How do i make money?

United States
November 16, 2008 10:31am CST
I am 20 years old and i have two kids and i dont have a job. my husband just left me and i really dont want to leave my kids they get sick alot so if i did get a job i woulnt be working long becasue my two kids are always in the hosptail. what should i do i have christmas coming up with no money . i want my kids to have a great christmas but i dont no what to do . can you help me?
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21 responses
@coolmailraj (2459)
• India
16 Nov 08
Hi. To earn substantially or even for your Christmas on internet you at least need a couple of months or a trick that can make referrals for you or you should be able to invest a bit and have a great luck. I can tell you a bit about what I think can help you. It can make a lot of bucks in the long run, but in this much time span, its totally on you, how you go about it. If you are interested then message me.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
16 Nov 08
keep talking on mylot. Talk to your family. Buy them tons of gifts from the dollar store. 50 gifts vs. 3 good presents? Most kids would go with 50. You can decorate cheap too. Get popcorn, thread and needle, and have your kids help make garland. Make red and green Christmas chains and countdowns with construction paper. Make snowflakes. Decorating and presents can be cheap, it's about the memories you create. You might need to consider filing for child support...
@shooie (4984)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I had to give you top rating. Yes the dollar store is a great place to shop for the younger kids. The her kids are they would go nuts with your idea. kudo's to you. She also needs to get a hold of the grand parents.
• United States
17 Nov 08
FILE FOR THE SUPPORT. My ex hasn't paid child support in almost 8 months but the state is now going after his tax return that he will file in Feb. Also the state will put a garnishment on any wages and depending on the state he could go to jail if he gets so far behind. Mine will be going next month (just b4 xmas). When it comes to my kids not getting what they need or want, I will do what I have to and if it means going after the dad I haven't hesitated. If he doesn't want to pay, he won't get to play.
• United States
16 Nov 08
thanks i will try that and yes i have filed for child support but he dont pay it so i stop trying
@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
16 Nov 08
Hi there meganjones..There are lots of ways to earn money online and I can help you with that..Just send me a message and then I will send you all the things that I know..Hope it helps..Thanks..I really know how it feels but I am sure you can earn even just extra money online..GOd bless and have a nice day,,
• United States
16 Nov 08
Thank i would love to hear what you could send me to help right now anything is better then not even trying so please send me everything you got God Bless you too
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@insulin (2479)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
HI there..I added you as a friend already and I will send you those sites that might help you regarding financial problems..:-0 ill just message you if im added to your profile..Thanks
• United States
16 Nov 08
DO not join any of these sites people are telling you to join. They know you will not be able to make enough to buy Christmas presents for your kids. They are just being greedy. File for child support and contact local churches for gifts. How are you eating or paying rent with no job or husband?
• United States
17 Nov 08
yeah, i agree with prinzess1515. at this juncture, doing these sites is pretty much a waste of time. they're great for making 10-25 bucks a month if they even pay out. probably going to need a little more than that, lol. check into public aid. some cities, states, etc have housing programs with reduced or free utilities for single mothers. food pantries are very helpful. also, its still the holiday season so retail stores are probably still needing seasonal help...and if you do a good job you can usually become permanent. there should also be a few temporary employment services in your area that can get you in a job quickly and some of those places look to make good temps a permanent employee. honestly, christmas is probably the last thing you wanna worry about right now. if you can spring like 10 or 20 bucks and go to the dollar and discount stores then great. but just make sure you have enough food and don't fall too far behind on bills. oh, also some states have a program called LIHEAP (the name probably varies in other states. basically its an energy assistance program that will help you pay your gas and electric bills. only problem is you'd be a little late for the fall/winter sign up but there should be another sign up in the spring. at least you'll have plenty of time to figure out when and where the sign up is. also, if you do get to the sign up, as about their "weatherization" program. if they have one, they'll usually check out your furnace or replace it, help insulate your house if needed, and replace old windows for newer, more energy saving windows. again, some places do that but probably not all. good luck and god speed.
• United States
17 Nov 08
just realized i should probably explain public aid better. its a state funded program that helps with medical bills, food stamps or reduced food cost, they tend to help with housing and job placement, all kinds of stuff. check into that too. :)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
Here is the best thing to do! Go to walmart pick up a gift card with like a few dollars on it and auction it off on ebay! Set it up as a mystery auction. Dont say how much the card is just that its worth X.XX-XX.XX Alot of people love mystery auctions and if you put in your listing that your trying to make money for gifts for your kids you will get more bids. Listings can be as short as 3 days so you dont have to wait a long period of time to finish it. You then set up a paypal account at if you dont already have one. peopl then pay you threw your paypal account. then you just ship them the card. Its that easy I am in the same situation you are I have a 3 year old and a 14month old. My son spent alot of time in hospital he was born with chd(congenital heart defect) he had open heart suregery at 3months old. his first christmas was spent recovering from surgery! I am a singl mom and this is what im doing to get them gifts. then i take the money that i earn and spnd it on cool gifts on ebay that you cant really get in stores. My son loves elmo and ebay is the best place to get stuff of elmo.
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• India
19 Nov 08
Try to visit this blog you will surely find a way to make dollars online risk free --
• India
17 Nov 08
I am making online money for the last two year and from my experience i am frankly telling that online money making is not so easy.With out some investment making money is very difficult.There is lot of scam site in the net who never pays.Online earning cannot be considered as a full time job.If you want to same some pocket money or extra money it is ok.I think it is better to consider other alternative for your problem.I think you can get help from your government or from your church.If your relatives and neighbors are wiling to help,then you can take help from them.
@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
17 Nov 08
As you are only 20, it does sound to me like your children are still very young and with one or both of them not being well and requiring hospitalisation, you will not have a lot of time to be able to work. Firstly you shoul be able to file for chld support or maintenance for you and the children so you should do that immediately. As someone else has already suggested you can gher your chuildren lots of small cheaper presents because when children are young, it is the number of presents rather than the quality which they look at. What about other relations, i.e grandparents, aunts and uncles who might be able to help you out. I am als sure there are some sort of welfare or charitable agencies who will be able to help, whether it is in the way of presents or food or even to help pay some of your bills that will be coming in. That is another one you can look into but you should not delay as they will have a cut off date due to a high demand at this time of the year. There are plenty of sites where you can earn money online but it does take time to get enough to live on. I see that another member has already offered you some links for those sorts of activities. Finally if you send me a friend request then I will send you details of some sites which give away freebies which might also help with the budget along the way. Good luck to you and your children and I am sure it will work out well for all of you in the long run.
@dj_faheem (738)
• Pakistan
17 Nov 08
hi yes is there many ways to earn online try to do most time on mylot because mylot is the gud way to earn money online search all other useful paid sites and do work on it
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
17 Nov 08
Hi Megan, i am extremely sorry to hear about your plight.Let me tell you about, where you can write reviews and earn.Try to write good reviews and make friends so that peole rate you and thatgives you points which in turn gets converted to earnings.They used to pay $1 per review and the extras for ratings, however now they pay 25 cents per review and that is not too bad.They pay through paypal and it is a good site.However i again ask you to research and write good reviews, so that your ratings increase..all the best to you :)
@jamesgrub (673)
• United States
17 Nov 08
join ciao, its easy and its the best way for me to make money fast. i made $6 in just 3 days there. its simple you just post reviews on different products and you get 25 cent each. also when people rate or leave a coment on your review you get more money. its very simple i just log in and post a few reviews everyday and ive been payed once and am planning on getting payed again.
• Cambodia
17 Nov 08
Hi! Megan Jones, I am very sorry to hear about your problem. You have two kids and also don't have a job to earn some extra money for your kids in the Christmas time. Well, MeganJones. Having happiness with our kids is a very important thing that we must do in our life especially trying to encourage our kids to make them think that they are a valuable person in the society and make them have the willingness to develop themselves to live in the future. Of course, even though you don't have a job to make money for your kids, but don't worry MeganJones. You can make money online from many ways that you can choose but it will need your time and effort to do such a thing. One way that you have known already is MyLot. You can try to continue or post any discussion on this site. You will get as much money as you want for you kids if you are active in this site. So please try hard!!!! I always support you effort and trying. I encourage you to do such a good thing my friend.Another way that you can earn money is to join paid surveys. You can find the paid survey that is suit to you from ( From this site, I finds many paid surveys to choose. One more way is that you can join Ciao Community by visiting ( This site is the site for you to earn money quickly by writing a review for the product that you like to talk about or to show your opinion about that. Remember: the more good reviews you write, the more money you can earn. These are the ways for you to earn money quickly for your kids to have a great Christmas this year. I hope you will have fun with your kids..... Regards,
17 Nov 08
they're is always affiliate marketing, you can earn a decent amount from that see the site affiliateswrld .com they pay twice a month, but you have to put in some work though to make money.
• United States
17 Nov 08
how will you survive without a job? will this guy give you money? use for your city to find local quick money ideas.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Where are your parents? The grandparents from either side won't help? As far as not finding a job well hun you are not the first woman to have kids and them be sickly nor will you be the last. Find a sitter you can trust to be with your kids. A lot of places work with you if your kids are sick. Take your husband to court for child support. Get the grandparents involved. Check with your state for aid. If your kids are real young you may have a couple of years before they really understand the christmas hoopla and all the christmas.
@MZKUMA (705)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Well Megan, if your children are that sick you may want to consider SSI. Have you looked into that? I do understand not being able to have a full time job due to ill children. I was out of work for two years due to my daughter being terminally ill and, being a nurse, I could not see myself going to work and caring for anyone else and she needed to be cared for. Seeing that you are only 20 your children are really young and they would be happy to receive any toy gift for xmas. As long as they have shelter, clothing and food I would not concentrate too much on the rest. Hopefully you can find a prn (as needed) position that you can work when they are doing well without losing your job because you aren't available full time. I wish I had better advise. Wish you and your children well. If the site allows, I'd be more that happy to donate my current earnings to you without any hesitations. I've been in your situation for a while and still trying to recover. Inquire of them and refer them to this response and every cent is yours my dear. Wish I could do more. I promise, you can have my current earnings. Maybe someone else will donate a portion too.
@jstmarfz (1498)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Hi jones! It is easy. Since you are here now in mylot, you will earn more if you are active here. Also, if you want to earn more except for mylot check my profile and you will see in the right of my profile the banners.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
Can you try leaving them with your parents? Or maybe a sister or an aunt? That way, you can get a day job and be with k=your kids at night. Also, your husband is supposed to pay you or the kids. If he doesn't support them then you have the right to sue him him for it. That's instant money already. In the meantime, I guess earning money online is the best solution. Mylot doesn't pay much, but if you like writing, then do check out and I heard Helium is also pretty good, but I haven't tried it out myself.
@jayyerex (224)
• Canada
16 Nov 08
Hi MeganJones. It's a bit of a longterm solution, but if you can make it work it is an excellent business. It has worked well for me and my family. I have four kids and am working towards being home full time. Check out my rpofile and follow the Freedom Project link. No bs, no scam. I hope things work out for you. All the best, Jay
@pzygtt (193)
• China
17 Nov 08
Why your husband leave you?Is he not responsibility?I think you can leave your kids to your mother,let her to help you.You quickly go to outside to find a job.Work hard,if you are free,you can see your kids or talk on the mylot to earn money.Firstly it can be rough,i think you are better in the future.Good luck!Take care!