Do you read the Bible daily?
@LouiseKnittel (4764)
United States
23 responses
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I picked it up once, but couldn't make heads or tails of what it was saying. It read like a Shakespearian play, old english that is hard to understand in today's world.
But my beliefs don't surround the bible. I found my beliefs on my own, after being raised by an athiest family. I feel very strongly about my beliefs, as if it were God Himself who planted the faith in my heart. How can I be wrong and the bible be right if it were God Himself who brought my faith to me?
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Go to a good bookstore.
They have standard emnglish versions available too.
It reads like a normal book would and not the gibberish like Kings James Versions.
I have a couple in standard English.
I believe in a Higher Power.
I do not consider Him to be the "GOD" that's talked about it the Bible.
I am Siritual not Religous.
I look at Religion and Spirituality differently.
Religion I feel is for those afraid of Hell.
Spirituality for those who've experienced Hell.
Just my outake on that area.
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@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Exodus 20
Thou shalt have no other Gods before me
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them
God inspired the bible and intended it as an accurate and complete testament to Him. He has testified to it's accuracy, it's transmission and it's completeness. If the God you serve does not match with the bible then you have created a false image in your mind to worship. This is the mistake of mystics and spiritualists throughout history who created such notable religions as Buddhism, Taoism, Confusionism, and even Islam. Their faith may be real, their teaching may be laudable but, they are not Worshiping God and, by the law He has given us, they are Idolaters and worshipers of false gods.
The truth we think we know, even when it has been taught to us by our churches, is not necessarily the real truth. When I first got serious about studying the word I found many things that disagreed with what I had been taught. I had to make the the decision that I would serve the Lord ahead of my religion. If it isn't in the bible it is man made doctrine and, while it may lead to good behavior, it is not truth.
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
15 Nov 08
Read Bible. If you can read 4 chapters per day u can finish within a year.Bible is God's word, by reading you can discern the mind of God.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
So true. we get a better understanding God and his ways and not our ways!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Nov 08
I read a passage online most days, a friend from another groups posts its, but that is about it. I don't have a bible at home.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Here is a link to read the Bible online.
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@kellys3ps (3723)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I don't normally read the Bible daily, but I've been reading it more often lately.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
This sounds like me. I keep saying that I will read it more hen I let other things in life get in the way! Glad to hear that your reading it more lately!
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I am just thinking that I need to read it a lot more then I do!
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Sounds like a plan! Let me know if your able to keep it going!
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@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
Hi there Louise!
When I was in high school and entered Born Again Christian, I have read parts of the Old and New testament. I read the bible twice daily. Once in the morning when I wake up and then in the evening before I sleep. i don't count the time when I read the bible for bible studies and services. Also, when I was in first year college, I had to read the whole new testament and write a reaction paper in each book as part of the requirements in my Theology Class.
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@orevro (715)
• Philippines
15 Nov 08
I have this Our Daily Bread book wherein I set aside 5-10 minutes each morning to read the bible. there is an assigned chapter or verse for the day that I read.. Sometimes it doesn't get through me because I still feel sleepy after waking up..
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Maybe pick a better time with a clearer head?
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Yes, I have read the Bible straight through in both KJ and NIV. I do read scriptures daily, not from my Bible, but online I read them in my mail or on myspace from my friends or I will look something up to share..I also read through the Torah every week, though the last few weeks I have been lazy and not reading..
But I did read this weeks and trying to get back on schedule..And since I teach my son at home, I read scriptures then also..We will be finishing up the Armor of G♥d study next week, and he made all his armor out of recyclable material.

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Yep, next week is his helmet of salvation and we are finished..

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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Aweee how cute.. he made his Armor of God!
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 Nov 08
Hi Louise, No I have never read the Bible from cover to cover but I do manage to read it once a year by using a guide called The Word For Today which gives inspirational writing each day but also gives you which section of the Bible to read that day. I always have my Bible open next to me at night and also if I have something I need to ask I will shut and open randomly and read where it opens and it is usually relevant to my question. I do not feel guilty about not reading from cover to cover as it is a collection of books so even if someone reads it as one book at a time that would be good eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Nov 08
Not only have I never read the bible straight through, I have never read it at all full stop. I have never read any of it.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Some people have some have not. If your interested to hear it, you can listen to the Bible on CD's or tapes!
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
15 Nov 08
I read the Bible daily in the morning
.Even if i have to go out early n the morning.I will first read the Bible.then i will do my other activities.Morning is the best time to read the Bible.People say God speaks to us if we seek him early in the morning.

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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
Your Awesome! I respect that about you!
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I have read the Bible straight through, now I'm doing it again this year. I have a One Year Study Bible, it helps you to read the Bible in a year, and I've been doing that. It has scriptures for you to read everyday of the year, now I must admit, this time, I haven't been reading it everyday, but I try to pick it up when I can.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I know, sometimes it is just harder then other times to get back in the frame of mind of reading.
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@efarmer (184)
15 Nov 08
Well I have read the Bible straight through and I do read it daily. I think it is important that I am fed spiritually as I am physically. so I do read it daily. but I feel if we read it should not be for the sake of it but to really be prepared to gain something for my life from it. otherwise it is futile to read it
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Nov 08
As a good christian we should read the bible everyday. But I've not done it myself as my time is taken too much on surfing the net. But if I do read I like to read the last part where they have good proverbial words that have deep meaning and comes with advice and life guidance for everyone. I think reading bibles should be inculcated in ones daily life. It is afterall words of God and for reminder to all christians to lead a good christian life.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
18 Nov 08
No, I can't say that I read the Bible daily and frankly, I have been more like a dictionary reader or encyclopedia reader with the Bible... not normally going through the whole thing but reading it in sections... starting and then reading a few pages here and there when there is a need for that...
I am not a disciplined studier of it... I used to read it a lot more in my youth.
Perhaps I need to read it more. Thanks for the reminder.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I do read the Bible daily. No I have never read it straight through and I started o do so several times. I really don't see the point in doing that now that I have tried it on my own. It is easy to read and get lost, meaning one gets nothing out of what they just read. I think Bible studies are way more helpful. I have yet to find a study that starts from the beginning and goes to the end. If there were I would definitely particiapte.
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I have never seen a study group that does that either.
@sunny69316 (638)
• China
16 Nov 08
I read Bible before for learning English,it is full of knowledge and funny!
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
16 Nov 08
Well, honestly i dont read bible everyday for i dont have enough time to do it. the problem with me is i just like to start reading but no ending. Last year i tried to read the whole books of the bible but i coudnt finish it , i stop on the first 5 books only for i was pre-occupied with other things. I know that bible reading is very important and inreaching for you will feel that there is really someone out there that is watching you all the time. I just ready bible when i like to read at least 4 times a week. 

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@CarlKnittel (692)
• United States
15 Nov 08
I've read it through several times in both King James Version and New King James. Being raised in a traditional church and Christian schools KJV is realatively easy for me to understand. I've done side by side comparisons with several translations and the NKJV is the most faithful translation. Others tend to be missing certain verses. On the other hand, reading for general comprehension is the goal of reading through in one year. You're not spending days picking apart a single passage you are reading multiple chapters at a time to get the overall message. If that is your goal most translations will do, so long as they are literal translations and not paraphrase translations. A paraphrase tells you what the authors thought of the passage rather than directly translating it's meaning.
Begin with a guideline(someone mentioned 4 chapters a day) and don't get discouraged if your not keeping up. It took me almost 16 months the first time, with considerable effort. As I read and got used to the rhythms(most translations try to match the Hebrew style of writing scripture as poetry) and became familiar with names and the language style of the names, the reading became easier. Starting with a struggle to finish one chapter a day I ended reading 8-12.
Treat it like any other pleasure reading. Setting time aside is great but take it with you and read it when you have a break and are looking for something to do.
Keep a notepad handy to jot down your thoughts or scripture references of things you find valuable or things you question. I found that I would often find the answer to questions in the text I read later but, I also talked to my pastor about passages I found difficult.
As the reading gets easier with practice it also gets more addictive. I said it took nearly 16 months to read it through the first time but the last time I did it took just over 2. I've slacked a bit recently but responding to threads here has gotten me back in the habit and reminded me of scriptures I don't use much. I'm also planning a blog to keep notes as I go through a systematic reading of the bible in one year. My hope is that others will join me in the reading and find the same system useful.
"Thy word have I hid in my hear that I might not sin against Thee"
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