Remember the horse's head in the movie "The Godfather"?

@jerzgirl (9234)
United States
November 12, 2008 11:11pm CST
Well, so did I - after reading this story. It does make you wonder - exactly what message were they sending to this woman? Right now the police are considering only a misdemeanor charge, but I think intimidation should absolutely play a part in the charges. To me, it is a veiled threat, but for what reason? I just hope she and her daughter are safe. It could have been her ex - some of them can be pretty scary. But, nothing was mentioned about possibilities - only her father seemed to think it was a potential threat. What do you think? Cruel game? Or a possible threat?
4 responses
@allen0187 (58539)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
i really love that movie. i have the trilogy, a shirt, the book, and a movie poster of "the godfather". just yesterday, i saw a book of quotations from the film and if not for my current employment status, i would have bought it already. i figured i'll save up for it and buy it as a late birthday gift for myself by the end of the month. the movie used a real decapitated horse head and they had to put it in a freezer before they were able to shoot the scene. as for the article, i think it is a veiled threat. i would definitely do something similar to someone i would like to piss off. if my intentions were to kill a person, i'll cut to the chase and shoot that person ala-michael corleone. lol!
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Believe it or not, I've never seen a single Godfather movie. But, that scene was so famous, it was hard to not know about or remember when I saw this article. I'm not one for really violent movies. Made the mistake of going to see The Departed - something I'll never do again. But, considering the meaning in the movie of that head, I think it's possible there's more than a prank behind this pig's head. They're sending a message and only the woman really has any idea why, I'm sure. And, maybe her father. They don't say why he thinks it's a threat, but he probably knows why.
@allen0187 (58539)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
i think the family isn't divulging everything to the police. maybe they vowed not to break the code of omerta . (insert cued music from "the godfather").
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I do remember the horse head in the Godfather. This story has too many unknowns for me to say if I think it is a threat or just a prank. Not sure why her father thinks it a threat.
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I know - the story was pretty ambiguous, like either they didn't think it was anything important or, possibly, that they DO think it was important and don't want the person who did it to know they do.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I'm not sure what to think of it...Seeing that they have been targeted before it could be a horrible joke....but then it could be a threat....
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
13 Nov 08
That's a pretty pricey joke - a special meat order from Oregon just to plant a pig's head? I hope they find the creep....before it's too late.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Hey jerz! That is really mean! Definitely seems like a threat of some kind to me! And how horrible for the little girl to have to find it too! If it was the ex and the father of the little girl then he is a really sick mf! How could he be so stupid and cruel? It's bad enough to do something like this to his wife, but to upset his little daughter too. I just don't understand. I hope the police do look at it as a threat and find the person that did it!
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@jerzgirl (9234)
• United States
13 Nov 08
Just the fact that she is being targeted puts up a red flag for me, regardless of who it is. Sometimes you can tell it's kids. But, a frozen pig head ordered out of Oregon? That's an adult who has something in mind. I hope they find the person!!