Christmas is coming ...for some
By barbiegirl13
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
United States
November 16, 2008 2:39pm CST
I am writing this post to give people a chance to think of people in need. Most people do not really think of the upcoming holidays right now. But there are some who think of it because they know that they cannot provide Christmas for their children. I just happen to be one of those parents. I cringe at the fact that I have four children, no car ,no job and eventially no Christmas. I have had many people ask why do you not have a job? The answer is , No car , rural community( meaning no jobs), a newborn infant. Why do you have so many kids, people ask? I guess if I would have thought that their father would have left us I wouldn't have.
Times are tough and I see more and more in America that a lot of us are in the same boat. I get so sick of people making fun of us because we have to walk every where. We are just like you. I once had a good job and a car too. All it takes is one little thing like divorce to break you and suck you down .
Are there any of you who feel the same? Please talk to me because I need hope.
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12 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I know where you live from your profile. I lived most of my life not too far from where you live. I know how hellish it can be to try to find a good job at all, let alone one when you do not have a car and a newborn baby.
Have you though about moving to a different area? I know without any money it would be hard, but do you have any family that could help you out with the moving expenses and getting a new place closer to more jobs? I would also look into TANF and child care subsidy.
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@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I have thought to move for years , even before any of this even happened. I have always looked to moving south into Tennessee. The problem is being single, poor and with children. I would want nothing more than to move away from this desolite town. I would never look back but it does take money any a job to move. I guess maybe when my children are old enough it will not be so hard.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I packed up and moved out of Illinois back in 2004. I moved to St. Louis. I had family to help me out with the moving and finding a place though. Now I live in the middle of nowhere in Missouri instead of middle of a corn field Illinois.
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@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
16 Nov 08
had a similar experience with you when I lost my husband due to kidney malfunction maybe my children are quite older than yours ages 12, 10 and 7 but thru the support and help of my family I was able to move on. My sister was selling fruits and vegetable thus she did some help for food. My mom stayed with me and took good care of the children while am busy earning a living and there are some friends whom I can run to just to have both ends meet and I keep on calling the Lord God up there to guide me and bless my family to get over whatever problems along the way. I worked a lot, been in sales, am always out of the house from morning to evening in order to earn.
Faith in God will show you the way. After 16 years of being a singlemom, am so grateful the children are all grown ups with quite stable jobs and I can feel now, they're the one taking good care of me. Have God as your partner to guide you and everything will be okey.

@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
16 Nov 08
I have a similar experience with you when I lost my husband due to kidney malfunction. Only that my children are quite older than yours, ages 12, 10 and 7.
My sister was selling fruits and vegetable and did help me much on food while my mom stayed with me to take care of my children while am away earning a living. I worked from morning to evening as i'm in sales. There are times that I run for help to some friends for just to make both ends meet. I keep on calling the Lord God Almighty up there to guide me and bless my family to get over what ever problems we encounter along the way. Sixteen years after of being a single mom, am very grateful to see my children all grown ups, with quite stable jobs and now I feel they're taking good care of me. Make God your partner and everything will be okey.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
16 Nov 08
Just because you got divorced and sucked down doesn't mean you don't hold your head up high and move on. There are thousands of people who have gone through divorce with 4 kids and have held their head up high and moved on. That is what you have to do. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pick yourself back up. Work on getting a job, getting a car etc. You are the only person that is going to make this change. And if you leave it any longer you are just going to get sucked down harder and it will be harder to get out of that slump. Think of it this way tomorrow will be better and the following day will be even better. As for not getting presents etc for your kids. Sorry but Christmas is not all about gifts. Get them things that they need and that they will use. Make it special by doing little things for them. So pick yourself up and get out there and make your life better not only for you but for your children and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
16 Nov 08
As much as I hate to say it you are good. I know that I have to hold my head up . I know this . but you have to think of it like this: Wouldn't you be sad? would you not be angry? I have always provided for my children and then their father leaves and he gets to move on with his life? I am mad , I am angry and I will prevail for my children and for myself. But all of that still cannot take away from the fact that my children hurt from all of this too! I know that I will make it and that it will be very hard but the hurt in my babies eyes kills me every day.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
16 Nov 08
Yes I would be sad and yes I would be angry. But sitting there and letting it get to you is not going to get you anywhere. Just because he divorced you and moved on with his life why can't you. He should be paying child support and if he is not I would be looking into that as well and soon. Don't sit there and dwell on it cause you are just bringing yourself down. And when your kids see you down they get down. Yes it kills you to see the hurt in their eyes but now you have to stand up and be the mom. Get your act together and make your kids happy. That is what life is about. And life is what you make it. If you want it to be a sad one then you will but if you make it happy your kids will see that too. And that is what you need right now and specially around the holidays.
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@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I have done the child support thing, and he works for cash so he got visitation and we where told that when he receive employment that we are to return to court. More or less as long as he works for cash he does not have to provide accourding to the state of Illinois.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I hear ya! I used to have a great paying job and a car and all that stuff. Now, I have a tiny retirement check because of a bad back and no car. I walk or take the bus to get places. I only have one kid, but she wants expensive things for Christmas. Ugh!
But, don't let other people bring you down! Look them in the eye and smile. You are just as good as they are, probably better than that! People that look down their noses at others should be ashamed of themselves. Nobody is perfect! And, in these tough economic times, they may soon become one of us, then how will they survive?
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
17 Nov 08
The sad thing is that it is the norm to spend spend spend at Christmas time. My mother told me that she'd often spend all of her savings at Christmas time to buy my brother and I all the toys that she could. My thoughts on it now are that I wish she wouldn't have. Christmas is not about toys, it's not about spending money, and I think you should teach your children that this Christmas. Instead of giving them presents, make them something that shows how much you appreciate them. Do a fun craft or activity on Christmas morning. But don't feel bad about not being able to buy them toys and fancy decorations and the like... yes, all of that stuff seems magical when you're a kid, but it's all about materialism. I think this Christmas might be a good opportunity for you to teach your children a better lesson. :)
But if you would like to give your children something, have you thought about applying for toys for tots or another local charity? There are plenty of them out there.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I agree. there are alot of things that could bring us down. Divorce is one of them. Health and financial issues are a couple more also.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
17 Nov 08
there is help. first of all i am not sure if you have it in your state but in nj we have the WIC program. it stands for women, infants and children and they provide help with food for children under 5. also many towns have food banks run by the state or county and with 4 children and no income you would certainly qualify for help. you can check and see if your town has a social worker assigned and they can point you in the right direction. also call your electric, gas and water company as they have programs in place for low income families that need help with their energy bills. in addtion, if you have a computer you can sign up for many surveys and make some money from home. if you want to contact me personally i can send you the links and you can get started. also the salvation army helps with food and has a toy drive each christmas as do most local fire depts. try your local churches for help as well. many catholic churches have a society in place called st. vincent depaul and they can help you with food and other things. there is a website called wish upon a hero and you can list up to three wishes and people try to help by granting those wishes. i hope i have helped you. i have learned that you have to help yourself. no one is going to drop on the doorstep and offer. there are things you can do and i do all of the above as we struggle too. good luck to you and your family. and by the way, all those people asking you questions should be told nicely that it is none of their business why you do anything or have 4 kids.
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Thank you so much for all the the helpful information. I will check out the churches today and the wish upon a hero web site. Again thank you and God Bless.
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@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Thanks for your kindness. Thanks to you I made my first wish and I actually got a response for Christmas gifts. God bless you so much!
@barbiegirl13 (1588)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Again I would like to add my many thanks to you. I made a wish and now 2 people are going to send gifts to my children. You are an angel.

@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
17 Nov 08
Remember that Christmas is not about the lavish feasts and merrymaking rather it's about remembering that because of this day mankind was given hope again. Before Christmas mankind has no direction, seeking but ending up nowhere, but when the promise of a savior was fulfilled and that was during Christmas, men found it's direction through the birth of Jesus Christ. So to sum it up Christmas is to remind us that hope is there and the promise of God's grace will never be broken. Have faith and don't lose hope. Just remember that because of Christmas mankind learned to trust and hope for better futures.
@daceyp (327)
17 Nov 08
i was where you are a few years ago but i only had one child tothinkbout.that was bad enough.with four to think about it seems alot worse.i made it through that xmas with my families help.they bought her a few extra prezzies that they gave to me to give to her.they helped me to make things for her.a present my parrents got me before xmas was my cupboards stocked up with food and stuff like seems bleak at the mo but belive me it does get better over matter what you manage to get the kids they will love it.because they love keep your head held high and say stuff it to the ex
@PrincessKitten (790)
• United States
16 Nov 08
Sounds like you qualify for welfare, TANF, which will help you get a job and even provide transportation. I believe they also assist with childcare (you find it, they pay for it) but I'm not sure. It's only good for 24 months during your entire lifetime though, but that's just enough time for your newborn to get a little bigger. You may also want to look into sterilization for yourself. My best friend got herself fixed after her 4th child (and 4th ex-husband). Ask your local women's clinic about it.
People are critical of others because for some reason it makes them feel better to put other people down.
If there is even a small city nearby, you may want to consider relocating to it, so that things you need are closer. You can apply for housing assistance too, which will help out. I've heard some people have to pay as little as $20 for a place to live. You do have to have some income though, to prove that you can pay your utilities. If you have any child support coming in, that counts.
Best of luck you you!
Happy MyLotting!
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@sunil_008 (1269)
• India
17 Nov 08
hi all,
yes christmas is coming and its the most exciting months of the entire year. but this year i think it will be little different than theprevious year because of the recission in the economy around the world. because experts say that the recession yet to be unfoldded hope santa gives us some good news next year.
since christmas is near i am planning not much though this year. but there are certainly few thngs which i cant miss also. like i have to take my life(gf)to some place for holiday. and a wonderful canle light dinner and some christmas presents for the loved ones.
so wut are your plans this year guys?