MYHPF/ Homepage friends/ my search funds - Survey

@alphason (233)
November 14, 2008 12:43am CST
Hi all, I am just trying to find out some facts about the delayed payments for homepage friends. Actually I think this is a great idea. I have been paid 3 times now and have earned over 200 GBP, of which 110 GBP has been actually paid out. There seems to be a growing number of people who are very anti this now, my personal opinion is that we will get paid but just don't rely on the date they tell you to be anywhere close to accurate. I have also noticed that a lot of my afilliate friends are using the service less or not at all. I want to ask a couple of simple questions.. 1) When were you last paid? 2) What is showing as next payment due? 3) How many friends do you have and how many are still regular searchers? Here are my answers, please tell me yours.. 1) 15th September 2) Payment due betwen 16-31 October 2008 for earnings before 1st September 2008 3) 35 friends, only 8 regular searchers
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2 responses
@eiram25 (1076)
• Philippines
14 Nov 08
it's good that you've been paid many times there.i too am a member of homepage friends.unfortunately,i don't have lots of friends who joined under me so reaching payout is quite hard for me.but hopefully,i'll be able to reach payout soon,with more searches daily.happy mylotting!
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@alphason (233)
14 Nov 08
I think with all members they have now it is hard to recruit new ones, especially when there is so much bad press associated with them at the moment. You will get to payout, just be patient - You are searching the 'net anyway so really you have nothing to lose.
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@paid2write (5201)
19 Nov 08
I have been paid twice since January. [1] My last payment was received in July. [2] I also had a payment that was due to be paid by the end of October, but now my account shows Payment due between 15-30 November 2008 for earnings before 1 October 2008 [3] I have 44 friends. Last week only 8 of my friends made searches, but I have many active friends of friends: In the past week I have earned 75p from the following searches by friends and their friends: Friends 143 searches = £0.30 Friends Friends 378 searches = £0.40 Friends Friends Friends 136 searches = £0.05 Grand Total 657 searches = £0.75 I have no problem with the delay in payments, as my earnings keep on building up. I need to do some searches nearly every day for my work, and I have made more than £100 so far. I am very happy with this money. It required no extra effort to earn it as I would have made those searches anyway.