Who is Your Favorite Band That Nobody Has Heard Of?

United States
November 16, 2008 9:13am CST
Ok everyone has a few bands or artists on their ipod that nobody knows about. We like to tell our friends about them and wait for them to come play a hole in the wall venue. Who are your favorite bands that nobody knows? I have a couple...The Mountain Goats and Kimya Dawson.
3 responses
• United States
9 Dec 08
I've heard of Kimya Dawson. Never listened to his music though. I love the Mountain Goats. She & Him is my most recent favorite that I try to convince everyone to love. I live in a basically scene-free zone so I am a little fuzzy on the difference between bands no one knows and bands people I know have never heard of.... but names that come to mind are the Dismemberment Plan, Guided by Voices, Babyshambles, the Postal Service, The Elected and the Pink Spiders
@shwanks (145)
• United States
5 Jan 09
have not heard of Mountain Goats, but Kimya Dawson is my total favorite artist. i listen to her everyday and my friends are getting sick of it. lol. if you like her check out The Moldy Peaches (shes in the band) they are a bit raunchier though. haha. Check out the Unicorns (itunes suggested them when i was looking at Kimya Dawson cds looking for similar artists) the song Jellybones is so addicting. The Asteroids Galaxy Tour is insanely awesome. Push the Envelope is my favorite of their currently avail songs....watch for the song Hero. its SO good. it was on an episode of Gossip Girl but has not been released yet. Deerheart is also awesome. well, i havent heard more than one song--but that song is so good you will listen to it multiple times in a row! its called Breakdown. okay and one more suggestion is The Filthy Youth. if you watch Gossip Girl, Ed Westwick aka Chuck Bass, is in the band. they are very catching. Boy Dont Smoke, Orange and Le Soleil are my favorite songs of theirs that i have! :) i hope you like some of these.
@shira0524 (482)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I have heard of The Mountain Goats! But I agree, they are not so well known. My favorite "unknown" band is Still Standing, and I recommend checking them out on MySpace - their user name/page name is stillstanding321com . They just released their first album, and they really are amazing. Great sound, great look, and a nice bunch of guys. I love them so much I even started a MyLot interest about them here, but of course nobody really knows them much, so there are no other members yet. If you listen and like them, would you list them as an interest? Just search Still Standing in the music interests.