how should we find a true friend????

November 11, 2008 2:59am CST
In this world we meet lot of people day by day. Most of them we interact and we make them friends. But still in a confustion who is the true friend????????????????/
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6 responses
• India
11 Nov 08
We can start by defining what a true friend is all about. In my opinion - A true friend is someone with whom you don't have to lie a life. And do we really have to look for it ? I think it is a journey with lots of friends and someone getting closer. Trust faith is the key word.
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• India
14 Nov 08
hi anithajayakumar, i am not sure this is your name or not, i accept your word. the world friend ship is very important as well as the trust. this both should be together for a real friend.
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
11 Nov 08
A true friend is a person who always stand by us during troubled times.A true friend is a person who is always close to us.A true fiend is a person who makes us happy.Some people are friends when we are in good position in our lifes.but when it becomes bad they go away.
• India
14 Nov 08
hi vicky, i think you have lot of experience with your friend, is it so. all you word from you seems you are an experience. i also expect that a true friend should be with us in any time when we cry, laugh, enjoy, etc. he or she should be a trusted person to speak about our personnel our everything.if we get a right person like that then you are a luckiest person in this world. some time even our relatives will move away when we need of any help. our true friend will be there with us any time we need. and one more thing. we should not be a person to expect lot from friend, we too need to do then what every they required. that should be a give and take policy.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
You know what, true friendship isn't something you find. It's something you stumble upon. It's true, friendship is built on the situations that occur in your life. It isn't something you can create or build all on your own. Regardless how you want someone to be your friend, it's only when something happens that you realize is the person is true or not. Take for example two friends. They know each other for quite a while, and then they had to take different paths because they had to go to different colleges. Soon the communication dwindles, they don't mean for it to happen, but their busy time schedules prevent them from chitchatting frequently. Soon they each have other memories and friends, and soon when they meet each other, it's not like how they were before. They have somehow changed. Some friendships lasts but many would surely dwindle, it won't die, but the bond isn't like it were before. Let's take another example. Two total strangers meet as roomates. They don't know each other at first, soon they experience situations which tries them both and soon they become close, closer like brothers or sisters. Then they realize, they have much in common. Now, from a total stranger you find friends. Soon, because of circumstance, their friendship is tested, then they realize that the friendship is either true or it's all just surface friendship. With friendship, I could remember my parents and my god parents. It's funny because when I was a baby, during my baptism, they looked so happy together, I saw these in the pictures. It's ironic because as of the moment, they're sworn enemies, never to cross path without heated debates. One moment you're friends, the next you're the worst of enemies. Each have their reason, all would be valid regardless what. But in the situation you'd see that circumstance make friendship true or not.
• India
11 Nov 08
First of all you have to make yourself a true friend of others only then you can aspect same thing from others, because whatever we do with others the same the thing we get back.
@23uday (2997)
• India
11 Nov 08
Hi frnds, If we are true frnd and become a others true frnd. A frnd is not an object to be possessed but a subject to be cherished and a true frnd is always a true frnd. A true frnd brings happiness to yuor days and hope to your heart,sweetness to your memories and joy to your world. Be a true frnd and have a true frnd. A true frnd is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Like above we can find a true frnd.
@blazivic (100)
• Lebanon
11 Nov 08
To my opinion, a true friend is not the person u have fun or hang out with, a true friend is someone who sacrifices for u. I'm a kind of people who trusts everyone.Well that ddn't work out for me because i've been decieved and disappointed a lot. I agree with anita, he's the person we don't live a lie with. And as vicky was saying, lots of people stay close when everything's okay and when trouble comes up, u wont find them. On other hand, the true friends will show up in our life.they'll stand out for u when u least expect.I'm very fortunate to have them. Hope u guys find the true friend that u deserve.