my daughter has an eating diorder and a behavior problem at 2 !
@brandypelland (586)
United States
November 10, 2008 8:09am CST
my dauhter is 2 and will be three in jan , she has a bad eating problems she eats constilly no matter what , i even catch her in the garbage! we have asked several docs and have ben told i cant do anything because she is so young yet, and she has such bad behavioal problems, she kicks screams breaks things already , she is mean to animals and loves hurting other children, the doc says you cant do anything she is to young, i am at my witts ends any help out there?
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14 responses

@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
like i cant turn my back or she is in are cubpards getting food or whatever out , if i go potty and dont take her with me i find her in the fridge, if we watch a movie i find her in the kitchen yet again, i am always taking are cat away from her cause she lays on him or just pulls at him

@chobby3037 (170)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Those docs are wrong. She is not to young to get help. Whatever is wrong needs to be found out now while she is young. Keep trying other doctors. Look for early intervention services in your area. Keep pushing. You are her mother & you know her needs better than any doctor. It can be a struggle but if you keep trying I know you'll find the help you need. Good luck.

@chobby3037 (170)
• United States
10 Nov 08
That's great! Just remember you know her best!!
I'm sure it'll go great!!
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Yeas that's right. There is no such thing as too early or too young. she needs all the help she can get soon.
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
just found a therpist through are local help me grow , they will be coming this week yet yeah!

@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Wow I am amazed at this whole discussion. A two year old with an eating disorder??? Holy crap! Why does your child have access to the trash? If she is not gaining weight, maybe she is hungry? Maybe she needs multiple meals through out the day. Try things that will specifically fill her up, grains, granola, cereal, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Then occupy her time. Maybe she does this out of boredom. 2 year olds are not socially developed. She needs that time with you first to teach her. Play with her, show her mine, yours, ours. Teach her how to play. Kids don't just know how to do this. I ran a daycare and I got a lot of kids that didn't know how to play with other kids. Within a week they were playing, and getting along. But bear in mind that 2 years olds, do not have the thoughts to know how to share, not to hit, etc. redirection is your best bet!
@chobby3037 (170)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Sometimes it's not that easy sometimes children have issues that need more work than normal children i can almost guarantee she has some sort of Sensory integration issue or a disablity that isn't based on mom's ability to parent. Until you have a special needs child it's very easy to blame the parents.
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
thank you chobby! my daughter is fed full meals through the day and also snacks so forth, i play with her lots, i have an older daughter and she turned out fine, also are trash is in a trash can in are kitchen thats how she can get to it, i have tried everything i know how to do as a parent my child may be spiecal needs wich is fine i'll love her no mater what!
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
10 Nov 08
What does your doctor mean that you can't do anything yet? Does he mean that you can't discipline her? If that's the case, that's absolute rubbish. 2 years old is the age where children really start to show a NEED for discipline. You have to let her know who the boss is before she starts trying to run the show, which it sounds like she's already doing a pretty good job of. You have got to decide how you will discipline her, whether it be spankings or timeouts. If you just let this behavior continue, you're asking for a world of trouble in a few years.

@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
10 Nov 08
Well, I can tell you from personal experience that 2 years old is not too young to discipline. When my son was that age, he liked to go in the kitchen. I once came back from using the computer to find him with a box of cake mix and koolaid packets spilled all over the kitchen and he had spread chocolate icing all over the place. It didn't take long for him to do this either. I particularly had problems with temper tantrums with my son at that age. I disciplined him and that behavior stopped very quickly. You have to teach your daughter the proper ways to behave because that's the only way that she will learn. You need to teach her that going through the kitchen is not the proper way to get food. When she goes through the kitchen cabinets, punish her. You should teach her that she needs to ask for it. It is not too early for that. When she starts asking for food, get it for her and that in itself will serve as reinforcement for the behavior. I saw your comment below that said you hadn't put child locks on cabinets and your fridge. I am wondering why your family would say that isn't a good idea. Honestly, I would do it for her safety. She might try to eat something that could get stuck in her throat and if you are not going to be there to monitor her, you should have child locks in place to prevent her from going through your food at least until you can get her behavior under control.
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
i guess that she is to young for i dont know anything most docs around here dont wanna mess with little children they say oh oit's the terrible 2's she'll out grow it , man am i hoping lol

@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
I also have a nephew (3 years old) who has eating problems. He doesn't want to try eating anything. He just eats burgersteak from Jollibee (fastfood chain here in the Philippines). Sometimes, he eats french fries and fried chicken. But he really hates eating home-cooked food. He even doesn't like eating junk foods like most kids. But he is still healthy because he takes alot of milk. Well, maybe we just have to be patient and teach them how to eat.
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
my daughter eats home coked meals plus all kinds of other stuff, i do everything right as a mother,at least i try !it's just she dont listen and eats all the dang time! but gains hardlly any wieght
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
15 Nov 08
i would love to thank all the people out there who has tried helping me out, and as for the ones that just want to put blame on me, well enough said!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for that last article that sounds alot like my girl but my daughter is very smart for her age! she can hold a complete conversation with an adult! she has a great memory and can already count to 10 ! i am gone to ask her doc about this though thanks again!
around here i have not ben able to find a child therpist or speicalist in my area they all say they dont take children her age to young !
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
20 Nov 08
I do hope you find the help you need for your daughter. Like I have stated before she reminds me so much of when my daughter was her age. She is 8 now.I bet for the hyperness and behavior problems she problem will be affected with adhd or odd. As those tend to run in family. If that is the case your daughter is to little yet to be treated. I suggest finding some activity to wear her litytle bum each day. I know it means you get wore out as well. If other kids are around get them all invovled in the activity. Be very firm with her and just keep repeating your rules over and over. Kids with adhd are very smart. They just don't know how to process their thoughts and such like normal people (or people without adhd). It is almost liketheir brain is wired different because they use a different part of thr brain than we do.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
Awww, my daughter is really naughty to but she listens to us most of the time. Since your daughter is still young, then I think it is still possible to "talk" to her and make her understand that what she is doing is not nice. I don't believe the doctors said you can't do anything. Why not try talking to a CHILD psycologist. I'm sure a specialist will be able to help you. Remember, you are the parent and not the other way around.
It is also possible that you let her get away with everything that she is doing that is why she thinks it is okay. You must make her understand that hurting animals and other children is not god. Why not try time out? If you explain to her all the time, it will probably stick in her mind.
@Samanthavv (1380)
• United States
10 Jan 09
This is NOT uncommon in children in that age group. Food is something the children enjoy. Eating is still something new, and there's so many things that they haven't tried! I wouldn't be shocked that your child was taking food out of the garbage. Children at that age don't understand what garbage is and why it's in the trashcan.
A good thing to do, if you're worried about her eating habits, is to begin a regimented meal time. Have set schedule. She gets breakfast at this time, lunch at this time, an afternoon snack, dinner at this time, and a bedtime snack. Make sure to enforce that she does NOT get food in between these times.
This may help your problem, and help your child eat better and more balanced because she won't be filled up with meaningless snacks!
@gracemanotoc (641)
• Japan
10 Nov 08
wow my son is naughty but he's no behavior problems like yours...but i suggest you constantly bring her to playgrounds or playhouses..those commercial ones with behaved children so she would see and learn from them.. those commercial playhouses have good teachers as well. Sometimes kids behaves when they are in unfamiliar places. I also feed my kid with nutritious fruits..stop feeding her with sweets and candies that makes the brain hyper active...
@brandypelland (586)
• United States
10 Nov 08
i dont feed my daughter any sweets or junk like that for this reason,we dont go on playdates much ,but she does play with lots of other children
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
11 Nov 08
your child's behavior bothers me a lot. I just cant believe that there is an eating disorder like that. I know I have watched some videos about a person eating her hair and she was operated because of that. From Ripley's Believe it or Not, they showed people eating metals, light bulbs ,etc. But a two year old eating trash ? that makes me sad. She 'll get sick with that.
As for the eating problems, I suggest you try to lock all the cabinets and if possible dont let her reach for food by putting them in other places maybe. maybe you could just put the nutritous ones in places where she usually reaches them.
If she finds these food, she might try these instead of finding food from the garbage.
I know it is easy to say for me not to spank the kid especially if you are already tired and you didnt know what to do. Try talking to her . be calm and she might listen (hopefully) . As for the pets, give her the repsonsibilites of feeding the pet, giving the pet a bath maybe.
As for other kids, is there a way where you can send her to a daycare so she can learn how to socialize? or maybe just give her a toy that would make her busy and will calm her down ?
I am sorry to hear about your situation. These are the only ways I think of..I have had students like her (1st graders) and the only thing I did was isolate the kid. its been unfair to the other kids that he is hurting them .
The only reason I think of is that the child needs attention. and he is seeking attention from the people around him by hitting and being mean to his classmates.
Hope you'll find a solution to this.. Good luck !
@firemountain (60)
• United States
11 Nov 08
my child had the same problem when he was young.
I'd find sweet rolls under his pillow, when I would change his sheets.
I would some times send him to his grandmothers just to keep him from hurting his sibblings.he findly grow up and went in the army.
he did loose the wight. at 18 he was 285
he had to loss down to 225 to get in tho when he got out he was 195
and real good looking, then he starting putting the pounds back on.
at 40 he was 424
he had a very bad self image. about him self.
he had bypass surgury. it didn't help.
he has all ways been a bully.
oh' you'd love him if you met him. but he never loss his bully ways.
If he likes you theres nothing he wouldn't do for you.and theres not a job he won't do. he's a very dedicated husband and father.
there's not a lazy bone in his body.but my own advice for your child. one thing there's way to much sugar around her. she needs to be evaluated by a real DR.
and please don't put it heart gose out for my son and theres nothing I can do now.good luck.