President Elect Obama, What is the Change?
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
November 14, 2008 12:47am CST
Whit President Elect Obama selections for his transition team and his administration there seems to be a lot of old inside Washington people in his selection. Where is the change we were promised? By selecting people who are all Washington insiders we are assured of four years of more of the same.
There were many people who were upset when President Bush sought the advice of former Republicans when forming his government. Now we seem to be getting all of President Clinton old team.
What we need are new fresh ideas to solve the problems we are facing. How do you solve the problems by using the people who were in power when the problems occurred or did nothing to prevent the problems when they were in power. Will they be working for the people of the US or will they be helping their friends?
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7 responses
@fafinette79 (943)
• United States
14 Nov 08
What everyone is forgetting is that he is still only President-Elect Obama....and as he stated many times is that it can only be one president at a time. Can we at least support the new president by letting him actually become president before we expect this huge change that he's working towards? I'm reading his first book, Dreams From My Father, which he wrote before even thinking about becoming president and I must say that it is an interesting bio. The book tells me a lot about him, his life, and his goals to change the world one community at a time. It took President Bush almost a full eight years to bring the economy this low, and I say we should give President-Elect Obama the same amount of time to bring the economy back to the way it should be.
I never believe everything I read or hear on the news. For months the news said all types of things that were untrue about President-Elect Obama, so I'll actually wait until it happens. As for having the same people in office, I'm completely okay with it. I mean, if you know someone who would be better for the job and actually wants the job then please write the President-Elect and let him know. If you know politics, the government, and the rules then you know that it's hard to change a lot of things unless you change the views of the people who are causing the problems. Yes, Obama will soon be our commander-in-chief, but he can't change the world on his on. Let's dream, let's hope, and let's support a person who has worked for change since he was 22 years old. Please name me one other person who graduated from Harvard as Magna C Laude, who went after being a community organizer for change and not for money, and who is so educated that he could probably do anything but decides to take on a failing country? There's no "I" in "yes we can!"
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
16 Nov 08
As a community organizer he fought for change ...Change to make the Banks give loans to people who could not afford to make the payments and loans on property that was not worth the selling price. Or do you mean change to remove Asbestos from Public Housing that is still there? Or is it reforming the Chicago Public Schools so the teacher work more than 5 hours a day and make and average of $85,000 a year, while the students continue to fail and drop out. Or was it change in the political bosses in Cook County and Chicago that he supported?
He has been running on Change and reformer his entire political career and has yet to deliver. Now he tells us that he is going to do things differently in Washington, yet is appointing all Washington insiders. I am waiting to see change.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Nov 08
LOL... yep, this is going to be good as people come to realize even a black president can break campaign promises.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
14 Nov 08
This is very true, however, they seem to be able to "justify" everything that he does, right or wrong.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Let's make an analogy to being infatuated with a new lover. At first, almost everyone will overlook anything. Over time, though, the willingness to be in voluntary denial diminshes greatly. That is the fate I see for 0bama and the signs are already there.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Nov 08
He reneged on his change promise as soon as he picked Washington insider Biden for his VP.
You are correct though... his picks are all Clinton people, and many have ties to Fannie Mae.
The true change is going to be the loss of our freedoms, and the attempt to turn us completely communist.
He is already planning on his version of the Hitler Youth, complete with mandatory service, and that is only the beginning.
Not all change is for the better, and some people will soon find that out.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I think it's difficult for any President Elect to decide who to choose for his new Administration and I think it will be more difficult than usual for Obama because of the fact he ran on change and people are really hungering - no, STARVING - for change. However, I think we all should be a little patient and give him a chance; I KNOW that's easier said than done and that those who have been so totally against Obama from the start are going to find that impossible. I don't think it can be fairly said that, even with "Washington insiders" and former Clinton staffers on Obama's transition team, it's "more of the same" of what we've had the past eight years and for many people that's exactly what they want the change from. I don't mean that to excuse or justify putting ALL former Clinton people in high positions but I do see that Obama's kind of between the proverbial rock and a hard place; choose someone with experience of some kind for the job they're hired to do and it's "more of the same" but choose someone totally new and unknown and they're not experienced enough. I think the most important thing is that the best people are put in the best positions and that the entire administration is open and honest with the American people from the beginning. I think THAT'S the change most people are really looking for!
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
17 Nov 08
One of the problems with politicians (Republicans, Democrats and Independents) is that they will say what ever it takes to get elected. President Obama ran on Change and let us decide what change meant to us. Senator McCain ran on reform and selected an outsider to be VP. Neither said exactly what they had in mind and each of us was left to decide what those words, Change and Reform, means to us. To me with his selections and suggestion of people for the Cabinet Positions we are seeing the same Washington insiders and his political friends, what he accused President Bush of doing, be considered. This is not change but politics as usual.
@tonniek02 (457)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Watch fox news, O'Rialy Factor, you'll learn even more...I was blown away about what all I heard there
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Well, the Obama supporters just believe that under Clinton it was all better. The good old days, you know. Obama lets them believe it by blaming Bush for everything. Never mind that we already experienced the first wave of economic downturn during the last two years under Clinton, never mind that Clinton put into accelerated motion what's at the root of our current economic crisis,... no those were the good old days...;)
Good old days.. old boys system.... yeah, real change alright... His re-election campaign will run on, well I had to fix the economy first but now I'll do the rest, now we'll see real change, lol.
At least it doesn't seem to come to the change so many of us feared... well not yet anyway.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
14 Nov 08
For some reason, the Democrats just seem to want to go back to the Clinton Administration - they didn't do it with Hillary, so they're going to it with Obama appointing all of the Clinton staff for his Administration.
So much for CHANGE!