Would you want to know if given the chance?
By James72
@James72 (26790)
November 12, 2008 3:36pm CST
If you were visited in the dark of the night by a heavenly or ethereal messenger that told you that the knew the exact date in the far future that you would leave this earth and die but the option was yours to be told or not.....
What would you choose? Would you wish to know this information or would you prefer to decline this offer and continue with your life with this as an unknown?
I am heading off to sleep now but something I read made me think about this and I wished to leave it as a parting thought for consideration!
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23 responses
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
13 Nov 08
It would be an easy choice for most to decide not to know. For it would take away the element of not knowing which makes us live the life the way we do.
But for the purpose of being different i would choose to know. For the reasons
It would make my life focussed on doing things i know i can do within the time span remaining.
Fear of leaving this earth to many is because of the sense of not being able to complete ones duites towards the family and fear of leaving them alone. Knowing to me ,would help me plan and prepare for this .
And then better to know James, then to wake up one day and find myself floating and looking down at me

@alokn99 (5717)
• India
13 Nov 08
What you say is absolutely right .. My point of view is only for the sake of argument James and indicative of the reasons as to why i may want to know. Leaving the humour part aside, it would be of interest to me to understand the genuine reasons of people who want to know. Let's see how the discussion progresses.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Arguments sake is most welcome of course alok as it means we get to reiterate key points for the benefit of others!
I am keen to see other perspectives regarding knowing as well and I think that many will allude to wishing to know because it means they can plan and live their life better. This if course only strengthens the words that we have shared.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
I am not sure if I agree that it would be an easy choice for most to say no alok because curiosity would be hammering away at them and pushing for an answer! I think the choice you have made in order to be different would make up a significant number of similar choices for many of us. Personally I would like to be able to have the control to NOT receive this information, but in parallel I am equally concerned that my morbid curiosity would prevail and I would indeed end up asking for the answer. We should live each day as if tomorrow is going to end; and plan for our loved ones regardless in my opinion. We should not need an event such as this one to drill home the importance of these things. Thanks for the response. 

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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I am responding without reading the other responses as I don't want to be influenced.
I would decline this generous but burdensome offer. I would rather live my life, enjoy it and learn from my mistakes without the thought of doing everything because my time is coming soon. I would like to appreciate the intricacies of life, the small moments, the wonders just for what they are and when they happened and NOT because I feel like I have to as my time is coming.
Now I read the other responses.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
This is a great attitide to have SaintAnne and is really how we should all try to be. There is a quote "Are you living? Or are you just waiting to die?" which is quite applicable here. Life should be lived each and every day to it's full potential and it is sad to think that for some people it would take a message such as this just to get them to realize it. As much as I know that my curiosity would eat away at me, I would like to think that I would have the strength to decline also. Thanks for the response. 

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I would rather not know this info at all really.
I like my life and it will end when it does without my knowing the exact time etc. I live my life ODAAT (one day at a time) as it is so this would be out of the question for me really.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi Grandpa Bob. I think I would be the same as you but sometimes I am not so sure! lol. Knowing something like this would mean that you would be counting down the days for the rest of your life and always have this in the back of your mind; and I don't think that would be optimal at all. Yet the other side of me says it would be good to know because I could maximize my remaining time! The fact of the matter is that I should be doing that anyway! I think I would prefer NOT to know. Thanks for the response. 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
12 Nov 08
I think I would decline. I would prefer to go on with my life and make the most of each day I have, as I try to do now. When your number's up, it's up and you can't really do anything about it, anyway.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
I think I would decline too Bo. (Nice to see you back too by the way, I've missed you.) And in reference to mykl's comment, I think that the older we get the more we need to consider these things regardless because you just never know when that day will come. It is important to plan for unfortunate events such as these so that the ones we leave behind are not having to wonder what to do next. Living each day like we mean it should be a goal of everybody and it would be a shame to only realize this just because a messanger told us when we would die. Thanks for the comments guys.
And welcome back too mykl. That was certainly quick! I trust all went well? 

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
13 Nov 08
You have a point. But, people do that all the time anyway, don't they? I mean, that is why people make wills, buy burial plots, have insurance policies, etc.
Well, I guess I should say some people.
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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Ahhh, James, did you not have anybody picking on you while I was gone?

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@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I think I would want to know. I mean, maybe it would be better if I did, plus, I would never get that chance to know again. What would the benefits of knowing be, though? You would know your days are numbered any you might try to make your life count more. But, who knows? This has never really happened to anyone unless perhaps they were being punished or sent to the electric chair. I don't really know what effect it would have on the mind, or if someone would go crazy from it. I think that I would say yes regardless though, if I could be the first person to do it then I would be fine with others learning about it from me.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Part of me thinks I would like to know too Sheepie, but the more I think about it, the more I think I would like to be able to find the strength to decline. I do feel that knowing would have a negative effect on the mind in someway's too because we would always be thinking about that day getting ever closer. You could say our days are numbered already actually because we are all inevitable getting closer and closer to our own day of reckoning! So I say live each day as if we were to die tomorrow anyways. Thanks for the response. 

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@Takashy (496)
• Latvia
12 Nov 08
Good question. On one hand you could live your life just how it was before knowing that you had the chance to know when you are going to die and on the other hand you could live a life knowing the day you are going to die which would most probably change the way you live.
But how could I know that it is true? What if the stranger.. I mean the messenger lied to me about the date? It would make me live my whole life knowing the day that I am supposed to die only to see the day come and go and staying alive.
Also I would ask him about it but as already stated. I wouldn't be sure if I should trust the person about the date. So yeah, I would ask him/her to tell me the date I am going to die even if it meant living my life with the question: "Am I really going to die at day xx in the year yyyy?" which would probably change the way I am living my life in one or the other way.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Very true Takashy. It would definitely change the way we live our life if we knew exactly when that day was coming, but the downside is that we would always have it in the back of our mind as well and this may not be such a positive thing at all. We can assume that the "messenger" telling you this information is definitely accurate so it is interesting to see that you would choose to know! We should live each day to the best of our ability regardless and it's a shame really that for many people it would actually take a situation like this for them to actually do it! We all get caught up in life without actually LIVING it once in a while! Thanks for the response. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
lol. Curiousity did indeed kill the cat riyasam; but on the other hand, cats are supposed to have nine lives too!
I am not sure I get what you mena with your last comment about what more that you have to take but we can discuss that aspect later!
Thanks for the response.

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@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
13 Nov 08
Some might prefer to know the information in order to live the rest of days/rears to the best possible manner. But I would not prefer to know when I am going to leave this world. It will keep coming back to my mind and subconsciously I would be doing the countdown.

@sheenmadness (1286)
• Philippines
12 Nov 08
I would prefer not to know when, where and how. It's always nice to live a life that has no worries of knowing that it is time or my time on this earth is already short. I prefer to live my life as if it is my last as to enjoy every moment of it.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
I think I would prefer not to know also sheenmadness; yet there are moments when I think the opposite too! lol. It's not and easy question to answer at all. I think that for many, curiosity would get the best of them and they would just HAVE to know; but I hope I could resist that temptation! Your last comment outlines a great attitude to have and I believe that everyone should strive to think the same way. Thanks for the response. 

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@sheenmadness (1286)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
thanks james... I wish that too. Every individuals stand on what they believe in. And it just so happen that is my own belief.^_^
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Well I would want to know for sure. I mean that way I could plan my life to make sure that I got the most out of what is left of it, be it a little or a lot. I have no problems with that knowledge.
I was once told by a psychic that I would live a long life but I am not sure what she means by long. I am ill now and to me the thought of a long life means a long time of suffering. I could be wrong. Knowing I had a set amount of time I could make lots of plans about how I wanted to spend the last part of my life. After all I screwed up the middle part so maybe I could make up for it before I die.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
Receiving a visit from an ethereal being would probably drain my life from me in the blink of an eye! However, after a few minutes, if I was not dreaming and I was still existing, I would probably not want to know this information! I would probably ask this mystical being whether I could be taken for a ride out of my body to some other world, and then I could return to my body before sunrise! Such a dream that would be! I crave that opportunity! Andrew
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Are you sure you didn't find this ethereal being while locating all of your family members Andrew?
I would not want to know either as I think the stress of having that day get closer and closer would ultimately shorten my life! lol. Keep working on that astral projection angle and you may just achieve this dream with no mystical being needed at all! Thanks for the response.

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@louise18 (12)
• India
13 Nov 08
I think i would decline i would rather make the most of my life, enjoy it, be happy rather than be a worry, worry and waste it. so No. Never. Maybe I'll change my opinion when it really happens to me so, good question. I guess you'll never truly know
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Welcome to mylot louise!
I am of the same opinion as you on this one. Make the most of each and every day and live it like I mean it! I do think that curiosity would end up getting the best of many of us though if this situation actually ever arose! Thanks for the response.

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@sheenarobins (547)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
You got me thinking, James. I'm caught between wanting to know and not wanting to know. But if I want to know, I might live my life worried and will keep on thinking the day that I'm gonna die. So, maybe I don't want to know. I'd like to ask the messenger one question though about living but I'd be damn if I could talk when I see what's in front of me. I'd be shocked and won't be able to speak in three days. LOL
Nice discussion.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
I got you thinking?
lol. Sure it wasn't that other response that inspired further intelligence sheena?
My decision on this fluctuates like yours sometimes. I think I would prefer to not know because I would not like to live my life with this ompneding day always in the back of my head; but I am also worried that my curiosity would get the better of me also! I am not sure if the messenger accepts questions though; but you could try! lol. Thanks for the response. 

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@nadooa247 (1096)
• United States
13 Nov 08
You know how if you have to get a blood test done and wait for the results... instead of just doing something you do that... wait... impatiently... and it starts to annoy you and just put you in a bad place (especially those blood test to find out if you have some illness or not, or blood deficiency or something)
If all that happens over something that might end up being mundane (happens with me at times) then i don't want to know when i go because i'd totally lose it as the day draws nearer... i won't be able to enjoy things the same way... i might reconsider priorities or something of the sort but... it really would wreck havoc on me... i'd probably say no and then end up questioning if that was the right answer or not =P
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@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
13 Nov 08
in a heart beat i would want to know. then i could plan things out and i wouild be more relaxed i think. good question by the way.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
23 Jun 09
I would be yanked and pulled both ways of wanting to know so I could prepare for it and then not wanting to know so I bury my head in the sand and forget about it...it would haunt me and then my life would be like listening to the tick of the clock as I wait for the days..hours,minutes and seconds tick down on my life.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Jun 09
I wish you and your wife alot of healthiness and many beautiful years ahead..

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Jun 09
I'd be very much the same way I think. This is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations and no matter which path you take, there'll be concerns and stress about the decision. I would hope that I'd have the strength to deny knowing, but I'm afraid that my curiosity would end up getting the better of me. Thanks for the response Becca and thank goodness neither of us are actually in a position of having to make a decision such as this one! 

@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
Hi james,
if i have the chance to know my destiny, i guess it would be very advantagious to my part for i am able to perpare for the things that i want to accomplish before leaving this earth. I will have the eagerness to acheive all the things i want. There is no permanenet in this world, sooner or later we will be with our creator, if we are prepared we will have no regret for you already know it before hand. We will be happy for sure.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi Margarit. I can understand you reasoning for sure, yet I am also driven to say that we should have the attitude you have shared even WITHOUT knowing this kind of information. We should not need to be informed of our impending dearth date just to inspire a desire to live our life to the fullest, or to make us work harder to accomplish anything; we should have the desire and the motivation to be this way regardless. There are definitely many pros and cons to knowing and not knowing but I think I would prefer to NOT know myself. Whether I could ignore my curiousity though is a different matter altogether! lol. Thanks for the response. 

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@Butterfly6135 (23)
• Canada
13 Nov 08
I would absolutely want to know. I am living with M.S. and I don't take any single moment for granted. I live to the fullist everyday. I know that at any time it could be my last day on this earth. When you live everyday knowing this it makes you appreciate the things you have. If I knew when my time was over I would be able to prepare for it. I just lost both my parents within 10 months of each other and I was blessed to be notified about my mother being ill and had the opportunity to be at her side and tell her all the things that I wanted to tell her. On the other hand I was not informed that my father was ill and he passed before I had the chance to see him and I never got the chance to tell him anything. Do I feel robbed? I most certainly do !!!!! I know how I felt having that taken from me and I would never want anyone I loved to feel that way so yes I would want to know so I could make my last days the best and not have my family and friends regret not having the chance to say what they wanted to.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Nov 08
I am happy to hear that you treat each day as a gift Butterfly!
Appreciation for all we have in life ultimately improves our quality of life; even if we are suffering from afflictions such as what you have shared. Given the scenario you have shared concerning your Father, it is further proof that we must make the effort NOW to embrace our loved ones as much as we can because we just never know what could be around the corner. Life IS short in the overall scheme of things and we owe it to ourselves to give it everything we have. Thanks for the response and once again, I am very inspired by your attitude in lide and I wish you nothing but the best with all you do. 

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Nov 08
I do understand why you would wish to know Butterfly and there is no point me harping on about liing life to it's fullest regardless because it seems you are doing that already!
I do appreciate the attitude you have managed to create for yourself so very much and I thank you for sharing your story with us all. Life is everything we make of it, and in spite of hardships or hurdles, we CAN find a silver lining in every dark cloud. Good for you and God bless. 

@niqbloo (62)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I would do it. Because then if I knew the date I wouldn't have to fear anything before then, you know? If I knew when I was going to die I would go out and bungee jump or go skydiving with the knowledge that I would survive. The only downside is that what if the date was in the near future? Say like a month away from when you received the knowledge. If that happened I would just try to spend as much time as I could with the people I love and care about.
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