I think he has a way with words. His delivery of that victory speech was simply amazing and was worthwhile to stay up for. The only thing that bugged me is that he didn't pick Hillary as his running mate, because I think they would've made a great duo. Yes I know he's half Black, but when did skin color determine how a good a President would run a country. It's a tough time to be president right now and he's got a lot of guts wanting the position at a time when the economy is bad so I commend him for that. McCain. . .just scared the f*** out of me the whole way (being more liberal and leaning towards the Democrats but I consider myself an Independent). . .and Palin. . .don't even get me started why I don't think she should be VP. It would go into a full-blown bash/rant. No offense to anyone who wanted McCain/Palin to win. Obama just had more charisma. And to people saying why black people would want someone of their race elected just because on what race they were. . .well isn't that a bit hypocritical? Haven't white people been doing that for hundreds of years now (well considering they were all white before this particular election they'd have to side with the candidate that represented their values most. . .)? Yeah there's been white presidents before who've had black blood in them, but they weren't considered black because they didn't look the part.
• United States
10 Nov 08
It does not matter if they looked the part or not of being black. It like me telling you you are not considered white because you dont look white enough or act white enough. If you have 50 percent black in you and 50 percent white in you you are automatically considered black regardless if you look it or not.
@animeniak (425)
• United States
10 Nov 08
ok people are just so stupid they keep on saying that a black man was voted for 44th president JUST because he looks like a black man -_- in fact he's HALF black&white not just 100% black. If I was asked if i like or dislike obama and the reason why, I wouldn't even mention a little tiny crap about his ethnicity... that's just plain STUPID!!!! and to answer your final question, the answer is NO i don't care if he's half black half white, if he looks black, I really don't care and I have no problem with that whatsoever, but YES i do have a problem that he became a president because I didn't like his campaigns at all -_-;; rather vote for nader instead or just not vote at all..
@momiecat (997)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I agree with you. Why does President Elect Barak Obama not emphasize the white part of his heritage? Just because he has darker skin, he still is half white. I guess if you want to appeal to the black voters it may be an advantage to emphasize the fact that you are black but may be he felt that he would get a lot of white votes regardless, so he did not make an appeal to them as much. It seems like people wanted a change no matter who the Democrat candidate was. They felt like change would mean Democrat, not Republican ideals. Like you, I did not agree with his "campaign" but I was not happy with the choice of McCain either. It was a tough decision for me to make. Even if I wanted to vote for Nader, I feared my vote would make less of a difference in the end, so I did not. Tough election, tough times. I wish the best for our Country in keeping it a good place to live, keeping our freedoms.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Nov 08
OH I have no problem with Obama being black, but there were a couple of black candidates in the third parties that would have been much better but there were not radical or leftist enough to be the media's darlings. People are not mad because of Obama's policies. He is pro-abortion, extremely so, and pro 'gay' civil unions and he would not sign the protection of life for babies who survived abortions, and I would bet that he is going to overturn all those rules that the states had put in to ban abortions on demand as well as sign in the Fairness Doctrine act so that on the Christian or Religious radios they will have to have an anti-Christian or an atheist who is university educated and can talk a storm or their radio show goes off the air. If they had chosen a different black candidate who was less left wing radical, I would have been very happy.
@mehale (2200)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I do agree that a person's race has no place in politics. And it is a shame that many still seem to think it does. Hopefully one day America will really change and this will no longer be the case, but I just don't know.
@momiecat (997)
• United States
10 Nov 08
This world is made up of many different types of people. I agree it is not fair for people to judge other people just because they look different, have different color skin, etc. I make a choice of whether or not to like a person because of what is inside his/her head and heart. I favor someone who has good principles and morals. I do not think that is too much to ask for. The color of ones skin does not make any difference to me in my decision to like or not like a person. I disagree with some of Obama's plans for the Country but I wish him well, even though I did not vote for him.
@avidwhit (1492)
• Mexico
9 Nov 08
Personally I think the USA is better off with their new President than McCain. Maybe there will be more peace in the world. The USA is mixed salad of different races its all who make it what it is. :)
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Obama isn't the first black President. There is supposed to be 5 other Presidents before him with black blood. They say the first president,(before George Washington) had strong black blood. His name was John Hanson.
@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
9 Nov 08
I don't get why people can't remember that he's only HALF black. Yes. HALF. It would be exactly as accurate to say we have elected a white man as president. I can't believe that a lady in a supermarket would actually do that. Scary! I thought there were only a few people like that. I really hope nothing happens to him, he has a beautiful family and he is risking his life for our country and what he stands for.
@glords (2614)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Fortunately the racists in this country are the OUTSPOKEN minority. I think that the vote proved that most people support Obama, his ideas, and the chance to have a black man serve as our president.
• United States
10 Nov 08
right, because his skin color is why he would either suceed or fail as president. Oh you all didnt hear? Recent studies show that skin color affects your desicion making skills, the darker you are the more bad your desicions will be. right. if you believe me, maybe you have bigger problems than what you assume.