Congressman Calls Obama a Marxist
By Bd200789
@Bd200789 (2994)
United States
November 11, 2008 11:23am CST
Georgia congressman Paul Brounsays Obama is a Marxist beacuse of a speech he made that called for a civilian army so there wouldn't be such a national security burden on the military.
“That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did,” Broun said. “When he’s proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.”
Doesn't Israel have a civilian army? You know, one of our ALLIES?! Are they Marxist, too?
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15 responses
@missybal (4490)
• United States
12 Nov 08
My problem is we do not need a new civilian army... that's why we have the Reserves and the National Guard. And my husband is Reserves and has to fight to get these positions. We do not lack the people nor the organization, what we lack is the funding for them. The military has doctors and lawyers and all that in all branches in the military. My husband has to put in for each position 6 months to a year in advance due to lack of funding for them only allowing so many positions. With the block on Reserves and National Guard and veterans wishing to return to service from transferring to active duty unless they accept the most dangerous positions, Obama will only make things more difficult on them. My husband can not transfer yet they recruit kids out of high school into the careers that we already have men and women trained in who want to transfer from the Reserves to active but can not. And Obama talks about building the Army and Marines more? My husband is personal, it's amazing what you learn. Bases have funding for million dollar workout center, yet no money in the budget for ink ribbon for the printers. The problem lies in utilizing what we already have and budgeting the funding to go where it is the most needed... With the decline in employment in the civilian world the Reservist and National Guard are starving for more work in their military careers. We have the forces we need, we simply need to utilize them better, all branches of the military.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Citizen forces to rebuild infrastructure???
What is that suppose to mean???
I read from Obama's new site his plan in regard to this matter and it sounded more to me like a new military branch, however it's really not clear. Nothing on the site is. Although with how the site keeps changing I probably ought to look and see what his opinion is today.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Nov 08
The solution is simple. Do not create a civilian army on top of our national guard and military forces. There is not a need for it so why waste the money and infringe on people rights.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Nov 08
The solution to the problem Obama's proposal is designed to adress:
more funding for state and local law enforcement agencies. If it comes down to outright national defense against a foriegn invasion, don't worry, we're prepaired and well numbered and armed. As for any other purose with in our borders, it is a law enforcement issue.
As to my solution to protect my state against obama's proposals, since our federal government has no interest in adhering to constitutional law, we will enforce it at the state level, to wit:
New Hampshire Refederation Act, section 3, paragraphs 1 and 2:
III. No New Hampshire resident may legaly participate in the following or be a member of, nor participate in the actions of:
1. Any nationalized civilain defense force for use on United States soil not described under the constitution as national guard, an organized or unorganized militia, nor shall any resident be used for such forces not described in the united States constitution for any purpose other than the defense of a free state by the state.
2. Nor shall any New hampshire National Guard, organized militia or unorganized militia be used by the united states as a civilian or military police force for domestic police purposes other than the defense of the state by the state or the defense of the nation from foriegn flag military invasion.

@twils2 (1812)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Of course obama is a Marxist. Every one of his ideas has a marxist origin. An internal military, why would we need that unless he wants to keep us under control? Why would he want to punish those that are successful and provide jobs to pay for such things? What about abolishing the constitution because it limits his power to much? These are all things that he has said that he wants to do.
I cant believe people were dumb enough to turn their country man. All of the freedoms that our military has fought for is gone.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I think he has a valid point. With all the military we have and police forces, what would the point of a civilian army be? It does make you wonder just what he's up to. When Hubby and I first heard his speech about creating a civilian army, Hitler was the first thought we both had. Right along the path of dictatorship. I guess this is a case of time will tell.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
11 Nov 08
First terrorist, then socialist, communist, Marxist. I guess name calling makes some people feel good. Why don't we wait and see what he does? We have a Congress that will help us out. The Democrats don't own it all. I think this is just another bitter Republican who doesn't like losing.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I haven't heard a single explanation, including from Obama supporters in "expert" positions, that makes ANY sense as far as what Obama meant by having a civilian force as strong as our military.
I heard a few people say it has to do with encouraging us to volunteer, expanding the Peace Corps, etc. But if that is what he meant he would have said so (he chooses his words VERY carefully) -- why on earth would he use a comparison of being as strong as our military if he was talking about kids volunteering in exchange for college tuition assistance??
I'm trying and trying some more, but honestly, I cannot for the life of me think of one single possible reason that would be good for us that he would want this.
I don't want to say it, and I don't want to think it, and I hope I am so wrong, but I have to say this Congressman is probably closer to right than anyone.
As far as Congress to help us out, all I can say is GOD HELP US! First, the Senate elections STILL are not over. When they are over, we could have that "magic" number of 60, which means the Democrats could override a filibuster if they needed to. That means that we would have NO ONE to "help" us, just ourselves.
Even if they don't get to 60, they still can control a LOT with the majority they have.
I was just reading again about security clearances. Do you realize that this country has just elected a man as President who could NOT pass a security clearance???? He now, right now, is privy to THE most sensitive info and intelligence we have in this country, what only a few people have access to, and yet, he would NOT have passed to get a security clearance except by being elected to the office.
Maybe many times it wouldn't matter, but he has such a LONG history of associations with extreme radicals. Do you know who helped him get into Harvard?? A Muslim who is on video, teaching that whatever they do to white people is right and God wants them to do it. Whatever. IF they cut off white peoples' noses, God wants it. It's right. If they cut off their ears, God wants it. If they kill them, God wants them to do that. If people in this country would have stopped assuming things, and assuming Republicans are just about sour grapes, and WATCHED

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Nov 08
What does that have to do with creating a civilian military on top the army we already have?Obama has said he wants it as well funded and well equipted as our military is now. That is expensive. Also what would their job be? If it was to operate within our own borders than yes that is troubling. It would create a police state.
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@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
11 Nov 08
I wonder how many people who toss around the word "Marxist" so casually have even a vague idea of what constitutes Marxism. Based on the context, I'd say such knowledge is unlikely. I'd also guess that some folks in Washington don't plan on a "honeymoon" once the new president is inaugurated. They're jumping right out in front of the train with their name calling.
At the risk appearing rash (or even resembling a socialist!), I'd like to suggest that this country has some serious problems right now. We are floundering in two wars and in a major economic crisis. Some of the solutions to our various crises will require government intervention. No less a conservative bastion than the Bush administration has led the way in this regard. I can't help wonder what Congressman Broun would have said if it had been Barack Obama who had introduced the so-called "Wall Street bailout" and asked Congress to take action.
In my opinion, we really don't have time for such pettiness as exemplified by the good Congressman from Georgia. Let's get serious and solve some problems.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
12 Nov 08
There are 2 issues contradicting each other and seemingly 2 issues that became intertwined. His Economic policy has socialistic leanings, I think marxism misses th mark a bit (no pin intended) but still socialist leaning enough to cause me and a lot of people alarm. yes we have unprecidented problems thatrequire drastic action, but to throw more of a problem at a problem does not fix the problem that was created a long time ago. Ron Paul had some great ideas on how to handle this, I think Obama would do VERY well to appoint him as treasury secretary, you should look some of his talkings up, very intuitive stuff.
Now Issue #2, the "civilian military force", We already have such a force and it's purpose isn't perform police functions, with good reason, IT'S ILLEGAL to do so. Under law, NO national military may perform police dtuies with in U.S. borders. Obama's suggestion would take no burden off the military on the home front for national security because the U.S military does not have the responsability for terrorism investigation or other such duties to begin with. All U.S. operations of this nature with in our borders is performed by Federal law enforcement agencies with cooperation of local state and county law enforcement. It has kept us safe here at home for the last 8 years.
Obama's suggestion for a national "civilian military" to police our own soil is not marxism, it is facism.
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@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I haven't heard any details on this civilian security force, at least not from any source that isn't on the far right of the political spectrum. I prefer to withhold an opinion on this until I see a substantive proposal from the president-elect. I will say that the United States already has a great many civilian security forces at all levels of our Federal structure--local, state and federal policy forces; the FBI; the Secret Service; agents of the DEA, and so on. So the idea of a civilian security force doesn't particular alarm me. The substance will be in the details.
As for Obama having socialist leanings. I see this statement thrown around lake water from a garden hose. Our economy has long blended elements of both the government and the private sector. Our economy has all manner of regulations that were initially designed to curb the excesses of pure capitalism--and its quite likely that those curbs actually prevented a radical socialist or communist revolution in this country during the 1930s during the Great Depression.
In my view, Obama's proposals are no more "socialist" than is the national highway system advocated by Eisenhower after World War II or the national postal system inaugurated by Benjamin Franklin.
Once again, I think people should be careful how they use particular words--especially if those words that are apt to encourage fear. Our blended economy has long been a fact. It is not socialism. Neither is it pure captialism in any sense of the word. It is rather a system that has evolved to curb the excesses of those who might be ruthless in either direction, a system that has functioned to improve the lot of nearly everyone while allowing those with particular skills and talents to excel independently. I personally think that's a good framework within which to create a robust and innovative economy.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Nov 08
So how is spending time and a ton of money on creating a civilian army going to solve our ecomonic crisis? Obama has said he wants it as well funded and equipted at the regular military. So how is that going to help us get out of this crisis? I think it is constructive to talk about projects that Obama wants to do that DO NOT help us get out of this mess. Let them know we do not want them and to start focusing on the issues we pay them to solve. One of which is NOT creating a police state.
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@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
11 Nov 08
can you get any more ridiculous - Hitler was a Marxist now?
Last I heard Nazi Germany was Nazi (the clue's in the name) and Soviet Union was Comunist/Tolitarian.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Nov 08
It doesn't take a civilian army to tell Obama is a Marxist, it takes simply listening to his own words.
He says himself that when he was in college he sought out Marxist professors as mentors.
Pull your head out of the sand. You deny things about him that he admits himself.
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
11 Nov 08
Our economic issues have been going on for a long while now. All presidents have thrown funny money that is not backed by gold at problems instead of coming up with solutions. I am not sure what will work - I do not think Obama is Castro tho. We will have to wait and see what solutions, if any, this administration comes up with.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Nov 08
America already has an army and it has the militia. There is no need for a separate army. You have to wonder what is it for? Is it because the army did not do a good enough job? Is not the police force and the FBI good enough? Are there evil countries bordering America that Americans have to defend themselves from like us evil Canadians? No there is none. Israel is surrounded by enemy countries and it needs its citizens to fight. No the only reason Obama wants a civilian army is to quench opposition to his rule.
Oh and wait for him wanting to increase the term a president can regain office from one to two and perhaps three or more.
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
11 Nov 08
With the democrats in charge of pretty much everything a constitutional amendment is not out of the question. I sure hope they would stand up against it, but with the Obamanites creating such an Obamania Obamarica is not far behind;)

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Nov 08
We already HAVE a civilian army, clearly spelled out in the 2nd ammendment. We also have a national guard in each state. The forces Obama proposes would be at direct odds with the existing forces.
Also, the internal national security is not a burden on the U.S. military as the U.S. military is prohibited from perfroming law enforcement with in our national borders except durring out right foriegn military invasion.
@james3302 (91)
• United States
11 Nov 08
It used to be that way, Bush signed something that allows the military to roam/patrol the streets. There's actually one brigade in the US now.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
11 Nov 08
your speaking of the warner defense act, it was not legal and overturned last year (though the president chose to note the exectutive branch didn't feel compelled to abide by the overturn). It is still illegal to use these forces in this way. I amaware of the issue you speak of, the 3rd infantry's first brigade's deployment on oct 1st. Either way, it is still illegal.
@tamarafireheart (15384)
11 Nov 08
Hi Bd200789,
I have no real understaqnding about the American politic but I am not that stupid, I just think that they are stirring it for Obama and he has not even been sworn in to Office yet, it the case of jealousey pehaps?

@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I wish it were jealousy!! I never thought that things could happen in this country they way they happen nowadays, when I was a child. But in my adult life, it just seems we keep sliding down that very slippery slope.
Obama has said and written enough -- more than enough -- to make any reasonable person wonder about his truthfulness, his love of country, his plans for the country, and more.
If McCain had been on record saying any one of the things we have Obama on record saying, he would have probably been burned at the stake.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Nov 08
No. Obama said on the campaign trail he wanted to create a seperate civilian army that was a well trained and equipted as our army. We are just wondering what for. Why two military forces? What will it be used for? Obama is going to pull our forces out or Iraq so what purpose would this new army serve? So far Obama has not answered any of these questions.

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 Nov 08
Israel has a standing army of its population. Everyone has to serve. It is mandatory. Look were they are. Look at who their neighbors are. THey kinda have to do that. Also the Israel Defense Forces have NO civilian jurisdiction within Israel. That is the key difference. Will this civilian army have civilian jurisdiction within our own country?
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
30 Jan 09
People are callking Obama all kinds of things. Just because he's not in line with their right-wing crap they automatically think he's a marxist? What a crock of crap!