Traveling! Do you keep things that they gave you in the plane?

@CJay77 (4438)
November 13, 2008 4:27am CST
I mean like toothbrush with toothpaste, socks and etcetera! I do keep them and I use some of them while in the plane. Until now I still have some stuff that that they gave me and haven't use it. How about you? Thanks!
8 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Nov 08
Here the airlines normally give scented tissues, cookies, candies, stuffed toys or at the most some pouches for the kids... I do keep the tissues, they come in handy and I am a sucker for the candies...
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi mimpi! I am a sucker of candies also, lol! Yes they give the children's stuffed toy and I want to have also, but I can't, lol! But I have some pens and some small pouch bags. Thanks dear.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
29 Apr 09
This time when my niece had come down we fought for the soft toy. Finally i won! Shameless - that's me!
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
Yes I remember I was in Singapore Air and there are few childrens on board and I saw the flight attendant holding cute soft toys and handling them with these kids. And I was pushing James to ask that maybe we can also have one. But I think its only for the kids.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
29 Apr 09
i have not travelled long distance in flights but when my cousins do come from u.k,they bring the things they got in flight in a socks and my kids do love those things.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
29 Apr 09
my kids are similar too,they donot prefer the bunch of wet tissues,i buy from the market but they fight like cats and dogs over the single wettissue we get from plane.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
It's true because small ones looks cute.
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
I do the same, I'll keep everything and give some with my nieces and nephews and they seems to like it because some of the toiletries come in a small packet. Thanks, riya.
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
On long flights the airline give a lovely bag full of useful things. Out of those things I have kept kept the eye shades. These have proved helpful to me when I have slept on the floor in my sleeping bag at the airport and in backpacker dorms when the lights are on when I go to sleep. I notice that the ear phones are not suitable if they have have two plug ins because my personal music play needs just one plug in. The socks are usually a bright color and lovely to keep. I use the things that I have kept from long plane trips. I can find all these things in my travel box.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi maximax! Sometimes I still use the eye shades when I sleep here at home, specially when hubby is reading. I normally used those colorful socks in winter and I kept some as a souvenir. Thanks for the idea of travel box, I may have to get one when we get back home. Thanks, maximax, and happy traveling.
@maxilimian (3099)
• Indonesia
4 May 09
Sometimes ... they gave a plastic spoon, but it is packed together with other things like toothpicks, tissue and sugar, it is provided with the meal, i didn't use it to eat the meal, so i keep it to make a coffee or tea at house, after that i didn't use it anymore
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
4 May 09
Some of the long flights, they will give you a pouch bag with socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, mouth wash, plastic comb, lipbalm and tissue and I like to keep these things because their in small container and it looks cute. Thanks, maxilimian.
@rainmark (4302)
13 Nov 08
All the the stuff that they gave to me i always keep them as a souviegners. I used some of them and my son is playing the toys from emirates. Cheers.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi rainmark! Yes I kept some of them as a souvenirs as well and I use the others. I haven't flown in Emirates but I heard that its very nice airlines. Thanks for the response.
• India
13 Nov 08
haha.. this question makes me to think about one comedy incident of my friends father.whenever he used to go outplaces, he have the habit of steeling something. it is his habbit & hobby(???) like.. for eg., if he goes to a hotel, he steels the chilly sauce cup or any tiny things he can like small plate, spoon, etc., recently last week, he stole one silver spoon from flight and kept inside his dress. while checking outside the airport, he was caught by the security when metal detector keep on gave continous beep. many passengers are afraid that time. but the security's very casually leaved him with a smile when they came to know it is a spoon. also they give him the spoon back to him. for ur question, i havent travelled in flight yet. but my mother goes singapore very often. but she dont have the habit of keeping. she gives that to kids in our relations!
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi raghul! Lol, stealing something small, that is so funny, but bad habit though! You should ask your mom to keep some things from the airlines, lol. I have been in Singapore airlines and can't remember what are the things that they give to the passengers! Thank you so much for sharing the experience of your friend, that is so funny. Thanks raghul.
• Chatsworth, California
13 Nov 08
You got socks and a toothbrush? What airline were you using. The best I normally get is cookies.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi babytaffster! Sorry forget to mention, they give you socks and toothbrush when you have a long flight! I think any airlines will give this if your in a long flight. Thanks for the response.
• Qatar
13 Nov 08
yes they give some stuff in a handy bag(toothbrush wd toothpaste, comb, earphone, socks) and i do keep them.
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@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
13 Nov 08
Hi Grace! Yes I have keep some of the things that they gave me. Thanks for the response.