Do you think Jane will back at X-men IV ?
By dominichan
@dominichan (302)
3 responses
@stinge (810)
• United States
11 Nov 08
This is the 2nd discussion started on Xmen today. Are they working on another one. and who the hell is Jane! are you talking about Jean Grey? It really doesn't matter cause all of the xmen movies were garbage!! I never seen so many characters in a film with all these super powers that didn't do a d#mn thing! They might as well have called this "The wolverine Trilogy". everything was about him anyway. any body who likes this crap is a retard!!!
@dominichan (302)
• Malaysia
11 Nov 08
Why you hate this movie so much ?? i think this movie is good.
Anyone can support me ?
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@stinge (810)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I am a real hard critic on movies. This is my view on the Xmen "suck A$$" trilogy!I'm not talkin about special effects, because with the use of technology today, every movie that comes these days gets the good special effects rating. lets start with the 1st Xmen movie. From what I heard when I went to see it,the director did a rush job on the film and it didn't come out the way he really wanted it to. But Most people like me who saw it thought it was okay. One of my co-workers had a different view,as he thought it wasn't that good because none of them really did anything. Which is true, but we all had hope that the second one would be much better. Then part 2 came out. The opening scene with Nightcrawler attacking the white house, and wolverine fighting off the attack at the x-men mansion were real good. After that, the rest of the movie to me was boring. Jean Grey and Storm take off to track down Nightcrawler, and all they do is talj to him for like an hour. Mistique spends half the movie trying to rescue magneto, that's like another hour. Cyclops and professor X get kidknapped while they were visiting magneto, and you don't see Cyclops for another 40 minutes or so. Magneto gets free, and teams up with the xmen. That takes away from the whole movie. Now who do they fight? Knowbody! The cops come to icemans house, and pyro shoots fire at them, which is a little exciting, but everything leading up to that scene was uninteresting. If cyclops was under this guys spell the whole time which is what we saw at the end, he could have let him run loose in the streets and causing destruction buy shooting everything up with his eye laser. Then the rest of the xmen could have fought against him. They could have fought him without really trying to hurt him That would've been a little more interesting other than having him pop up at the end after an 1hr and a half of not seeing him. I literaly forgot he was in the movie until he popped up again. how come there weren't any sentinels in the movie? You know the big giant robots that fly around tracking down mutants. They could've put one sentinel in the movie, and at the end they could have showed more of them being made at some secret lab for preparing us for the 3rd one. Mistique disguised herself as wolverine to sneak inside the army base and kicked everyones a$$ by herself. She did everything in this movie in my opinion. Remeber in part one when she disguied herself as storm and tried to sneak up on wolverine, and he knew it wasn't her? How come he didn't recognize that it was mistique disguising herself as Jean Grey when she came into his tent in the 2nd one? Then we have the 3rd one. A complete waste of characters! 1st of all, what happended to nightcrawler? We got a glimpse of colosus in the second one when we through a couple of soldiers through a wall when the attacked the mansion. so you would think he would have a bigger part right? WRONG!! How can you have a 350pound man who turns himself into metal with superior stregnth and have him do nothing. Oh I forgot he did have a big part, at the end he picks up wolverine and throws him at magneto to create a distraction. WOW! We get a gimpse of a sentinel in the xmen training room in the begining. wolverine walks into the mist and apparently rips it's head off and it comes rolling out. They make it seem as the sentinel robot is something that was created by professor x for the xmen training room. That screws up the whole story, They were created by the government to track down mutants. They are supposed to be used in the training room to prepare the xmen to fight against them. So how come we didn't see any of them in the film. Rogue is useless. She has no real power. In the comic book and the cartoon she is superwoman. She has the ability to fly and has superhuman stregnth. In the movie she sucks a$$! Then we have Iceman. He has one fight scene at the end against his old friend which lasted about a full 30seconds. If that doesn't say action I don't know what does. You got this clown flying around with wings who did absolutely nothing! He jumps out of a window amd flys away. great display of powers!! other than the jugernaught, most of magnetos team of villains looked like a bunch of clowns. It's like when you watch one of these cheesy kid shows like the power rangers, and the bad guy is always some dumb cheesey clownish looking character. I'm glad I didn't go to the movie to see this one. some people like this movie, I don't know why. May God help you all!! I see so many ways and so many things they should have done differnt to make this movie better. You have alot of characters with super mutant powers and abilities, and they aren't doing anything. using colossus to throw wolverine at magneto? The guy is a walking metal powerhouse, and he did absolutely nothing. what is the point of having all these charaters if they don't have any screen time. This movie was more of a soap opera than anything else. you have this love triangle between cyclops, wolverine and jean grey. This comes to an end when Jean kills cyclops in the begining. Cyclops did nothing in all 3 movies, and now he gets killed off by his own girlfriend!! I know it is just my opinion, but just as yo say you know m other people that enjoyed this movie, I know just as many like myself that think all three of the xmen movies were complete bullsh#t! The director needs to hang himself before making another one. and his mother should be ashamed of her son for directing garbage!
@gwarren (1)
• United States
24 May 09
I dont like to use the word but I think anyone who self proclaims they are a hard critic is the "retard"! Why be a hard critic? Why not just enjoy life and enjoy movies for what they are, entertainment!
No movie director or writer will ever please everyone. Could you write these movies better? I doubt it! And if they wrote these movies to your specifications for one) you probably still would complain because thats what your kind does and two) someone else would complain. So what are the writers to do? And if you ask me and everyone ive spoke to, these movies are amazing! I DID NOT want them to end while watching them. Every one of them, I was sitting there the whole movie saying to myself, "Self I do not want this movie to end please let there be 2 more hours left"!
Just quit complaining and enjoy these movies or stop watching them. Im sure the writers would not lose sleep over losing you as a viewer.