I must have bad questions ...

United States
November 14, 2008 10:27am CST
I'm fairly new to myLot and it seems as though .. I have bad questions! lol I can't get responses on my questions for anything. I read other discussions and think to myself, what am I doing wrong because they have all kinds of responses. Any tips?
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10 responses
@dhatam7 (258)
• India
14 Nov 08
First of all welcome to mylot! I can tell you that even I did not get much responses to my posts & even now I am not getting much responses. But, I read a post by ronreyes once where he wrote that to get more responses: 1. You should post in famous topics like mylot.com, life, make extra money, dogs & so on. 2. You should post at the evening time of US (calculate yourself for other countries). 3. Make lots & lots of friends, bcoz they are the ones who will reply more to your posts. 4. Try to comment on every response of your post & be as polite as possible. These are some of the points that I can remember for this post, and if you want then you could read this post. I am yet to follow this steps for my posts, but I have started to follow some. Enjoy on mylot & happy mylotting!!!
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
14 Nov 08
Another benefit to commenting on responses is that it keeps the discussion current so it will keep appearing in the new and recent discussion lists. More people will see it and hopefully you'll get more responses.
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thank you for your comment. You are very courteous and helpful.
@nick1in (195)
• Lucknow, India
14 Nov 08
It happens at times. Some questions get answered and some simply don't. No need to worry. I think it happens to almost every one.
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thanks to everyone who has left comments. :o)
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
14 Nov 08
Just keep trying. I have started disussions and got no responses or maybe one, and I thought it would get much more. Don't try too hard. During the day, if you have something that you wonder what alot of other people think, especially if it seems unique, ask it. I f you genuinly have a quetion that you don't have the answer to, remember you can ask the world. There are people on mylot from all walks of life and people love helping people, and they will give you an answer. Remember millionaire, ask the audience. Well, this is a huge audience!
• United States
14 Nov 08
Well, I most definitely like responding to questions rather than starting. But, I figured I should start a couple to get my feet wet.
@aconner (218)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Just keep posting... it took me a while! I'm still getting responses on posts that I posted a few months ago. Sorry I haven't been on in a few days to see what all you've been up to on here.
• United States
14 Nov 08
Thanks girl! :o) Did you see my response to that post about your games question?
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 Nov 08
Personally, I don't think that there is such a thing as bad questions. I think it's just time that you need. I've been here for a few months and some of the discussions that I've started don't have replies. Just take part in discussions, make friends, and eventually it'll come. You just need patience. I'm sure it will come.
• United States
14 Nov 08
you never have bad questions. i say this cause i know you all too well
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
14 Nov 08
I think every one pretty much summed it up for you. Just keep posting and responding. You will soon get responses. Never think your questions aren't good enough. As I have had people respond to old discussions. I have to go back and re read it because I forgot I had posted it. People generally post on what catches their eye. My suggestion...start building up your friend base. Some people tend to only respond to discussion but not make them. So, that is a good thing. The more people you have as friends in your network the more opportunities others will have to see your discussions. Best of luck. I also asked to be your friend. If you have any more questions please ask. I am also a SAHM. But all my kids are in school now.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
14 Nov 08
Mine never seem to either. I think the most successful topics are ones where the question is 'what kind of ___ do you have/use/like and why?' or something like that. They're easy and can be answered with just enough sentences to count as a solid response. But I think a lot of it is also timing and luck of the draw. I think a lot of people don't get past their friend's discussions, new and recent ones. So if you happen to post at a time where it doesn't grab anyone's interest your discussion might be 'stale' within an hour and no one will come across it.
@pierone (1893)
• Italy
14 Nov 08
Hello, unfortunately i've no tips for that. Seems me too have not opened so interesting discussions. Anyway sometimes the good is some friends of us comes and replies to our own discussions. Maybe you should care much more to your relationships here ;) happy myLotting
• United States
14 Nov 08
I would recommend forming relationships. I have been told that your friends on myLot are going to be the MAIN people who respond to your discussion questions. I am fairly new myself, so I can only share the tips that have been given to me!! Best of luck jumping in there and starting new discussions!!