How consious are you with your monthly electric bill?

United States
November 11, 2008 3:33am CST
I have been noticing than whenever we have a new electronic gadget at home that needs to be plug, on its first day of use, we do check and observe how much energy it consumes by visiting the electric meter. After that we compare it to other gadget/appliances and lessen its use when it consumes much energy unless it is really need to be use. I have observed iron and dryer consumes lots of energy so we tried to use the iron once a week and dryer only during rainy season. I also visit the meter reading every after a few days and observe, calculate how much energy we already consumed and would try to calculate how much we are going to pay the following month. If it looks like we are already consuming much energy and that we are going to exceed the amount of previous bill, I become conscious and tried to minimize the current in as much as I can to save money. so how about you, do you this at home, or do you just wait for the bill and pay what is stated there?
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27 responses
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
After seeing our electric bill rise up for some weird reason that I still don't know about, I really unplug everything that seems to be not used at all.. Even the television, I'd ask if anyone is watching and it they say no, I'd just turn it off and take its plug off.. From electric fans, lights, computers.. I just want to save more.. (-_-")
• United States
11 Nov 08
Well, it has happened to our neighbor once, they checked the bill and have it compared to the previous bill and to the billing presented a month before, then they find out, there was an error, so they have it report to the electric company. So if that happens to you again, you may do so like what neighbors did, as it might be they are charging you more than what you have to. Thanks for the response. happy mylotting.
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
Did anything happen when they presented the bills to the electric company..? One time we got this bills that was tolerable but, the next bill turned out to be double the amount we had before and it occured again when the third bill came.. (-_- )
• United States
11 Nov 08
well they are refunded, as long as you give proofs, they would.
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@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
11 Nov 08
I have to salute you for having that initiative to find out how much a new electrical appliance would affect your electricity usage. As for me, I pretty much know the amount of electricity used at my house. The biggest usage is the air conditioning for the master bedroom. If I have no relatives visiting me then my electricity bill should be between RM150 to RM200 per month. (approximately $50 to $60) If I am having relatives visiting and staying, the other air conditioning in the guest room would be used and the bill could go as high as RM250 (approximately $80) as over here, the more you use, the higher the rate that you have to pay and that's why you can see such a big jump just by utilizing another 1.0HP air conditioning unit. I have not found any other way to reduce my electricity bills so far. The only thing that I can think of is to invest is a more efficient and energy saving air conditioning system as that contributes to the bulk of my bill since my wife and my son are at home almost all the time. Cheers!
• United States
11 Nov 08
Well, you might want to ask silverglint about that power saving device. That might help you too. In my case, we don't have aircondition at home. And we seldom use electric fan, only when we have visitor. happy mylotting
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• United States
11 Nov 08
oh, you are from my malaysia, a neighboring country. by the way thanks for the appreciation. Happy mylotting
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
11 Nov 08
Thanks for the suggestion but I am not sure whether that is available here in Malaysia. Cheers!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
12 Nov 08
Hi honeylore ! I am really impressed about your concern for electricity ! It is not only that you are cutting the cost of your electric consumption,but you are helping the nation and in turn the globe as a whole by conserving the energy which otherwise would have gone waste! I really appreciate your efforts and hope that other members of this forum would take you as their idol in this regard and follow you! If every one thinks like you and start utilising the electricity in proper way then there would be no losses in the power and there won't be any wastage. And as we all know a penny saved is a penny earned. So the amount of energy saved from wastage is the amoun ofthe enegy generated !Nice job! keep it up ! Fortunately I need not pay for my electric bill as I am staying on a Stud Farm, which is about 150 acres.The electricity bill ofthe complete farm is borne by the Company itself. In case of electricity failure we are having a big gererator of our own as a stand by source of energy! Inspite of all these we are having our own inverter and a small generator unit for our personal use! Inspite of free electricity I am very careful and try to minimise the eatage of electricity as much as possible at my place and also at the farm. I involuntarily go for the switch and put it off if I find that I was not needed at that moment! Because of the vastness of the farm and mostly illiterayte labour we often see that many a switchs are kept on On position and they are never turned Off. So under such sircumstances I ask the concern people to put off the switches and I volunter myself to initiate the process so that next time they would do it for themselves! Thanks and once again my sincere compliments to you for your concern about the conservation of energy! All the best!
• United States
13 Nov 08
Well nice thoughts, I think it is really true "a penny saved is a penny earned. So the amount of energy saved from wastage is the amount of the energy generated" Thanks for the very nice comment.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
My mom is the one who is very concern to our electric usage as she is the one paying the monthly bills. Don't get me wrong, I'm concerned too even I'm not paying the bills. I tried to lessen the use of electricity and electronic gadgets that needs to be plug. I rarely watched t.v at home to lessen our consumption and I turned off lights when not in use. I pulled out the plug also all the appliances that not in use.Turning off appliances still consumed electricity when plugged. That's total of 25 percent of your monthly bill. So try to unplugged all your appliances not in use to save electricity.
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• United States
13 Nov 08
My mother has also the same concern about electricity usage. and I think it is she that influence me with it. When we were young, we were scolded when we use electricity even it is not in use. See for example having the TV on but then nobody is watching. I do the same, unplug all appliances not in use. But I don't know it would save me 25%. Thanks for the info.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
Hi there! I have been conscious eversince I lived independently. Especially now because of economic crisis. I even had my TV cable cut off just to lessen the electric bills and instead opted for an internet connection which I can use for work. It has been a year now that I don't get to watch television. Since my electricity is the biggest amongst my monthly bills I always lessen the use of electric appliances at home. For instance, I have set time for my electric fans until what time they are turned on. I only use a minimum lights turned on every night. I live in an apartment thats not so big so just one light on at the living room is fine. I also seldom use the water heaters cause appliances that heats are the ones that uses too much electricity, like irons and rice cookers. And whenever the bill arrives, I always see how much I consumed for the current and previous month to see if I have to lessen more the use of electricity. Ciao!
• United States
13 Nov 08
True, living independently is difficult especially if you are not earning much. Saving electricity would help a lot.
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@Nahsik (205)
• India
11 Nov 08
Well i exactly do what you do. I even for a month calculated how much energy each of my electrical appliances consumed and even check the new ones as you do. well what do you think should we promote this act and encourage people to do so? at least for their own benefit?
• United States
11 Nov 08
Hi Nahsik, Well calculating how much energy each electrical appliances consume has not been discovered by me. I don't know how to do that. What i do is just observe, how fast the electric meter run, and compare with other gadgets. So how do you calculate usage of each appliances. YOu got my curious. I think it is important and I am already promoting it by sharing it here and also you by commenting on this topic. Thanks and happy mylotting.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
hi honey! i used to be so concerned because i was the one paying. but now, i don't keenly follow the bill. however, i do concern myself with unplugging, turning off things that are not in use, such as lights, etc. also, i try to conserve energy wherever i can. i live with my in laws and they are the ones footing the bill so i try not to abuse their kindness. take care and God bless you! :-)
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• United States
11 Nov 08
HI Spoiled311 oh yeah, as of now, it is me paying the bill too, but I think it is also becomes our habit, visiting the meter reading. Because even before when my parents is the one paying the bills, i still do it. happy mylotting
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
11 Nov 08
A couple months ago, I went on vacation. I turned off the water and the electric for the entire week that we were out of town, yet when I got my bills they were exactly the same as they had been the months that we used them every day. I try to keep an eye on it, but it doesn't seem like anything I ever do makes that number change.
• United States
13 Nov 08
I think the electric company do set minimum payment in a months time. For instance 30 kwh is the minimum, even if you only consume 20 kwh that previous month, you will still pay the minimum which is worth the 30kw.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I am pretty good about my monthly electric bill. I try to conserve as much as possible. there are some days that I splurge and cut back on other days also.
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@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
I used to always be worried about our electricity bill also. Always calling home to make sure that the television is not turned on the whole afternoon, that only that lights that are in use are turned on. We also make sure to unplug appliances that are not in use. Still the effect on our bill was not that much. Good thing we discovered a powersaving device that recycles the excess electricity thus giving us savings in our electricity bill. This time, I dnt have to be too paranoid anymore coz our bill went down by around 35%, giving me more budget for food. We still practice minimizing our consumption and at the same time, we are ensured that there are no wastage in the electricity that we pay for.
• United States
11 Nov 08
Oh, I have not heard of that power saving device. What is that called? and where have you bought that one. Maybe it is not yet up here in Philippines. Anyway, I don't have problem with my electric bill, I can say I am successful at trying to save energy. Our monthly bill does not exceed 700 pesos a month and that is pretty low compared to others which pay 3000 to 4000 a month. Thanks for sharing. Happy mylotting.
• United States
11 Nov 08
I am very thoughtful of our useage. Especially now that we have the heat on. It is going to go way up. I only am keeping it on 68 though and we will have to wear sweaters and socks. I have plenty of blankets too. I hate my electric bill all though in the past 2 months i have gotten it down by 25.00!! It was actually below 100.00 that last 2 months. I have been unplugging stuff when it is not in use, not using my dryer unless I have too(i used it maybe 2 times in the last 2 months) and not used the AC as much , but now i have to use the heat. yuck.
• United States
12 Nov 08
Here in Philippines, we don't have that heating system as far as I know. Or maybe we have but only those rich people are using it. During winter, we have wear thick jackets and pajamas, with matching socks. Then, I used to sleep with my sisters, so on winter days, we used to compress, sleep very close with each other, and I think that help. Happy mylotting
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
12 Nov 08
I just wait for the bill and pay what is stated there.I try to save electricity by putting off he fans and lights when no one is in the room.In the day time i try to use natural sunlight as light than to switch on the electric lights.I also charge my mobile phone only when it shows me low battery.
• Singapore
11 Nov 08
Hi! I don't think I can check the way you do, so thoroughly. The meter is outside my home. I would ahev to constantly go in and out of the house to check it. I'm tryin gto see if I could get a meter reading which will detect the usage based on different electrical appliances we have at home, but it is rather expensive. So in the meantime, I'm trying my best to cut down on electricity by switching off the lights and fans when not in use, unplugging electrical appliances, ironing only the important clothes, buying wrinkle-free ones to avoid ironing. Try to save money here an there , especially when they have just raised teh tariff by 21% here.
• United States
13 Nov 08
The same as yours, Meter reading is outside our home. But I don't check it everyday, just check it every after a few days. Most of the time is it at the start of the month, on the 15th and when the bill arrives. and also when we have new gadget.
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 08
Extremely conscious!! I'm forever opening the metal cabinet to my prepayment meter! I press the buttons in panic to see how much money I have left. Things have become very difficult now with the electricity prices going up and so forth. I used to receive my electricity on account but then I decided that the best idea would be to have a prepayment meter fitted. I now know exactly what I use in terms of electricity. I cut down on things now. I love computers and I'm so glad that I don't have to cut down on this otherwise I would not be able to log into My Lot as much! Computers thankfully don't use much in the way of electricity. I hope that the winters become warmer though as I'm not going to be able to afford to have the heating on! Andrew
• United States
13 Nov 08
What is that prepayment meter? It seems new to me. I guess that service is not offered here in Philippines. But if there is, I would not choose it anyhow. I would like to save in as much as I can. But I don't want to be worried all the time about it. Monthly electric consumption would differ in a months time. What if you pay more than what you consume, or you have to consume much than what you pay.
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
A prepayment meter is where you put some money onto a key or a card and then you insert the card or the key into the meter. This is a good thing but you do have to keep an eye on it otherwise you will find that you are cut off! There is an emergency fund on the key but you should always try to avoid using this as you have to pay it back to the electricity company. I favour the prepayment meter anyhow. Andrew
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
12 Nov 08
We usually just pay the bill. We are careful to use a minimum of electricity though - we turn off lights, dry our clothes by hanging them, etc. But we don't try to figure out how much electricity things are using.
@ghazal2k5 (920)
• India
12 Nov 08
Well we are also conscious about electricity bill but not as much as you. I do keep an eye on the meter and i am careful enough to turn off anything thats not in use. Thats how i save my power bills.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
11 Nov 08
i don,t think you can do much about how the bill is i keep my thermostat on one set temperture i keep it on seventy and it stays there i don,t be moving it back and forward my bill is under a 100 dollars last month it was 84 dollars.i have a new unit and it works well because before my bill wes 300 dollars a month this unit was not working well at all.i been here in this place 2 years and my bill have not been high like this at all.leave it on one set temperture thats the key
@KaMlBob (786)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I just make sure lights are out and I have almost every light bulb in the house those energy saving squggly ones, to boot, they were all given to me free at a local Fire Fest!
@lou_66 (909)
11 Nov 08
i try not to be but i live with my mother and she never lets me forget the 'electric is expensive!'. they are her exact words and she is driving me mad with them. i suppose she is right but i pay half of the bill too! i like to put on an electric heater whcih is quite expensive but i just hate being cold. happy mylotting
• India
11 Nov 08
well i have a lot of electrical gadgets at my home n i really use them very liberally also my electric bill is usually very heafty n i dont think it really matters but yes i do check it every two three days but the amt in the bill hardly changes