Barack Obama Lied through his Teeth About his Friendship with Bill Ayers!
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
November 14, 2008 10:10am CST
After keeping the truth from the voting public of the United States, Bill Ayers now admits that he is a family friend of the Obamas. This would be in direct contradiction to Obama's explanation of "just a guy in the neighborhood".
But I'm not expecting the Obamabots to care, I mean, He's president elect now, so we should back him no matter what right? Even if, with this information, Barrack Obama would be unable to get a job on the Secret Service to protect Prs. Barrack Obama.
Where was the "unbiased" incompetent press on this BEFORE the election?
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12 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I'm assuming that you are referring the the William Ayers interview on ABC today, which wouldn't make sense, because Ayers didn't admit that he is a family friend of the Obamas. Here is what he said.
Chris: You did have a meaningful relationship with Barack Obama, didn't you?
Ayers: I knew Barack Obama, absolutely, and I knew him probably as well as thousands of their Chicagoans, and like millions and millions of people worldwide, I wish I knew him better right now.
Chris: You used the term "family friend," president-elect uses a phrase like "Bill from the neighborhood." Those two are not the same thing, family friend signifies a relationship, doesn't it?
Ayers: I think you're referring to the "Antiwar Fugitive Days" (Ayers new book). I'm describing there how the blog-o-sphere characterized the relationship... I would say really that we knew each other in a professional way, again, on the same level of thousands of other people. And I am a guy around the neighborhood, incidentally, absolutely... It's not at all true that he sought me out to listen to my radical ideas or that I sought him out. The truth is that we came together in the civic community... and that's the full extent of our relationship. This idea that we need to know more, like there's some dark hidden secret, some secret link, is just a myth, and it's a myth thrown up by people who wanted to kind of blow up the politics of fear."
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
14 Nov 08
The quote from the new afterword in Ayers book: "In 2008 there was a lot of chatter on the blogosphere about about my relationship with Barack Obama: we had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fundraiser at my house, where I'd made a small donation to his earliest political campaign." Looks like he was telling the truth in the interview, he WAS referring to what people were saying in blogs online, not explaining his actual relationship with the president-elect. So there you have it. The facts. This is yet another example of people taking things out of context to make things confirm with their own agenda.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Nov 08
No, I'm quoting from the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune. They report a new "afterward" to one of Ayers books.,bill-ayers-barack-obama-book-111308.article,0,1806710.story

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Nov 08
No, he didn't lie at all. Ayers said he was not admitting that he was a family friend - he was pointing out what the blogosphere keeps saying. They did not know one another beyond the overlaps in community service. They are not peers or friends. Just colleagues.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Nov 08
Last I checked the Chicago Sun-Times is not part of the blogosphere.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
17 Nov 08
That's irrelevant, Ayers quote was talking about the way the "blogosphere" portrayed him, and the Chicago Sun-Times took the first part of the quote out when they published the story.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
14 Nov 08
While I urge people to now set aside mixed feelings, accept and support the soon-to-be US president, I am amazed at any surprise people show on anything about president-elect Obama. Firstly, people must remember that the outcome of the 2008 presidential election is the result of people been fedup with the warlikeness of the Republican party.
While some people allege the discovery of this or that about Barack Obama is news, Barack Obama was in fact an open book (to those who paid attention). While he shifted positions to appease any particular crowd, one could tell when he did so: The man is not a habitual liar - he immediately starts to stammer when he is saying something he has not always believed!
Barack Obama is not only very smart, the man is an opportunist and a man of faith. The man simply took advantage of all open routes! Well, he might do the same to help resolve the problems of the nation. Let's pray for his success; shall we.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Whatever you say, my dear. I just want people to understand that the US will be having a new president called Barack H. Obama. It will only hurt the nation not to give support as deemed necessary.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
14 Nov 08
It's called being a politician. It is impossible these days to be a successful politician and NOT lie - ESPECIALLY if you're a democrat or republican.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
14 Nov 08
No matter what mistakes President Bush has made or what lies some people say he has told, they are always bigger than life. Obama can lie about anything and everything and it is acceptable. His supporters are either naive or are just like him. No matter what comes out about him, people will always support him. And Obama doesn't bat an eyelash. No matter what people say about him, he just ignores it like it was never said.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
15 Nov 08
All I hear about are lies that Obama has told... the fact is that most of these "lies" that he told, and all this revealing info about Obama, are made up by people who didn't support Obama in the election. Now, you have to think of my perspective, and independent moderate who did vote for Obama but didn't agree with all of his policies... after finding out that there are a massive amount of people creating lies about Obama to discredit him, how do you expect me to believe the same group of people when something they say is actually true? It's called crying wolf, and this whole thing about Ayers saying Obama was a family friend is yet another example of it.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Nov 08
"Where was the "unbiased" incompetent press on this BEFORE the election?"
We all know the answer. They were covering issues important to Americans. You know, like the cost of Palin's wardrobe, Palin's medical records, false claims that someone yelled "kill him" at a Palin rally, etc. We all know that those are the issues people should be thinking about when electing a president right?
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Nov 08
I forgot to mention that they were also busy covering whether Joe the Plumber had a plumbing license, worked for a company earning more than $250K, and whether or not he owed child support or hadn't paid his taxes. The financial status of a plumber is much more important than a candidate's associations with a domestic terrorist. That's why Helen Jones-Kelley illegally investigated him. It's also why the media had satellite vans parked on his lawn. There was certainly no need for the media, aside from Bill O'Reilly, to send so much as a single reporter to the home of William Ayers.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
15 Nov 08
You know the thing I don't understand is why it is that the republicans haven't gone after all of those other republicans that were on the same committee that Ayers, and Obama were on? These republicans should be investigated, and attacked by Rush, and Hannity like they have Obama. I had to laugh today when Eddie Hill (another NONE-BIAS FOX News commentator) attacked Leese Wheel for defending Obama. Eddie said that he should be judged by his associatations, and Bill Ayers is a terrorist who has no remorse. But, Eddie never looked at her own personal associatations, people like Oliver North, and G. Gordon Liddy who both were convicted of crimes, and spent time in jail. Now, Mr. Ayers is no angel, he did some very bad things, and he should have gone to jail for that. But, he was never convicted of a crime, or went to jail, unlike Eddie's friends. So I guess Eddie should look around at FOX News, and conservative talk radio, and see who she is palling around with.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Well she's not running for president. She could do her job for eight years and have millions of Americans never even know who she is. Are you saying that presidential candidates shouldn't be held to higher standards than a news analyst?
On a side note Obama seems to think people's past associations are VERY important as evidenced by his questionnaire. Those associations matter for everyone except him of course.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Taskr, I do feel that we should hold our president more accountable for his relationships, but we sure haven't done that in the past, so why start now? George H.W. Bush have close contact with a man that lied to congress and went to jail hiding national secrets. He also had a very close association with Saddam Hussein (many feel that he personally put Hussein in office), and had questionable relationships with Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the Bin Laden family. Bill Clinton had some questionable associations with many women. George W. Bush has adimitted that he is a very close friend with the Saudi royal family (a close aid to his was Bandar Bushy, who disappeared after 9/11), and his ties to the oil industry has led to alot of questions about the record oil prices during his presidency. Why didn't you question the Bush families ties, when they have cost this country hundreds of billions of dollars, and thousands of US lives? I think it is safe to say that William Ayers is not as bad as the Bush friends, but I could be wrong.
@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I just read another article about him and that he is a narcissist. It was really interesting and is so true. It compared him to such great historical figures as Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Hirohito. It said that basically any politician is but it said he was a pathological narcissist like the above mentioned people. That all he cares about is his self and only does what benefits him. Of coarse he lied about his relationship with Ayers, Because it no longer benefits him.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Nov 08
Well I would not support anyone who does anything illegal. Therefore if Obama wants you to do something that is against your conscience, and against Christianity, that is, your belief, you should not support him. So if he wants you to do something legal, like "All Americans should pay their just taxes," you should, but if he says, "We will no longer save babies who survive abortion, so any nurse who sees a baby who survived abortion, and tries to save it, will be terminated from the hospital," you have to disobey.
Now I am giving two examples, but the point is that you cannot obey a law that goes against morality.
OH that information could leave to Obama's impeachment.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Nov 08
You can now expect a steady stream of this kind of thing. Now that Obama has won, the press will be comming out with all kinds of "new" revelations about him, in the interest of "informing" the public and looking like heros.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
17 Nov 08
My dear friend I think that politicians are born liers .
So we should never trust them.
Without lying they cannot win in the elections.
I cannot say about your countries politicians but in India it is a hard fact.
Although it is unfortunate.
Happy Mylotting
Take Care
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
14 Nov 08
And that surprises you? It's been pointed out numerous times before the election. Of course the media didn't want a blemish like that on their Golden Boy and unlike their usual predatory behavior, they were not all over this one. The original Obama version was more like: Ayers, who? Oh, yeah, we served on a xyz board together with a ton of other people. We might have met at a meeting but I really don't know the guy... Then he had to admit they live in the same neighborhood but were just passing acquaintances... yeah right! But I'm sure we'll soon be told that Ayers is a bit crazy in the head and wants to get a piece of the Obama stardom pie. Let's put him in the looney bin, lol.
@lexishantell (57)
• United States
15 Nov 08
This doesn't surprise me at all. I think Obama was the worse choice to be President. We all knew he lied just some people decided to hang on to every word and believe him. This is the kind of guy we want as our President? This is going to be a sad day when he is. Everyone will eventually see all of his lies come out and then by that time its already going to be to late. Good Luck America!