If you don't have the same views as me don't post here....
By Erilyn
@Erilyn (3020)
United States
November 13, 2008 12:27pm CST
these are my views and even though I know I am asking for opinions about this I really only want those that agree with me to respond. If you don't agree with me then I will be mean to you and say nasty and hurtful things. And I will repete myself over and over again simply becasue I have nothing intelligent to back up my arguement with. I know I should just post discussions for people with the same views as me in differnet catagories but I refuse to because Iwant everyone else to see how superior I am! And of course I will attack anyone and everyone that does the same thing I do and tell them they are being narrow minded!
This is not a personal attack on anyone, just what I see going on around here lately. If you are offended by what I just said then you may want to take a look and see if you are guilty of it.
These are the reasons I stay away from political and religous discussions most of the time. There are some times that I will venture into a discussion of this type and in doing so I have made new friends and one of those people I had some differing opinions with. Come on people are we not all adults here? This is a public place a public forum, if you don't want to have actual discussions about these things then don't post them. Realize that your view is not the only view. Be more open minded and you might learn something or even make new friends!
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17 responses
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
13 Nov 08
The nasty & hurtful comments i've seen on occasion are the reasons i stay away from discussions that are just asking for conflict. I think that if all someone has to say is something mean and hurtful they should keep it to themselves. People are welcome to differing opinions...its what makes us unique if we all thought alike the world would be a pretty boring world.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
While I do have certain "set" views on some things and would never change my mind, I do respect the fact that other people might have a different opinion. If I were to argue with an opinion then I would do my best to back it up but would not call someone names just for disagreeing. I don't think this has happened to me too often. I also tend to steer clear of religious debate for similar reasons. It is one area where people tend to be more opinionated than others. Of course people have their beliefs, religious or otherwise but I don't see why people come here defending their opinion without a thought for other people's. If someone states opinion as if it is fact (as is often the case in religious discussion) then I might be inclined to point this out and if people's opinions are based on factually incorrect information then I would feel it ok to tell them so. However, if a person's opinion is different from mine, it does not automatically make them wrong. I have had discussions with people whose opinions differ from mine and any reasonable person should be able to do that. Unfortunately there are some people who are incapable of such a task and will just argue and insult either because they can not justify their opinion or because they realise they are factually wrong but would rather be rude than admit it.
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 08
I was referring more to actual facts in general but I see your point with religious. I understand that people do believe that their religious theory is fact but it is difficult to try to get some to understand that it is just a theory and that not everyone who is sure that their religious opinion is correct can be right.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Nov 08
In regaurds to religion: With true believers to them the therories are fact (please excuse my spelling today, dyslexia has kicked in badly) I think that is what makes it so hard to have a difference of opinion with some people, they think that their fact supercedes anyone elses fact. even when it comesto science for instance the facts can say one thing to one person amd another to someone else. Facts can always be spun to meet someones need for an arguement.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
13 Nov 08
You make some very valid points. and I have als ohad discussions where there wer edifferences in opinion and the best thing to do at that point was just to agree to disagree. Sometimes the "factual" information in a religious discussion is not neccessarly the same for all people so I can see where it cna get confusing.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
13 Nov 08
It does happen all the time here and it's annoying. It never used to be like this, but as time went on, more and more stupid people started showing up and now we have all the 'superior' people posting the same discussions, from biased sources and they NEVER can come up with a better argument.
I just laugh. Sometimes I post, sometimes I don't but I have no problems admitting I make fun of how stupid those people really are.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
13 Nov 08
It is always funny to me that here, like other social networking sites, people really do want only to hear that they are correct in their opinions. That is not a discussion at all, that is just a bunch of "yes men" and not any fun. People should disagree, that is a discussion 

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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
14 Nov 08
You had me stumped for a moment! I seriously thought you were advocating yourself in such an inane way…
Yes, I have seen many people being openly critical of my views in a rather mean way just coz I was not seeing the world in similar colours. There are even some who would say that don’t respond if you don’t know what I’m talking about (meaning the same again)…initially I used to go ahead and respond and swallow the insults. My thought was that this is an international forum and we are here to discuss and debate so if you (not ‘you’ personally) post something which most are not aware of, then don’t post it here, that’s all. And also, in many cases the situation may not be the same, but the consequences are similar in every corner of this global village. So nobody can refrain me from answering a discussion if I am not exactly at that same spot. However I do avoid discussion on children with special needs coz this is a very sensitive issue and I don’t have any experience on this so I would not really like to hurt a mother with my insensible comment.
Religion remains one of my favourites and believe me, if you just go ahead and stick out for yourself, you’ll get to learn a lot about various religions
I dislike politics, anyway
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Nov 08
The point was to stun people to start with! lol. I wanted to see how many people would actually read through the discussion and actually want to post howe they feel about it rather than to blindly just agree. And I think you make some very valid points here andI applaud you for being able to read what I wrote and grasp where i was comming from on this, like another poster said how can we learn about one another if we can't discuss our differences and try to understand each other.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
14 Nov 08
It does often amaze me that some people simply do not like it if there is a response to their discussion and the respondent does not agree with them. In fact in some instances it seems they not only want agreement but total capitulation, if there is a shadow of doubt initially. We are adults here, even if some of the members are teenagers, so we should be able to have sensible discussions where people can out their point of view. With regard to the teenagers, they too can have an opinion and should be able to voice it in the same way as anyone else can.
For quite a while I did not post anything at all and even though I did not come here often because of other (work) committments, there were a couple of times when I logged on only to find some not so nice discussions and responses .... about the level of primary school students with their petty arguements. "You are not nice" "I don;'t like you" kind of attitude but the words were not so polite.
Thanks for a funny and amusing discussion. Unfortunately I suspec "the children" will not read it or if they do, they will think it does not apply to them.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Yep exactly! the "children" as you put it I like to call sheeple. Sheeple believe that only one view (the one they are taught) is right and everyone else is wrong. And when they run out of the ideas that they were taught they revert to name calling etc because they have no other way of showing their views. I was away for quite some time mtself, but I keep comming back. Mostly because I can have really great discussions with people that actually make sense.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Oh I agree with you. I go into those discussions anyway and knowing how out of control they can get. I'll just back off if they start to get too mean. They can be really interesting and passionate discussions if everyone remains respectful and quite often they do. I used to get real worked up on those discussions. Now if someone gets really rude, I just leave...if they get abusive, I report. I don't mind if they get defensive or argue their case as I'll argue mine right back and on occassion I've even been convinced to change my stance on certain issues or at least find an understanding of the other side. For that reason...I won't stay clear of those topics. How are we going to learn and make peace with the opposition if we can't even talk?
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Very well said. I applaud you in grasping the exact meaning of my writing this discussion to begin with. I think that the sharing of each others views is important as a whole so that we can each come to terms with each other. I think that if more and more people could sit down and discuss differences civially, and sit openmindedly then there would be a lot less strife in the world.
@RedFeather (427)
• United States
14 Nov 08
wow - thanx!
i sure get tired of starters and responders just repeating that they think someone else's opinion or belief is WRONG
i truly think that having any kind of discussion where all the views are similar would be quite boring.
for that i guess i could just open an encyclopedia...
i have found myself so engrossed in some discussions that when i finally get to the last post, i completely forget to respond myself - and then i will have spent about half an hour eavesdropping - haha
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I have done that before myself, or by the time you get to the last post everything you were going to say had already been said and you are at a loss lol. And you are welcome! Feel free to come into any of my discussions at any time and voice your own opinion! lol.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I was just reading a discussion either last night or this morning that your discussion reminded me of. There was one person that the person having the discussion didn't want there on 'their dicussion'. And, like the person talking, I thought, now this is a public place. I have yet to see anything that says we aren't to post to all the discussions if we want to. I don't think it's right to harrass someone, but it's also not right for someone to forbid another mylotter to post to their discussion.
You said, are we not all adults here? I think we are supposed to be, aren't we? I guess anyone can lie about their age. I know they do on MySpace and Facebook, so why not here, too?
Anyway, I know we should all act like adults, not that everyone does! And I agree with you - if you don't want a particular person to try and add to a discussion, just don't start the discussion!
I'm on another forum where this one person is always playing the 'devil's advocate'. I think she uses that to tell us exactly what she thinks! But we aren't supposed to get offended or upset. But,I'm the honest one and say what I think. And, guess what? SHE gets offended easily and has told me off several times! Recently, we were discussing something and a few of us said some things she didn't agree with, so instead of being an adult, she said some mean things,and then un-subbed! And this woman is an educator!

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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
15 Nov 08
You would think people would know better! As I was writing this discussion I remember back to the discussion you and I had before where we didn't agree but we were able to talk it out civially and looked what happened, we became friends! It just amazes me that people still think that you have to agree with them 100% on everything. I guess they just want their army of sheeple around them and don't want people around that might present a differing view. It's ok for them to do so, but God help anyone else that does the same thing.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I am glad that we became friends as well. And you are right sometimes you have to agree to disagree. I like having friends that I can discuss different views on different subjects. I think that HEALTHY dabates are good for everyone involved as long as like you and I did everyone can stay civil and talk about things without getting nasty with one another. We don't have the same views on a lot of things but I think that together that means we can come up with differnt solutions that may in the long run combined make for a really great solution!
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I like the saying that we can 'agree to disagree' and we can stay friends. Some people don't like that, though. They want to be right and never agree to anything. They might miss out on having lots of good friends. And, and I'm glad you and I talked things out and became friends. Life is just too short not to be able to give opinions and then be told that you aren't allowed to give your opinions because someone else has the 'truth'.
We should be able to say this is my thought and I respect your right to have yours. More friends are made that way, and some last forever. I have friends with whom I don't agree 100%, but we get along and never fuss.

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@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
14 Nov 08
i agree with you fully. A discussion is not a discussion of we all agree to what is beign discussed. There have to be a cross section of views only then can we learn something. if we all agree to the same thing then what is the point of the discussion. There will be varying opinions and that will only help in reaching an understanding.
However, somethings are better not discussed as people have very strong opinions and get hyper if people disagree with them - Religion and politics. These two raise a person's hackles and people get hyper. It is better to leave these out.
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@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I agree with you to a point. I think that as adults we should be able to discuss any topic in a calm and civil manner including both religion and politics. I can understand how people can get "hyper" as you put it, but I think that one of the things we need to be able to do is calmly and rationally be able to discuss anything and state our views in a manner that is neither degrating or insulting to another human being.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Hi erilyn, I do agree with your statement that people should
be able to express what they feel and act like adults. We
should all be able to express our difference of opinions and
still act in a civilized manner and be respectful of each
others opinions. We don't always have to agree on every single
point or comment. That is what makes us individuals. We as
people aren't meant to always agree on everything but we are
expected to behave in a manner that is fitting and should not
take it as a personal attack and therefore act accordingly.
Unfortunately I have seen many of these discussions backfire
and get completely out of hand. Name calling is for children
and we are adults and should behave as such.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
14 Nov 08
This isn't the only forum that happens on. I find it rather amusing.
We might all have adult bodies here but we don't all have adult minds.
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@abluebluerose (30)
• China
14 Nov 08
why you welcome one sound only.... sound is beautiful cuz it's multiple, inclu noises... have a nice day