Ideas.... About the perfect PTC.

United States
November 11, 2008 10:41am CST
I am interested in what everyone thinks is the best and worst part of PTC sites. The reason I ask is I have a degree in computer science and I have recently become disabled. And I started doing some PTC,GPT,PTR and etc. I have run into many problems. Sites stop paying standard members, want donations, change the rules, as soon as you are ready for a payout they BOOT you off there system. Complaining about not making any money. Seems to me most are not planned out they are more of a fly by night,scammers, or imply dont understand basic business. So what would be the best Site or has been the best site for you and why? What has been the worst site for you and WHY? I am honestly feed up from many of the site currently online bar only a few (can count on one hand). Sincerely, Ravenhold
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