The Amazing Race...This one both stung and made me happy!

@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
November 11, 2008 6:12pm CST
Ok...why? Why can't I see Tina and Ken leave? Why? Why? Why? Please let them get eliminated in an elimination round soon. I fear that they will continue on leg after leg and the next time they come in last will be the last non-elim round of the race and they will take it to the end. That being said, I was glad to see the divorcees go. But, Ken and Tina are still at the top of my list of people I want to see gone first. I will hand it to them that it was nice of them to help the frat boys with the numbers but, as usual, she didn't do it because she was being nice. She did it so that she could collect help from the frat boys in the future. "You owe us." Yea...that's pretty much her middle name I think. Now, another thing that annoyed me was how Sarah was complaining that the guy in charge of making sure they completed the chili pepper task wasn't giving them any breaks. Seriously? is the Amazing Race. It is meant to be difficult. They monitors aren't there to give you a break when you are only half way through with the task. They are there to make sure you complete the task in a fair way. Boo hoo. You were suffering. Duh! It isn't supposed to be easy. Boo hoo the monitor didn't see your suffering and just let you go without completing the task. How fair to others would that have been Sarah? You make 1st or 2nd place having not completed the task while a team that did complete their task, like Nick and Starr, comes in after you? I don't think so idiot! LOL! Yea...I won't those two gone too! The sooner the better but, not until I see Tina and Ken gone. You know...perhaps it is time for me to start cheering for Tina and Ken. Maybe that is the way to see them eliminated! So, on a positive note: yay for Starr and Nick and Toni and Dallas! What are all of your thoughts on this week's Amazing Race episode? Were you as annoyed that Ken and Tina completed their extra task and made it through this leg?
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9 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Nov 08
I just knew before they hit the mat that Ken and Tina would not be eliminated. I said right before they got there, "This is a non-elimination round." I knew it had to be because they told us from the start there are 2 or 3 (can't remember which) non-elimination rounds. Well there aren't that many teams left so it was time for one. I think they are the first ones to come back after having a disadvantage so I have to give them kudos for that, but would have liked to see them go. She was really getting on my nerves nattering at Ken (I think it was when he was painting the cab). I'm glad to see the divorcees go. The were such bee-atches. I would like to see a girl-girl team win but not when they are either dimwits or b!tches, and these two were both. How many times did they not read the clues properly???? Sarah is almost as annoying as Tina. I think Nick and Starr are a little mean too. I am cheering number one for Toni and Dallas and number two the Frat Boys.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I can't stand the frat boys. I guess they just seem too dumb to me maybe. After Ken and Tina I'd love to see the boys GONE! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I had a feeling that Ken and Tina were going to survive too. And, yea...they do deserve kudos for making it but, I still want them gone pronto! LOL! Sarah is horrible but, Terrence is ever worse than she is. I am not a fan of the Frat boys. Their bickering is annoying. I agree that Nick and Starr can be mean but, they don't bother me as much, partially because they get along pretty well with one another. For the final 2 teams, I am all for Nick and Starr and Toni and Dallas.
• United States
12 Nov 08
Tina didn't annoy that much this week. She got a little upset at the Holi festival, but that was kinda understandable. Plus, she seemed to go with it after she calmed down. When they were handing out the holy water, she was great. Very into it, even learning what to say. And her comment to Ken to be respectable when moving stuff out of the way was great. How smart was that to get out of the taxi and clear a path? I love Nick and Starr. Yeah, they will mislead other teams, but once they work with a team, they do it fairly and completely. Unlike the divorcees who are so petty. Holding the cloth in front of the numbers was just childish. Tina was right to call them on it. Even more hilarious that they were hiding the wrong numbers from the team with the right numbers. I am so glad the divorcees are gone. They got everything they deserved. They talked about other teams behind their backs, while accusing other teams of being dirty. They didn't read clues. And they were so disrespectful. In the taxi, you could see the taxi driver was really offended by their behavior. Just because they were covered in colors (their own fault for not just heading to the ladder instead of crying that people were throwing things at me) did not just how they were acting in that taxi. I could live with Tina and Ken staying if it meant the divorcees got the heck off my tv screen.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
It's true that Tina did have a few redeeming qualities this week but, most of it was for personal gain. Of course, I know that everything everyone on the show does is for personal gain. But, Tina never does a kindness simply for the act of being kind. The divorcees did definitely see the business end of their own bad Karma. And yea, that taxi driver was really looking annoyed at their behavior in the cab.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
12 Nov 08
You had to call it too didn't you last week about them making it. I was glad to see the divorcees go though. They were one of the first I wanted gone actually. Now we need to see the frat (geek) boys go right? Nick and Starr and going to be hard to beat it seems as well. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Ugh! Yea! It's infuriating about Tina and Ken. LOL! But, I too was glad to see the divorcees go. I wouldn't mind seeing the frat boys gone but, I would be ok with them sticking around until after Tina and Ken are gone. Nick and Starr might be the team to beat. I kind of hope that Toni and Dallas beat them in the end but, if Nick and Starr take it, that will be ok with me too.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I was happy to see the divorcees leave! They are very immature, screaming out the window trying to scare people! I thought the same thing about Tina~ finally she is being nice and helping someone when she told the frat boys about the numbers, but then she had to add that 'you owe me' and she blew her nice gesture. I thought it was funny when they threw that colored stuff on Tina and she wasn't even doing the challenge! Sarah can leave soon and I won't be disappointed! She is annoying and so is her guy. I still like Starr, Nick, Toni and Dallas. That was smart of them to work together on the numbers. I was also surprised that the divorcees didn't want to work with the frat boys on the numbers...guess it worked out best for the frat boys. I hate to say this, but watch Tina and Ken win this whole thing. They seem to keep hanging on.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Gasp! Bite your tongue! LOL! I would hate it if Tina and Ken won this thing. LOL! And, it sure did bite the divorcees in the butt when they refused to work with the frat boys who ended up beating them in the end. Karma has a nice sneaky way of biting you when you least expect it. And, Tina...seriously! I bet she's like that at home too. She doesn't do anything unless she sees personal gain out of it. Make Ken dinner? Only if it means a diamond bracelet. Clean the house, only if it means a spa package. Give Ken a hug? Only if it means more botox in her face. LOL!
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
12 Nov 08
I knew you were going to be upset when Tina got ahead and came in 4th..ok I got to hand it to them for figuring it out (the number thing) and helping the frat boys since those divorces kept making fun of them..karma bit them good and i laughed so hard when they kept screwing up and got booted..yea!!!! I'm not really worried about them, Tina and Ken since i feel Starr and Nick and Dallas and Toni will keep staying would have been nice if they would have been generous and let Dallas and Toni get first this time since they keep winning..that i didn't like
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
12 Nov 08
LOL! It was very much like a Karmic slap in the face when the divorcees ended up coming in last after all the times that they have said nasty things about the other racers. LOL! I do have to laugh at that! I hope that Dallas and Toni and Nick and Starr can continue to beat Ken and Tina. As for Starr and Nick giving the 1st place win to Toni and Dallas, yea, it would have been nice but, coming in first also means they get to start the next leg of the race first which could mean the difference between lead and losing the lead so, I hate to say this but, I probably wouldn't give up my 1st place spot either since it isn't just a prize but a lead in the race for a million dollars too. But, I can see where you are coming from.
@manixxx (116)
• Japan
12 Nov 08
I LOVE AMAZING RACE!!! from its first season until now, i still watched it! i love travelling to places, places that ive never been to. at least in the amazing race, even if i can't go to places i want, i would have an idea on the cultures and the famous sights in each country. well, in today's season of amazing race, its just ok, but with the recent episode of it, i was sad because kelly and christie was eleminated from the race. damn! huhu! but then again, its just a race. i do not also like ken and tina because tina is so rude to her ex, even they are separated, she still treated him like she dont want to be with him again. i wish dallas and his mom will win because both of them are cool! i think nic and starr would have had enough prizes because they have already won 3 legs of the race. dallas and his mom should win the race!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I enjoy the Amazing Race too. It is really cool to see places that I may never get to see in my lifetime. I didn't like the divorcees so, I was glad to see them go but, I am totally in agreement with you about Ken and Tina, Dallas and Toni and Starr and Nick. I would like to see Dallas and Toni to win over Nick and Starr but, if either of them wins, I will be happy.
• United States
12 Nov 08
aagh! dang it, we had a pretty good wind storm last Sunday and it took out CBS for hours..yup during Amazing Race...i was so mad! now im even more bummed because i was hoping that next Sunday i would be given the gift of learning Ken and Tina had gone Byebye! but i guess the boobyprize of the divorcee's being gone is gonna have to do. you have any idea if there is another channel on cable or something that runs the prior weeks episode at all?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I'm sorry you missed it but, if you go here it looks like you can watch full episodes so you can catch up on it. Good luck! I hope you get to see it! And, sorry I couldn't give you the good news of Ken and Tina's elimination. But, yea...the divorcees are a little bit of a consolation prize. LOL!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Hey Star, Amazing race was kind of a trip this week. could you believe the task of running through all the people throughing paint and colored powder? Those two girls were morons. I didn't think they would even finish. But Tina sure got blasted!!!That was the highlight of the show. Don't worry, I really don't think they will win. Like you, I want Toni & Dallas or Starr and Nick to win. They have the most integrity in this game. We are just going to have to hang in there. Patience my dear. leenie
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Hey Leenie, It was a trip this week! I loved the paint thing when they got Tina and how one of the divorcees was such a bozo time after time after time. LOL! I really hope you are right and Tina and Ken don't win this thing. I like Toni and Dallas the most because they really have stayed kind to one another and to everyone else. Even Starr and Nick have been a bit snarky in the past. Not too bad but, enough for me to like Toni and Dallas over them. But, if either of those two teams wins, I'll be ok.
• United States
12 Nov 08
Amazing Race is my favorite show and i totally agree Tina is very annoying. I sure hope they dont win it all. Being a TCU grad I am pulling for Nick Starr since she was wearing a TCU hat a couple of episodes ago. Otherwise, all the other teams are fine with me. I think the frat boys go out next because they cant go a leg without making a mistake and it is bound to make them pay sooner or later.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I wouldn't mind if Nick and Starr won it but, I want Toni and Dallas to take it over them. I think you could be right about the frat boys. They keep coming up second to last and, eventually they'll come up last. But, I would rather see Tina and Ken go first. LOL!