Should absolutely everyone love his or her mother no matter what?

@Sheepie (3112)
United States
November 9, 2008 8:06pm CST
Is there any reason somebody should not? I think that there are some circumstances which would make a person very unlovable, though I've never really heard someone acknowledge not loving his or her mother, at least not while getting away with it.
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12 responses
@madekun (70)
• Indonesia
10 Nov 08
I think,all of us usually have a bad situation with our parents. But no reason to not love them all. Especially our mom. How strong we try to not love our mom, being far away from our mom, we will still be back to one starting point, and that is to loving her, no matter what.
• Indonesia
10 Nov 08
I'm not facing that situation yet. Yes,we may hate her,we may stated that we do not love her anymore. But we can ask our self in the same time, do we really want to not love her anymore,ever? If we honest to our self, we may find the answer will be no. :) and I found that he/she who hate his/her mom, the hate itself basically come from his/her love to his/her mom. They love their mother to become better then now, isn't it? :)
@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Hi Sheepie, I believe that there people out there that don't love their mother. This could be because the mother left their kids for someone else to care for them. something like this can cause someone to really hate their mother. There could be many other reasons.
@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I agree, I don't think anything is very 100% the same with everyone. It makes me question, though, what love really is.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
29 Nov 08
I've heard cases of children being abandoned by their mum in child institutes. The see their mum only once in a while. Yet they earn for her to come and spend some time with them. Despite having problems at home, children want to be attached to their maternal mother despite that home might not be a safe haven for them. © ronaldinu 2008
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I think a mother, like everyone else, has to earn a child's love. When a child is small they may love their mother unconditionally. But when they grow and escape the house for school or friends or some such and maybe see their mother isn't treating them well, they may grow away from that love. I've known some people who didn't love their mother and it's very sad.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Be grateful, yes, but love unconditionally? I don't think so. I think there are a lot of children out there who do not feel this kind of love for their parents. Some of them have been left behind or were raised by a mother who didn't show them love. Some of them don't even know their own mother, so how can they love someone they never met and never know?
@caskins (689)
• United States
10 Nov 08
hello my fellow myLotter, i didn't love my mother until i was 27 years old. i was real angry with her for dropping me and my brothers off with our grandmother and didn't look back. i never had a mother. my grandmother did the best she could and i love her dearly for that. my mother didn't call or nothing. i was 11 years old. i didn't see her again until i was 26 years old. since seeing her again i learned to forgive and at times i try to forget. but i grew to love her. not in a daughterly way. we are not close like a normal mother and daughter should be. she was not present at any of my children's births. but hey life goes on and so have i. i have promise myself i would be a better mother to my kids than i had.
@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
I think we should love not only mothers but both our parents. It is written that we should respect our parents. Well in cases that there are parents not deserving to be called one well its really hard but maybe just the respect part could be acceptable we may not love them but just the respect for them as our parents would be enough already.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Yes. I think we should all have love for our mother in some kind of way. We should not hate them for who they are or for what they have done. We do not have to be around them and go out of our way for some of them though, just because they are our mother. We should love them in our hearts though and pray for them.
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
10 Nov 08
Well, you can't choose your relatives - and some of them can be VERY unlovable. I certainly think it's possible not to feel love for mothers, fathers or anybody else for that matter. Maybe it's just that nobody will admit it. (My family are fine, incidentally!)
@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
on my part i would say their were instance of my life where i was once mad or should i say hate my mom, but i dont think that i dont love her anymore, i still love her, maybe because we have this arguements and misunderstanding but nothing beyond that, i know i cant live here without them on my side, i cant imagine life without them, just love them so much!!and there are no mothers that wont love their children!!happy lotting...
@loxion (1553)
• India
10 Nov 08
If you can make deep researches you will find that most children or would say people prefer to be with their mother rather than fathers, i think mother's are most beloved people, maybe because they are soft and not that hush as we daddy's. There are some other reasons why you would not love your mother, things like...maybe she left you when you are still young or other (touchy) reasons behind that But generally i think a female parent is the most loved one in the family
@23uday (2997)
• India
10 Nov 08
Hi frnds, should absolutely everyone love his or her mother no matter what? I will love my parents so much they are our guidances in every moment in our life always they will tell to us a good advice and good thoughts. Not only mother but father also important to me, My parents are like a frnds.