Why put so much effort to convert people?

@maria_k (925)
United States
November 14, 2008 2:54pm CST
There was a group of people , they are very nice young men and women who often knocked at my door to give me pamplet about Jesus Christ and his salvaltion. They ask me do I know where will I go after I die? I said to them I don't care what happen to me after I die. I am not dead yet. I am alive and I have my concern of a living person. They were not happy with my asnwer and tried to convince me about Jesus and his salvation. They came back again and talked about it. I was not mad or annoyed or anything. But, I wonder why there is such an effort to convert people like me? Do religious people think it's their duty to spread their reiligion? They may feel sorry for me. But, I don't feel sorry for myself. I am what I am and I am ready when I am ready and if I am ever ready. Is that wrong? Can I have my free choice not ready to listen any of that jaz?
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7 responses
@katran (585)
• United States
14 Nov 08
Jesus commands his disciples to "Go and make disciples of all nations." It is not only a duty of Christians, but it should also be a great joy. The word 'gospel' means 'good news'. Have you ever received some really, really good news that might benefit other people? What if you figured out the secret to eternal life? Wouldn't you call as many people as you could and tell them about what they could be missing!? That is why Christians spread their message. They have good news that they want to share with as many people as possible. Unfortunately, some people go about it in the wrong way and they just make people angry, which is a shame.
@maria_k (925)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Frankly and honestly I don't care about eternal life. I wish people just respect other people thinking and feeling at the moment and not to be aggressive. Thanks for your post
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
14 Nov 08
The bible makes a huge point in the New testament to say it is the job of the members of the church to spread the word of god or in most causes the word of Jesus Christ. So in christian churchs they spread the idea through there congragation that it is there job to spread the world of Jesus Christ and "save" as many people before the day of judgment comes. Most religions have this in common with chirstianity. It is your choice to decide if you want to listen or not. I personally tell them that I am Buddist and they normally leave me alone or in some causes I tell them that I am Wiccan and that really gets them to leave. Most religions try to get there numbers up so then they have more people donating to the church and the church can have a bigger political influence in the surrounding community so being apart of a church is much like being a member of a political party. That is at least how it is in the United States in most churches around my area they spend some of the time talking about messures or other political happenings trying to get voters to vote Republican.
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@maria_k (925)
• United States
15 Nov 08
haha! your answer is the best. i'll remember that. i'll them i am a Wiccan.
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• India
15 Nov 08
its not about miracles or jesus or salvation,these holy people just want to convert every people to their religion,this conversion is a part of history from the veryold ages, frm the invasions within the bible too we can see tht they are dying for converting people to christians and destroy all other religions culters and there rituals,they are actually afraid of the great culters of others
@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
15 Nov 08
See, that's the thing. A lot of people are like that because they think that will make up for their sins and make them goody-goodies. If you don't believe in god, then there is no real reason for me to spread my lack of religion, because nobody is telling me to. I think we should start something, and hand out pamphlets, just to show people that there really is a huge gap here.
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• United States
15 Nov 08
agreed, they just follow a book that has no proof to be true and base their entire lives around it, and do what the book says, preach until others ears bleed
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Juliana Rose - you said that we just follow a book that has no proof to be true - - - and where did you get that as a FACT? It is true - every word. You just "choose" to reject it, and again - - that is YOUR CHOICE. Your choice to reject what it says, is a gift from God, and it is your right to exercise that choice. It has been proven to be true over and over again through the years. there are many infallable proofs to support the true facts. Prophecies that were written about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, have ALL been fullfilled, except for a very few yet to be fullfilled. When one does what the (book as you call it)says, and the results promised happen - - that in and of itself proves it to be true. The natural mind cannot comprehend the truth, because the Bible tells us that. It has to be approached with a sincere attitude, and an open mind. Many today choose to not believe, because they want to be their own god, and run their own affairs with no interference from God, and all are allowed that priviledge. Humanity in general, does not want to be accountable to anyone, or any supreme being - namely God - - but whether you like it or not you "belong" to the creator, and it is His will for you to find your place within His plan, and if you abdicate that - - your time to stand before Him will be unavoidable. Life is a precious gift -- both our earthly and much more, our spiritual life. C.C.
• United States
15 Nov 08
You are doing a wonderful job embodying what most dislike about Christians. I'm happy that you enjoy and love your belief system. I'm glad that you are a happy person in general, but you just made an example of yourself, it's people like you that just HAVE to tell people that they are WRONG and will go to HELL bc they CHOOSE to and what not, that make other dislike Christians. Just be accepting and loving, Jesus was, why is it so hard for his followers? "I like Jesus, he did great things, it's his followers that I cannot stand." Gandhi
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
15 Nov 08
If you'll put aside your anger long enough to re-read what I just said, I didn't say anything about "hell." I just said you will stand before God with your choices in life, as will I. Our own conscience either convicts or vindicates us, and it is one more thing that the Bible teaches that is true. I bear you no ill will, and said nothing about judging you or about you going to hell.
@MrsFrick (17)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Many people, especially those with in the Christian religion, have it stuck in their heads that their views and beliefs are the only ones that are right and that no one else can ever be happy and/or good with out believing exactly how they believe. Many seem to think it's their job to push their beliefs on others in order to convert them so they'll 'look better in the eyes of God'. The Bible does say to spread the word but it also says not to judge & to love everyone. It seems to be a type of insecurity, in my opinion, they have this need to try to 'force' everyone to follow their beliefs so they don't feel any challenge in their belief system &/or thought patterns. There is nothing wrong with being happy with how you believe! Unfortunately, those who come knocking at your door to preach will not understand or accept that.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Gee - - how interesting it is to see so many here reading other people's minds, and being SO SURE of other people's feelings. and motives. I am a Christian as well, and none of your statements about sharing beliefs have applied to me. I don't go door to door. I don't PREACH the gospel, because "living it" makes a far louder statement. I am for the most part joyful and optimistic, and very blessed. I love sharing God's Word when I have an opportunity. I don't "shove anything down someone's throat" - - and joining a church or religion does NOT get one to heaven, OR bring about a true conversion. That is something that comes through choice, and only with a sincere heart that is seeking God. We have whatever amount of life upon the earth, we're allowed, and after that, whether we believe in God or not - - we are then standing before Him, and there's no turning back. So many have made Christianity a bunch of dos and don'ts. That's not what it is about. I am sorry for all those who are 'pushy' and offensive. But you can pass them by and at least ask God to show you what "HE" wants for you. Believe that He will do that, and go from there. I have others like Jehovah Witness, and Mormons come to my door, and though we are different in our view points, I don't feel threatened or pressured by any of them. I choose to be pleasant, and I am secure in my relationship with Jesus Christ, so it matters not to me. Once you find the truth, AND embrace it - - it 'will' set you free, and I have had that experience. Have a wonderful day. C.C.
• United States
15 Nov 08
Just to clarify myself, I said "Many Christians" not all or every. I was raised southern Baptist, yeah, Baptist's don't tend to go door to door, but they teach the same thing in idea: Only their belief is correct & everyone else is going to hell. I disagree, I'm glad they're happy with their belief but I don't see how anyone has the right to be forceful and rude about it, which many around where I live are. I didn't mean to imply that ALL Christians are this was, bc that is completely untrue, that's like saying that ALL Christians are hypocritical, it's just MOST or MANY. Things cannot be always or never, there is always an exception. :)
@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
15 Nov 08
maria_k, I am sure they did not mean to be irritate you and anyone here. It is simply just a simple sharing and invitation. Just think nothing of it as it is just like one dating his/her love - nurturing the hope, when there was hope. Not a duty but a conviction that God, being true in His love is inviting anyone who is willing to believe in Him and claim His promises and salvation. All of us including you have a choice to accept that invitation and mind you it is unlike other religion where the process of acceptance is a conversion in a literal sense. You will be happy to know that you still have the full freedom of choice here. No obligation and I am sure they will and can accept your reasons and excuses and walk away. To each and your own here. Just be happy with whatever you are doing. Cheers.