Good and Evil - few thoughts
By mvsrao
@mvsrao (4365)
November 13, 2008 8:04am CST
* Good can not exist without Evil
* if Good[b] is absent then [b]Evil is present
* Good is Light - Evil is Dark
* Good is White - Evil is Black
* Good is Peace - Evil is Terror
Mylot Friends, more ideas please ... ... Thanks
3 responses
@hps280 (12)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
Who or what is saying that?
Can light not exist without darkness?
Can shadow produce substance?
Or is evil the creator of good?
Let's start at the cause, from which to determine the effect. Jesus Christ taught mankind that the same source does not pour out sweet and bitter waters. A good tree does not bring forth evil fruits. And he also said, that "...every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut off.." The healing and blessing streams of infinite good come forth direct from the source of the infinite One, God, good, and they are inseparable from their holy source. The so-called evil does not originate in that inexhaustible source of all goodness. Evil has no foothold in Truth. Good does not support evil, and evil cannot support or improve perfect good.
Evil is a misconception of what good is, a mortal misunderstanding. Evil is a suppositional absence of good, but this is an impossibility, for God is good, and omnipresent. There is no time, no place, no situation and no circumstance where Christ, Truth, does not appear, and that appearance is the ruling out of every evil belief and the establishment of the true understanding of what is good in God's (good's) sight. Evil is a liar, not knowing the Truth, because there is no truth in it. But Truth is good, and therefore, there is no good in evil.
Let's fill our hope with the anticipating joy that comes of the Holy Spirit which knows no error but all truth. Let's give wings to our faith and bear witness to the infinite good, and testify honestly for the great blessings that have been bestowed unto us by our dear Fater-Mother God, good. Before that, the supposition of evil is just silenced, wiped out, and nothing is left that could dethrone our dear Master.
The truth is, that we do not know more about ourselves than we do know about God, our Fater-Mother. But our Father-Mother God is greater than we, and the greater must explain us in order to give the right impression.
How could moonbeams melt a river of ice? The only thing that is ever going on is the one Infinite. That infinite One is the one infinite First Cause, the only Cause and it is purely good. We call that source by the name "God", which means "good". Good knows Himself infinitely as His own infinite good. From that standpoint of good itself, all is good, because there is none besides Him. To infinite good, there is no evil. All is good.
It only needs a change of standpoint, and letting God declare Himself as He really is. Jesus said, "what callest thou me good? There is only one good, even God, our Fater, which is in heaven". If this declaration of our dear Master is true, then only that good itself can truly explain what is good. Where good is All, evil is nothing, and this is the only right starting point. There cannot be more than one infinite Cause. If it could, there would be no Infinite at All.
Evil is only a belief, therefore it can be overcome. All that is not of the nature of eternal and unchangeable good, is not good, and therefore not real. God has a Christ, Truth, who is always operating and translating himself down to the lowest level, to any level. With this Christ translation, the light of Truth is constantly expressing itself and filling all space with the highest good for the greatest number. Before that, all darkness and evil beliefs just disappear, never to reappear.
Jesus promise is for all generations: "...The new Comforter, even the spirit of Truth, ... he will teach you all things". Evil could not possibly explain good, for it has no quality of truth in it. Therefore, good does not depend on evil, and the opposite belief, that it does, cannot stand before the presence of the Most High. Let God be true, and every mortal a liar. The Bible teaches "God is of purer eyes than to behold evil" (Habakuk). Evil is but a lie. In the Prayer of the Lord, Jesus Christ, he taught his disciples (students) how to pray right. And in that prayer, one verse reads "and deliver us from evil". In the original version of this Holy Scripture this verse properly reads "and deliver us from the evil one", indicating that in principle there is (for human and unenlightened perception)only one evil to be overcome, namely, the evil of "believing a lie". Knowing the truth and loving it, good can never believe a lie. Therefore, the lie or evil must be cast out and give place to Truth, good. Now, there is only one faith, because there is only one God. Because God is good, our faith is inseparable from good. The power of this faith makes evil to nothingness - dust to dust.
Let's cheer up, and turn away from all that is evil. Instead lets have a look on the blessings we have already received and be thankful for that. This will enable us to receive even more blessings which come only from God, good, not evil.Since human history has proven already, that evil cannot produce any good. The "breath of freedom ... never came out of the mouth of canons...".
@cathyisgodschild (94)
• United States
13 Nov 08
I believe the theory of relativity applies to this. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I believe there in a good God and so if He exists there but be evil in the world also which is the devil. We each choose which we want in control but they can not both be present at the same time.
@hps280 (12)
• Philippines
13 Nov 08
Well, your welcome.
Humanity works on the solution of this problem of duality since ever. So let's be patient with our own poor little selves and let's give us a break, and a little more time to grow naturally in the grace of God's love. The theory of relativity can only help you so far, as to come to a point where you can clearly see that there are some things seeming to be, which not exist at all. Many proponents of this by Einstein established theory have seen that already. Many say,"matter is not a thing", and it does not really exist but as a concept in the human mind. It is well known, that an object beheld through the physical senses consists only of the qualities attributed to that object, and since qualities exist only in the mind which beholds them, the whole world of matter does not exist - except as a belief in the mind which beholds it. This is so, according to Physics.
It doesn't matter if "we" say that "we" or "they" are atheists, religionists, scientists or whatever we may say. The truth about the matter is, that these are only human conceptions, formed by the impressions made upon the five physical senses. But these so-called senses are not reliable. Even today they still want to fool us to belief there false testimony, which suggests us that the sun goes up in the east and down in the west each day of the year and proudly await our credit of what they said to us. This is the lying serpent which was tempting Eve, the wife of Adam in the Allegory of the Old Testament in the Bible.
Astrology has corrected the human misunderstanding about the relations of the celestial bodies in our solar system, and revealed through the method of Science what it truly is. God's spiritual Science will surely be able to explain the truth about the relation of our terrestrial bodies.
Don't bother friend, we all shall come into the unity of faith, and grow into the full stature of the manhood in Christ (Truth), where "...there shall be no more tears, and pain, and sufferings..." and the evil one (false belief) can no more enter in. Until then, we just work and do what we understand best is the right thing to do at a time, until He come whose right it is.