Joe the Plumber = Joe the Sponger?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 9, 2008 7:59pm CST
Joe the Plumber became a household name following the final Presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain and while McCain and his supporters repeated blamed Obama for violating poor Joe's privacy, it wasn't the Obama camp that trotted Joe around at rallies or who made Joe hire a publicist, seek out book deals and recording contracts or make the talk show circuit. It seemed that he really enjoyed his "15 minutes of fame" and was willing to do anything he could to extend it well beyond those 15 minutes. It all started with a question he asked Obama regarding Obama's tax policy proposals and Joe made it clear every chance he got that he considered Obama's plan to be socialist and that he didn't want his tax dollars to go to help anyone else who didn't work as hard for a living as he does.
Kind of like a WELFARE RECIPIENT? They don't work for a living, do they, Joe? Most of us realize that good people sometimes fall on hard times, but there was nothing in your rhetoric that led me to believe you see it that way. Hmmm...
Who'd a thought Joe the Plumber, John McCain's very own role-model had ever been a welfare recipient? Doesn't that mean someone else's wealth was redistributed to give to Joe? Any thoughts?
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13 responses

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I understand. Both of you, who I'm sure claim to be against Bush's illegal wiretaps, are more than happy to see Joe's privacy invaded by the likes of Helen Jones-Kelley. I'm not saying Obama himself smeared the guy, but it was the Obama machine, including people like Kelley in political positions who illegally used their power to attack this man. Biden mocked him for not actually having a plumbing license. The point wasn't about his occupation, but rather his desire to make more money without being punished for it or having the money given to people who didn't work hard enough to earn it.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
It's not simply a matter of support. Frankly, I don't know enough about him to say anything about what kind of guy he really is. He became popular because he got Obama to admit something that he'd denied for a long time, aka "spreading the wealth".
Many republicans came to his defense later because the media descended on him and Obama supporters in the state of Ohio such as Helen Jones-Kelley violated his privacy by illegally accessing his records on child support as well as DMV records. That turned him into a victim of both the media, and the Obama machine. As a result, people rallied to his defense. Nobody should be violated and harassed in such a manner just for asking a question of a candidate who showed up in front of HIS house.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
10 Nov 08
This is the problem, he asked a good question and Senator Obama gave him an answer that the public did not like. What did Senator Obamas followers do they used their positions of power to try to destroy him. The message is loud and clear, If you cross the party you will be punished or destroyed.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Nov 08
What "public" didn't like Obama's answer? How in the world did anyone try to destroy him? He's got a publicist now and wants to write a book and maybe run for, someone try to destroy me! What does that have to do with Joe being on welfare? Is it only OK for conservatives who put down others in the same position to be on welfare?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Nov 08
"Those of us who aren't blinded by the worship of Obama can see it quite clearly."
That's another cheap shot which I never USED to expect from you. I'd say you're much more "blinded by the worship of Sarah Palin" than any Obama supporter I know is by the "worship" of our President Elect.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Annie, democrats illegally accessed his records at the DMV, Child Support, etc. Republicans didn't do this to democrats. Nobody illegally accessed the records of Rev. Wright or William Ayers. The media didn't park satellite vans on Ayers front lawn. These people used their positions of power to discredit him in ways that had NEVER been done to a private citizen in this country who asked a simple question to a politician.
Barbara Waters got it to a lesser degree after asking Biden tough questions. Suddenly their saying she isn't a reporter just because she's worked as a health reporter in the past. Those of us who aren't blinded by the worship of Obama can see it quite clearly.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Annie, honestly I think this guy was nothing but a plant by the McCain campagne. This man was dreaming about owning a company which with everything on him would never happen, there are different stages to becoming a plumber which I believe it takes a total of like 4 years to become a master plumber. The money is always spread around Annie it is just our turn at a little piece of the pie. Time for the restaraunt owner to pay a little more, and thier dishwasher to get a break that is if they are even being paid on the books. Obama's plan will give small businesses tax cuts if they hire new employees so therefore that I can not grow my business because I had to pay 3 percent more this year.
Kennyrose as far as that child support thing goes, they can not charge you back child support if you haven't acknowledged the child, or had a paternity test. if your husband is older if he was married and his wife had a child that would be a different story. Now if he got divorced which I hope he did since he is now your husband, is a long process he would have been hit with child support. From what you are saying a woman can get pregnant and name anyone they want as the father and bam the court hit you up with 14 years of child support lol
I am constantly hearing the right wing talking trash about Obama supporters, just because a few go beyond the lines does not make all supporters illegal jerks.
Here a McCain supporter refused to give children halloween candy if thier parents where Obama supporters. What about the supporter that lied and said she was attacked by an Obama supporter and carved a B on her cheek. You see it is on both sides it is individuals doing this not groups.
As for the makeover show hiring Joe I honestly do not see that happening with how much publicity he has had. Most smart businesses will not bring in politics because it can be very damaging to the company. I would say this if he was on Obama's side as well.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
"Annie, honestly I think this guy was nothing but a plant by the McCain campagne."
Sorry gramma, but that is just an ignorant statement. OBAMA WENT TO HIS HOUSE! Do you think that McCain found out that Obama was visiting that neighborhood and immediately instructed Joe to move into that neighborhood and make sure to be at home, playing ball with his son on that day, at that time? McCain couldn't even get the guy to show up at one of the rallies they organized where he was supposed to be the opening speaker.
You're right that there are nuts on both sides. The girl with the backwards B on her cheek was mentally ill and had done similar things in the past. She made up the Obama bit because she is clearly hungry for attention and knew that it would get her on the news. The guy with the candy... well that's his right as to who he wants to give it to no matter how petty his behavior is. He didn't break the law like all the Obama supporters stealing campaign signs.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
10 Nov 08
From what I seen Obama went to his neighborhood and not his house, perhaps I missed something. Okay far fetched for him to be planted, but not impossible.
If you had read the post my friend you would have seen that I typed
I am constantly hearing the right wing talking trash about Obama supporters, just because a few go beyond the lines does not make all supporters illegal jerks
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I am so sick of hearing about Joe and Sarah, I was wondering which one would fade away first. lol
While I was watching that I was thinking about all the conservatives that are against Obama's tax cuts should have the option when filing their taxes to pay taxes based on McCain or Bush's tax plan. Allow them to have a higher tax, then let us see how against Obama's tax cuts they really are. They could offset the higher corporate tax. Sound good? lol
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
10 Nov 08
President Clinton ran on tax cuts for the middle class and had lower the very rich number down to $60,000 for married couples. If President Elect Obams is so conserned about the poor why does he not give more to charity instead of wanting my money. I give more to the poor in my community and I am not making any where near what he is making. Liberals are always wanting to help the poor with other peoples money.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Oh, did you not watch the video? The interviewer asks Joe about the tax relief he would get from Obama's tax plan and Joe complains about it saying something that it's unfair. So what I was suggesting was that anyone conservative that makes under Obama's cut off for tax relief could opt to get McCain's tax cut instead. So an example, I did our taxes on both plans, under Obama's my family would get a little over $1800 in tax relief, and under McCain's we would get about $680. So if I were a conservative complaining about the tax scale, I would rather have the 680 than the 1800. See what I mean?
I mean come on we have had trickle down economics for 8 years and the economy is in the shyt house. I thought that if we gave more tax relief to the rich than the economy would be booming? It's not booming. Someone actually peed on the fuse. So all the conservatives can get off their rich butts and go buy new tvs, new cars, new clothes whatever and get this economy moving, BUT, they aren't buying and haven't been buying for some time. So trickle down doesn't work. Maybe one day you will all wake up and figure that one out. I see a lot more people realizing it. And, that is great!
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Well the lesson I get from all this is do not ask a candidate running for president a question when the cameras are on unless you want the other side to make you their poster boy and the press crawl all over your life.
I am sure glad it is over and Joe's 15 minuates are over.
I do not think anyone wants to completely get rid of welfare. But I do feel that it needs to reworked. We have too many multi-generations on welfare for their whole lives. It is a cycle that needs to be stopped. HOw do we do that? Well focus on education. Get these people the skills they need to get out and work. They system was designed to help people out til they could get back on their feet. NOt support them their whole lives (unless they are phyically unable to work).
As for socialism. Different people think different things are or are not socialist. Yep if Joe was on welfare then yes someone elses money was supporting him.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Most people would support helping people in need. What they object to is when people feel they are entitled to it. I helped with a Christmas Program that gives food and presents to needy families. When one family cam in and demanded that they get enough for three families because her son and daughter were both over 18 and receiving their own welfare check there for we had to give them each a basket of food and bag of presents. Then there is the elderly man sitting at the door in Walmart with his O2 helping him to breath but still greeting people. I have no problem giving the man some extra help but do with the woman and her family that feels entitled to more.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I have posted this same answer on a couple of different posts, here in Mass you can not be on "welfare" we now call it transitional assistance for more than 2 years. For these two years they have to learn a trade,go to school, or volunteer for 20 hours per week. They will give you a voucher for child care for the first two the last one is your responsibility to get your own. We discourage a handout and offer a future here. Most people will choose to go to school and they are required to keep thier grades up to continue to collect. Myself I am more than happy to help pay for that a family well on thier way to success.
When I left my abusive ex 25 years ago they did not offer any of this, I was on welfare for 6 months I used it the way it was suppose to be used. I know more than just a handful of young ladies that are on "welfare" they are almost all on thier way to becoming a nurse. They can support thier children when they get out and start giving back to the community. I am really curious if Mass can do this why aren't other states following? I will tell you why they want the funding, they are not doing what is best for the people they are holding them back.
I am very proud of my state that took the step to do something most are not willing to do.
So will those taxes go to helping people succeed? Yes they will because Yes we can make this country successful one person at a time.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
10 Nov 08
The answer to this should have been one per household, that is more than appropriate and would have been accepted. If you are not sure speak to someone in charge and if it isnt in effect put it in effect. If we the people do not stop the bleeding then the stabbing continues.
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@vjayrao06 (107)
• India
10 Nov 08
Joe the Plumber was made a propaganda vehicle by the Republican camp and thought it would fetch them votes. Joe on the other hand exploited the situation to become "famous"(?)Neither of them succeeded.Republicans got dumped. Joe got what a fellow mylottian called his'fifteen minutes of fame'.Joe talked as if he doesn't live in this society, he doesn't take anything from this society.
American people have given their verdict.McCain and Joe-- both got their rebuff!
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I'm not sure if Obama is thinking welfare. That comparison of redistributing wealth is not on his mind. All I know is that my family in WA and FL who make well over $250,000 will probably have to fire/lay off a lot of their people if they get taxed any more than they already are. But we shall see how this all plays out. It's way too early. Of course, the immediate changes Obama will make is very disappointing. And yes, I understand, that I am speaking from a Christian's point of view regarding abortion and stem cell research (woe, a whole other discusion, I'm sure). But it saddens me still. We press on.
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
11 Nov 08
It was actually the last three years that both families were able to expand their business and hire more people. I'm sure there are good reports under Clinton that Republicans don't wanna hear about as there was good done under Bush's years that Dems don't want to know about. I personally was fine under both administrations until my divorce. As a Christian (and you might disagree) I was not worried so much about the economy as I was about issues as stated before. In any case, we still need both parties in the Senate to keep "things" in check. That's just the way our gov works well. Anyway, time will tell. You can't be overly positive and we shouldn't be overly negative. But that's the way America rolls. 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Thank you so much for replying back to me. I totally respect that some of us don't have the same views and don't always have the same priorities when deciding for whom to vote.. I do agree that we need some balance of power, and that's something we really didn't have during most of Bush's Administration. I am pro-choice (but NOT "pro-abortion - again, a whole other discussion) and in favor of stem cell research because there is so much promise of treatments and even cures for many horrible diseases and embryos from fertility clinics are being destroyed anyway.
Regardless of our disagreements on some of these issues, thanks for participating in this discussion and being respectful! That means a lot to me and I mean that.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
You see Annie, this is what I was talking about on that thread about people being divided. Joe is old news now. The election's over and yet people like you still want to smear him as much as possible. Obama won. Be happy. Celebrate. Now that it's all over can we leave this horrible plumber with the audacity to question the messiah alone?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Come on, Taskr, lighten up a bit, would you? There was no problem at all with him asking Obama a question. Obama answered his question in a lot more detail than most people here probably realize but if Joe didn't like what he heard, that's fine too. It was right-wing talk radio that first picked up on the Joe the Plumber story, then McCain that brought him up over 20 times at the last debate. It was Joe himself who made the TV news circuit and hired a publicist. The media did what the media does and reported on and investigated someone who suddenly became a household name. They do that to everyone, not only those involved in politics! The fact that everything Joe has said publicly and quite willingly would lead us all to believe he is totally opposed to anyone receiving any type of entitlement or anything he could define as income distribution so the fact that he has been on welfare himself is news.
Rose, I don't know who these horrible hateful people you're always talking about are. It's not hateful to disagree with someone, this is a discussion site. Whoever used your name, or a slightly different version of it, and your picture to open an account here fully deserved to be banned and I'm glad it happened if it did. However, I really don't know how you can be so sure it was an Obama supporter. There are many decent people who supported both of the nominees as well as a fair number of jerks. Just because they have differing political views doesn't make them bad.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Taskr, if you believed what you yourself said, then you wouldn't still be insisting on calling Obama "the messiah," now would you? Evidently you are still quite interested in division. Most people "like you" are. lol Had to say it. I found it insulting to Annie that you said that to her.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Nov 08
"The media did what the media does and reported on and investigated someone who suddenly became a household name. They do that to everyone, not only those involved in politics!"
That's just not true Annie. How many satelite vans were parked in front of William Ayers house? Has anyone looked into the DMV, child support, and voting records of William Ayers or Reverend Wright? They were big issues and they were known about much longer than Joe the Plumber. The only reporter that even made an ATTEMPT to talk to William Ayers was a guy sent by Bill O'Reilly so spare me this claim that the media does that to everyone in the spotlight during the campaign.
Cheryl, I know you'll side with any liberal by default so I'm sure you'll ignore the fact that Annie has started two threads now bashing Palin and Joe the plumber since the election ended while I haven't started a single thread about Obama since election day. I'm RESPONDING to her attacks on Joe the Plumber. I have every right to point out that she is pushing the divisiveness she pretends to be against.
Annie's words "I'm sure there are some particularly thorny McCain supporters who will never give up the trash talk."
Despite blaming McCain people she's the one pushing the trash talk on people who should be able to move on with their lives now that the election is over.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
annie you are just plain pathetic.
Since the election has been over I have been going thru my interests and sending out friend requests. I have skipped over two members so far. A guy who had a picture of Hitler as his avatar and Hail Hitler as his slogan. And you. Go away
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Nov 08
It seems to me that it's you who is responding to my discussion. Don't tell me to go away, I'm not going anywhere and I have plenty of good friends. It wouldn't make me mad if you chose not to respond to me but you have every right to do so if it's what makes you happy.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Nov 08
So you considered being friends with a pathetic, self-righteous person you compare to
Oh, well, you clearly haven't looked at very many members if you think I'm the only one still posting about the election and related topics. What I've posted has all been on pertinent topics that are still making news and not personal attacks or gossip. If I posted something that's "hateful" I must have done it in my sleep and it's since been removed because I sure can't find it. I sure haven't called anyone here any names.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Does this mean your crush on Sarah Palin is over? Now that Joe has smitten your heart are you going to be talking about him all the time?
Seriously, your guy won. Get over it.
For your information there are welfare recipients and then there are welfare users. Go to any neighborhood that has a large amount of the users. I can guarantee they have cars most working people can't afford. The recipients are the one who are nursing an old junker to get one more day out of it or walking.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Nov 08
As a mail carrier for 18 years I'm well aware of the fact there are those who make a "career" out of being on welfare and pass it down through the generations. However, anyone who thinks someone can get nice new cars on what they get from welfare alone are sadly mistaken. There has to be something else going on, some kind of fraud, working "under the table" or other illegal activities. I believe everyone who can work for a living should work for a living, but while those one welfare who qualify will get their health care paid for and get food stamps, the amount of cash they get is very small.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I'm certain there is fraud. I can almost overlook the ones working under the table. The ones doing illicit and illegal stuff, no. I do know that race plays a part in who gets what and how much. At a time that I needed food assistance I received about $140 per month. A black friend received $350 a month. We had the same amount of kids. A boy and a girl. She couldn't understand why I would get less seeing as we had the same amount of mouths to feed. Thankfully it was short lived and my kids are old enough to work and we get by without help.
Of course there are those who claim this doesn't happen, but it does.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Nov 08
She worked, in fact I took care of her kids. That's how we became friends and yes she paid me. She certainly made more than me. I know she worked at places that she couldn't have done it under the table, but you never know. I used to work at Penney's warehouse and a lot of them bragged about getting welfare benefits. We're talking those making 15 or more an hour and not part time, there is no part time.
It is tragic when people have to go to desperate measures for their child because of how the system is set up. I was going through a messy divorce when welfare reform hit. During the time I especially needed the help I couldn't get it. Well, I could have if I was willing to attend classes but my circumstances were unusual and their rules are set for you to fail. Mainly it was a transportation and daycare issue for me. Two kids that have to go to two different daycares in opposite directions early in the morning and then to these classes and don't dare be late or you have to start all over again. Not so easy when you consider I had no car. Then there was trying to find my autistic daughter a place. No one would take her. I knew others in similar situations. You don't go to the classes, you can't get assistance. Later on when I began doing daycare myself they fell all over themselves to help me. Go figure.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Does it matter? McCain lost and Obama won - be happy! From what all the Obama supporters have told me - we should be partying in the streets because Barak is going to make everything wonderful.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Does it really matter? Joe asked a question, Obama messed up with the answer, the world found out. Then Obama's crew went to work to discredit the person who asked the question. After all the mud the campaign has thrown at him, I really don't care that he gets his fifteen minutes of fame. I heard he is going to be hired by Extreme Home Makeover. Who cares!
IMO the Obama campaign shot itself in the foot, not by Obama messing up on the question and even maybe revealing too much of his true agenda, but by starting the mudslinging after it was made public that Obama messed up. People really didn't like it that so much dirt was dug up on Joe, some of it not even legal but by Obama supporters in certain positions violating office policies and office oaths. Signs maybe of things to come... If only they would have just let it go. Would have stated that in the heat of the moment the question wasn't clear, exhaustion blah blah blah, but no, they had to throw mud, discredit the messenger...
And why, oh why, does poor Joe still have to suffer? Didn't Golden Boy win the election? Won't we soon know what his true agenda is? Who knows, maybe Joe hit the bullseye with his question;)
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