Drivers who can't drive
By aprilshowers
@aprilshowers (18)
United States
November 14, 2008 12:18pm CST
I have road rage...not the dangerous kind. It's just that people in general make me mad real quick on the road. It seems like noone can stay off their cell phones and stay in their lane (driving as if drunk), noone can turn on turn signals hardly any more. Alot of drivers in the fast lane should actually be in the slow lanes because they drive about 10 miles under the speed limit or less. Then you have the people that are going 10 miles or more over the speed limit in the rain that cut you and others off with no turn signal almost causing people to slam on their breaks. People making turns where there is a huge sign stating do not turn here. Yesterday I went to a doctor's appointment and got behind an old man. The speed limit was 40. This man was going joke and he couldn't stay in his lane swerving . We finally got a chance to safely pass (my husband was driving), I looked over in curiousity to see an old man digging in his nose big time. I was mad. Here was a guy going dangerously slow on a main busy road, swerving, and all this to pick his nose. I was involved in an accident about 3 years ago. My one and only accident on the road I was in being. It was 4th of July and it was bright and sunny about 3 pm. I went to get some gas to cut the yard while my husband was at work. I was the only one on the road on my side and I was in the fast lane. Up ahead was a red light so I started to gradually slow down. Then...BAM!!! My car was pushed to the left and heading into on coming traffic that was coming off of a bridge. I had slammed on the breaks and luckily my scion xb had great breaks. I was an inch away from being tossed around like a tonka toy. I was in shock at first then when I looked in my rear view mirror I seen a the car that had hit my front passenger side. I got out of the car slowly and then asked if he was ok. He said yes and told me what happened. He was on a side street and said he didnt see me (remind you Im in a BLACK box looking car, sunny day, at 3pm.) He said he tried to dodge across 2 lanes to due a U-turn to go in the opposite direction to see if Jiffy Lube was open for an oil change. I then freaked out. Here I was with a week old brand new car I FINALLY got after years of hard work with no help and had 2 gas cans full of gas in the back...I guess you can imagine I was thinking he could have blowed us up if he hit just the right way. I asked him after the cops came why did he not see me and he said...ready for this?...are you sure?....He was "On his cell phone talking with his girlfriend". Now it gets worse. His insurance was fake, he was on leave from the Navy, from Ohio, and I never recieved any money for damages or for the 392 dollars I had to pay my insurance company before they would do anything...blah blah blah.
Too many people drive the way they should not. Here is something to make you laugh: Alot of drivers have what I call "the Broken Finger Syndrome". This is when their fingers are working great to dial the cell phone, pick their nose, put on make up, fix hair, ect WHILE driving...BUT when it comes to using that one finger to turn on a turn signal then that finger is suddenly broken...BUT then god heals it again so they can continue to do everything they shouldnt do when driving. If you do any of these things (on cell phone, fix hair, make up, ect.) please think for a moment...the cars around you may have a baby in it, you might paralyze someone, you may even paralyze yourself if your driving and doing everything but paying attention correctly when driving. The person in front of you may be driving badly but your on a phone (or doing something else) and if you need to break you may have a delayed reaction. You may have had the chance to avoid the wreckage and mess if only you had been paying attention too.
One last thing. I have a rule I have set for myself. If I see a car that needs out (provided I am able to do this safely and properly without almost causing others behind me to wreck)and the person in the car has their signal on and waiting properly then I will let that one car on out. I do NOT reward those that are sitting there with no signal and keeps inching out like they have the right away.
I would like to know what everyone thinks about drivers and their habits. If you have been in a wreck or almost been in one because of these people (or know someone who been in one) then let it out here and share. Is there certain things that really get under your skin about other drivers? Also, for those that do do other things while driving then let us know, let us know why you do it. I do promise not to go bad mouthing anyone for any reason because this is a discussion and not a cursing match. I want everyone to speak freely and openly. Maybe we could learn from all this. Anyways, feel free to share.
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