Do you Layaway?
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
November 10, 2008 7:25am CST
Walmart got rid of their layaway department a few years ago. Since then we haven't done a layaway. We found it was very helpful when doing Christmas shopping, because we're not very good at saving money, or even buying bits here and there. We like to do it all at once, but we can rarely afford to.
Well yesterday we went to K-Mart, there are only 2 left in our area. We thought we'd go to just look, to get an idea of what they have and what their prices are. We left the older kids with their grandparents, and took off.
When we got there we were immediatly impressed with their clothing department. They had a better selecetion than Walmart, and far better prices, and everything was 25-40% off!
We got so excited, that we ended up starting a layaway! We picked up outfits for each child, pajamas, and a couple toys per child. We spent a total of $370 on the layaway, and have to pay $80 every 2 weeks until December 12 when we have to pay it off and pick up the items.
Needless to say we're not finished with our shopping, but we're at least well on our way. We weren't overly impressed with K-Mart's toy selection. They didn't have a whole lot, and much of the stuff was more expensive than at Walmart, which is why we didn't pick up too many toys.
But at least we did get it started, and I'm quite happy about that. There's nothing like having your Christmas shopping started to get you in the Christmas spirit.
So, do you use layaway to get your Christmas gifts, do you buy items a bit at a time, like a couple a week, or do you save up until you have a large sum of money to get the majority of it done at one time?
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15 responses
@camomom (7535)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Don't even get me started on Walmarts stupidity of ending layaway. I was the layaway manager at the Walmart that I used to work at. Their excuse was that they were losing money, Bullsh*t. I got the layaway sales reports on a daily basis, That's where our store MADE their money. I used layaway all the time especially at Walmart and at holidays. I've never had the money all at one time for the things I wanted or needed to buy so, layaway was the best thing in the world for me.
Our K-mart closed but there is another about 45 minutes away. I heard they were starting up layaways again and I'm considering going there to my christmas shopping this year. . .Layaway.
Our Walmart has better prices in our area and I like their merchandise better for the most part but K-mart has layaway and that's more convenient for me.
We can't afford to buy bit by bit or all at once so layaway is a great option for us.
I hope Walmart smartens up and restarts theirs. I'll be first in line and I'd even be willing to go back to work there (I hated working there) if I could get my position back.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Oh I definitly think they're losing money on this, since most of their shoppers are going to K-Mart since they can actually do layaway there. Even if they only do it for the holidays, it would be worth it. But hey, there's $400 out of my wallet that Walmart won't have!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I agree. We don't have a K-mart close to our Walmart but it still effects them. People are willing to drive the 45 minutes to shop at K-mart just for layaway. I kind of hope it does hurt them, maybe they'll reinstate their layaway.
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Nov 08
Years ago I would just buy everything through a catalogue and then struggle to pay it back the following year. Then I joined a club where I would pay so much money in each week but it was really hard because I had to pay the same amount all the time because it was for vouchers and there was no flexibility and so if circumstances changed as they do I could not always afford to keep up the repayments so after doing that for two years I stopped. The last two years were just a mess because I had to find the money all at the last minute and it was just stress for weeks so this year I decided I needed to be sorted and so at the beginning of the year I started to put money away each week, as little or as much as I could afford and I got into a routine and found that I was not missing the money and so I built up a nice little stash. I then sat down and did my christmas list using the money that I already had and budgeted it out for everyone and then did the shopping. I have done it all now and any extra that continues to go into the account will be spent on the little bits and stocking fillers and then I will start it all over again from the week after christmas!

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
10 Nov 08
That's a great idea, and I keep thinking I should be saving all along the year as well, but it's very hard to do. I started to put some money into a savings account earlier this year, but when times got tough I had to remove the money from the savings to pay for bills and debts we could not afford. We're just really bad at saving, and money seems to always burn holes in our pockets.
I think what I need to do is open a savings account in a seperate bank. Since we do our banking online, it lists the balances of all our accounts in that bank, so we see almost daily how much money is in savings... so when we need or want it, we're tempted to take it out. Right now I have 3 cents in my savings account, lol.

@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
10 Nov 08
layaway used to be huge and pretty much the only way a lot of people could afford to buy christmas presents, but it seems like that there are not too many stores that offer layaway anymore, certainly not too many where i am (in canada). its too bad really, perhaps a lot more people could afford to buy more stuff if this service was offered.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Yeah, I think Walmart is losing a lot of money by not offering layaway anymore. I honestly wouldn't even be shopping at K Mart at all if it weren't for the fact they had layaway. It's pretty far out of my way, and I haven't stepped foot in that store in years, but I am excited about having the layaway started. I'm even debating starting another one for the items I want to buy for hubby.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
10 Nov 08
I have not used layaway in years. I used to do it all the time when I worked at a Kmart, but that was 10 years ago. I don't know if they still do it or not, but when I worked there you could ask them to check for sales when you made your payment. If something was on sale that week, they would change the price in your layaway too and you would get the sale price. Most people did not know to ask I discovered while working there.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
10 Nov 08
They mentioned that as I was putting the items on layaway, although all the clothes I got were already on sale at a great price. They said I can actually have them change the price at any time, but they can only change the price of an item once. Perhaps the weekend after Thanksgiving I will have them check on the prices and see if any of my items are on sale.
@DCMerkle (1281)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I use to love layaway. I was sorry to see that Walmart had discontinued that service to the public. Now that Kmart has layaway I think that I will give it a try. Maybe not for Christmas, but I have some birthday's coming up in the beginning of the year where it would come in handy.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I don't think K Mart is doing layaway after the Christmas season. Even when layaway was popular they would take a couple months off in the beginning of the year after the huge Christmas rush.
@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Nov 08
It would seem that K-mart made the right decision to leave or bring back their layaway. I was wondering about it and I think you for letting me know about it. I will have to go check it out as well. Thanks.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I think it's only for the Christmas season. All layaways have to be picked up by december 12. Doesn't give us a whole lot of time, does it?
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
11 Nov 08
You know, I've never done layaway because most stores never had it out here. But when I worked at Sears they told us people might ask about it since they had it a long time ago. I wonder if it's back now since KMart owns Sears.
But I do buy my gifts just a few at a time. I've already finished quite a few. I have more to do, but I need to earn more money now since I just went to the vet awhile ago.
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I have never used layaway before, I do think it's a good idea. I can't imagine why wal-mart would discontinue theirs so close to christmas. I can see how they might be losing out profit wise having one but they should at least wait till after the holidays with them being so close.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I know what you mean I remember several years ago when Wal Mart got rid of their layaway department and I am not sure why they did it because I am sure that a lot of people depended on it to help them get Christmas presents for their families and friends because they could pay a little each week or something like that and not have to pay it all upfront,and I think part of the reason they got rid of layaway was because so many people were putting stuff on layaway and they never paid off all the money they owed,or they never started paying on the things,and never came back to the store after that,I have noticed that the layaway department has become the site to store pickup department at our local Wal Mart and it is really nice that you can save shipping by having items you buy on Wal shipped to your local Wal Mart,and me and my fiance bought a Halo 3 Edition X-box 360 from Wal and we saved like thirteen dollars on shipping,by having it shipped to our local Wal Mart which helped us save some money,and I know that K-mart has layaway to,but I have never known anyone to put anything on layaway there,especially since K-mart does not have,half as much stuff as Wal Mart,but I have seen several commercials about layaway at K-mart,but if maybe one day in the future me and my fiance will use it when we are doing Christmas shopping or when we are buying stuff that we need or want because paying so much each week is better than paying a big price upfront.
@MizzLadyB08 (1174)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I sure do use layaway. I got one at Kmart that I need to get out for Christmas. They are the best way to holiday shop. I wish Walmart will bring theirs back.
@freda529 (136)
• China
11 Nov 08
I like buying stuff a bit at a time.every time when I hang out,I can't help buying something,sometimes just a bit trivial things.And in our country,China,layaway is not popular.It just exists in some big electronic malls.And actually,it;s kind of installment.
@SexxyT (6)
• Saint Kitts And Nevis
10 Nov 08
hey Katsmeow1213 sorry to say but where I'm from we don't do that here. One must walk with the full amount or else go somewhere its cheaper. We don't even have K-mart or walmart for that matter.