what if you dont like you professor what will you do?

November 15, 2008 6:36am CST
of course during our elementary days and high school days we don't have choice but to accept them..now I'm in college i have a choice it is to drop the subject but how does it feel what if you are the teacher an students doesn't like you,isn't it so stupid to hate teachers because no one knows how's the life of a teacher unless you become one...we have to accept that teachers has a noble profession!
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3 responses
• India
15 Nov 08
Agreed, My mom and Dad are Professor. My dad teaches Maths at College and My mom teaches Fine arts at College.
• Philippines
19 Nov 08
oh..it is so nice to heard that...i'll be a future educator also..
• Germany
15 Nov 08
Hello, lovelyangel15. Normally I don't like a lecturer not because he/she is strict. I think it's quite good to have a strict lecturer as i can gain very much knowledge from him/her. Because the lecturer is strict on teaching, so that the students will put more efforts on the subjects and the assignments. This is a good thing. I had a very lenient lecturer before, some students just simply did their assignments, especially the referecing part. I was always cautious about this, because my brother told me that in foreign countries, the referecing is extremely important, we must always follow the format. But in my college, this is not really emphasized. Until we are year 2, the year 2 lecturers become very strict on this, we will get 0 mark if we didn't make the referencing properly. At that time, most students just learn properly. So, basically i quite prefer a strict lecturer than a lenient one. ;-) If i really don't like the professor, I also cannot do anything, since there is always the same lecturer teaches the same subject, unless they resign. ;-) So no choice for me to stay in his/her class.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
Hi there! I have experienced that when I was in college. Never liked the professor cause I find him so strict I never did anything. He happens to be my professor and I just have to expect that. Dropping the subject never crossed my mind cause it will be a bother for me finding a suitable professor I will like. I also think of it as immaturity. Trying to run away from a professor who is strict. Besides, he does teaches well. Being a teacher is a respectable profession. They are the ones who guided and taught us during our school years and I think we owe it a lot to them. Ciao!