Let's Talk About ME!
By p1kef1sh
@p1kef1sh (45681)
November 10, 2008 5:49pm CST
Do you know people who only really want to talk about themselves. If they are not the centre of attention then they sulk until they cannot hold it in any longer and just HAVE to say something. I was talking to The Boss today, she went to a colleague's funeral last week and told me about a former colleague who had embarrassed herself by talking to the deceased's wife and only talked about how much she had helped the chap in his career. Nothing about how missed he would be, sorry for her loss etc.
Do you know anybody like that? Does their self-centeredness annoy you when you are with them, or do you simply ignore them?
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34 responses
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Nov 08
Oh yes. I have certainly met her before. You can trip them up though sometimes. It's nice to see them fall occasionally. LOL. I am such a male equivalent of a b!tch tonight! Don't know what's come over me. Better go to bed and see if I'm better in the morning!.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 08
Oh my dad does that as well. Well, he's more of a "one-downer". If someone is feeling poorly, my dad will be worse. It doesn't seem to matter what it is, he will insist that his health is in a much worse state, even sometimes so far as to not believe there is anything wrong with certain people because he can't think of anything he could have which would "out-ill" them!
I do like to "one-up" people who get on my nerves but I wouldn't do it all the time. I mean, if someone who I didn't like was telling me some achievement then I would possibly make a point of letting them know I have done better.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 08
Yes People like that do annoy me very much indeed specially on a Day like that it is awful, I knew a few People like that and used to get very annoyed with them, in the end I just used to switch of and not even listen to them lol
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
11 Nov 08
I used to know a person like that and the temptation to kill the person was almost overwhelming. I had to curb my intense dislike and pray for the day she left. Oh that was a wonderful day, I nearly skipped round the office.
Not only did she talk about herself and looked down on the rest of the office with total condescension she was really rude to customers and anyone she did not like, of which I was one and I was in charge of teaching her the job. Oh that was fun.
Especially when I had to tell her that she screwed up again.
Normally I can ignore such appalling self centredness but this girl made so many people miserable that I just wanted to knock some respect for humanity into her. We were working at a Tertiary Technical College and one of her jobs was to give people who did not go to the award ceremony their academic awards. The idea was to congratulate them on their achievement etc but all she did was tell these people how much better than them that she was as she was studying for her Masters degree and she said it so smugly. I used to watch their faces fall as they walk away with their certificate, all joy in their achievement squashed. All I could think was what a b1tch she was.

@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Nov 08
That's way beyond b1itchiness Sharra. I would have been tempted to remind her that she was "working towards' whilst these folk had actually achieved! Might be a "lower" qualification, but it is still an achievement. I used to work in an office with a woman very like that. She had to visit another facility about 60 miles away to pick up some documents. They sent her a Mini car and driver to take her. She said that she was too important to be seen in such a humble car and could they send something bigger. So they did. A 3 ton truck! She took the Mini.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
11 Nov 08
Hmmmm well I wonder if she ever actually achieved. She thought she was smart but I had extreme doubts on that. I was caught between her being a friend of another colleague and I tried to be diplomatic but I have a temper sometimes and I can find it hard to curb in situations like that.
If I had not been trying to keep my job safe I would have put her in her place. Oh yeah!!
But I had a boss who could not handle conflict. She was too blind to see that some conflict had proper grounds. She just believed that all conflict was wrong and was the wrong way to deal with any problem.
I hope she learned that some people will not respond to anything else because they are so into themselves that they do not see the rest of the human world as counting in any way. They are so pathetic.

@littleowl (7157)
11 Nov 08
oh yes I do p1ke..all he say is me,myself and I am...it is infuriating especially when he doesn't bother to ask how I am...still thankfully he is a friend I only talk to occasionally..but even then cut it short!! hugs littleowl
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@littleowl (7157)
12 Nov 08
Hi p1ke thanks for asking I have the flu but am now on anti-biotics, am feeling a little better but very weak and a bit run down, still should be back to my normal self in a few days...and no you said nothing about you, but you hardly do lol..hugs littleowl

@sanjo0679 (225)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I know a lot of people like that. I just ignore them as much as possible just to annoy them. The ones that have to top everything you say really get on my nerves. And there's the ones that never do anything wrong and nothing's ever their own fault when in fact they create their own misery. Or my favorite, the people that only want you to listen to what they have to say and totally ignore you when you start talking.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Oh yes. I do know few people talking only about themselves.
In fact it is so hard to make them stop for a second.
I just ignore them. They are emotional vampires....
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
11 Nov 08
OMG ya I know a few self absorbed ppl like that...and like its not bad enough they have to be the centre of attention and have ALL conversations end up being about them, they have no class in even the worst of situations AND have a tendancy to embelish the truth or even go as far as to twist things completely or even make things up in order to be the centre of attention...Drives me just batty...I actually refuse to associate with ppl like that whenever possible becuase I'd just end up slapping the crap out of htem.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
11 Nov 08
I do know people like that
I like to ignore them or hurt their pride somehow
like cutting their words by talking to the person they talk to
I am self centered to those who I don't like or who are not my friends
but around my friends and family I am more than willing to put their needs above mine
so I guess I can do both extremes
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
I cannot help but recall the words of Frederick L. Collins: “There are two types of people - those who come into a room and say, "Well, here I am!" and those who come in and say, "Ah, there you are."”
It is just human, and there's always one or two who doesn't know and choose the appropriate words and/or behavior for the occasion. Sad? Well, that's the truth as we are all Imperfect!
As for me, I will listen with intent and see where this conversation is leading to and see if I could see what's hidden behind that veil of words. Some people just like to beat around the bush and bring you around the world. You know how they are like sometimes.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I try to stay away from people like that. They are selfish narcissists and I don't enjoy being around them. I'm sorry that poor widow had to suffer through that in addition to her own pain some jerk had to make it worse by making her beloved husband look like an incompetent who needed a lot of help to make it. I would hope that someone would have interfered and distracted that self-centered woman.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Nov 08
She's a horror. Even her own (grown up) children keep her at arms length. She's also quite clingy which makes it difficult to shake her off. She started a book club and apparently does nothing but talk about how she feels about the writing She got a bit of a shock when the others said that they wanted a turn at choosing the books too! I try to avoid folk like that if I can.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
11 Nov 08
Hi p1key,
LOL! yes, I have a friend Jean who is just like that, its all me me me, she went on holiday and has been back for a month and I still have not heard from her, so I decided to give her a call to make a appointment for my hair as she is my har dresser, she was going on about her hoilday and then telling me that they are still trying to sell their house and got an offer but they haven't found one, and the she tells me she'l call be back before I had a chance to speak and she never did I'm still waiting for her to call me, some friend. Hugs.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Nov 08
So you didn't even get to make the appointment Tamara. Now that's beyond self-centered on her behalf. That's bad business. What would she say if you went to someone else because you didn't manage to get out the words "May I make an appointment please?"! XX
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
yes i had acquiantances that are like that, they just want to talk about themselves and nothing else!
but i just ignore because there are just people like that, its part of nature 

@EAStanley (2688)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I know people like this as well! :) Ignoring them is fun! :) Their "stories" just get wilder and more outrageous the more no one is listening! :) It is quite funny actually! 

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Yes I do know of a few that is in my family alone..when it is your turn to talk about you they suddenly have to go, or something to do. It is a annoying habit. I have even not picked up the phone because of this.(Bad Becky) I know that is mean but sometimes I feel that it just grains me having to listen to their gibber jabber about themselves all the time. It is supposed to be a give and take but with them type it is take take take then leave when they are through. So What do you do?

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Lord that is a thought huh..lets just hope..no pray that it never happens to either of us..

@bdugas (3578)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I have a friend back home that when you called or went to see, her the whole time you was talking to her, the conversation revolved around her illnessess. Didn't matter if you ask her about another topic, she answered and went right back to her sicknesses.
And my husband had a friend he hunted with and his girlfriend would come along sometimes and she had to be the center of attention with the men she wasn't interested in talking to the women.

@Amberina (1541)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Those kind of people annoy me, as I sit and politely listen to them in my mind I am silently screaming at them to shut up I really don't want to hear about them! When I have had enough I usually tell them I have to go to the bathroom, works everytime.

@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
11 Nov 08
My husband and his father are just like that. Always think they are right about everything. Always think they know more about everything than everyone else. Always interrupting or talking right over you while you are talking. Drives me nuts!
But I must admit, I think I am also somewhat self-centred, too. But, my best friend has helped to make me notice this and I am tring to change it. I really try hard to make a point to LISTEN, too. Not just talk. So feel free to correct me if I am too talkative, ok? That's what friends are for aren't they?
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
11 Nov 08
Oh, thank you p1key. I am trying not to be. Maybe she has taught me well, so far, then.
I love you much, too.
I just love listening to your voice of wisdom. And you are cute in a bra, too. tee hee.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Nov 08
and im moving in with my son that has a girlfriend like that. all i can say is im going to try and if it keeps happening i'll just try and stay to myself

@Humbug25 (12540)
11 Nov 08
Hi ya p1kef1sh
I have a friend who is a bit like that. I will be telling her something and before I have finished she will start telling me something about her or that has involved her in some way. I don't always get to finish what I was saying a lot of the time but I learn to live with it because she is a good friend when she isn't tlaking over me. The most frustrating thing is that something will be happening with kids at school (our kids go to the same school) and she will say to me 'you didn't tell me!' Aggh