SPOILER of Amazing Race
By webeishere
@webeishere (36313)
United States
November 16, 2008 8:25pm CST
Well Ken and Tina got lucky once again dang it.
Even though Tina once again screwed up on a task they had luck of 2 other teams not doing so well. I wanted Ken and Tina gone so badly. Arrgghhhh! Well the frat boys screwed up as well not reading the clues fully as usual. Come on people, you've watched this show, and now you're playing it and you don't read things completely? Unreal. Ken and Starr once agaion in first place. This is one hell of a team. They are going to win. Easily it seems. I was happy to see Terrance and Sarah attempt to eat the fat from a lambs behind as Terrance is a vegetarioan. That stuff was nasty looking and she managed her plat full but Terrance had to give in. Now the last place team.......Terrance and Sarah. The frat boys got lucky again. Sarah and Terranmce are gone. She whined as well. Now why are Ken and Tina and the Frat boys so darned lucky. I hate this season. HAHAHA! What's your feelings about todays show?

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13 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I just watched the show myself and was so happy to see Terrance and Sarah go home. Next I would like to see Ken and Tina go. I did see where next week it looks like the brother and sister team will run into some problems. I really do like them and I also like the mother/son team. Either of those two teams can win as far as I am concerned. The frat boys are starting to sound like an old married couple. hahaha I don't hate this season, I like all the seasons because this is the only way I will ever get to see all the places they go.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I also like Dallas and Mom or whatever their names are.
They were a blast wearing the cow suits.
I guess it's the two teams of the frat boys and the arguing couple I really hate not this season or the show in general.
I did not like Sarah a whole lot but wanted the frats or Tina and Ken gone. Ken puts up with too much B.S. freom that whiny woman.
Sorry that's my feelings about her is all. HATE her deeply.

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I hope he doesn't get back with Tina.
She is too bossy and what not.
She really treats him like dirt I feel.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I agree with you about Ken and Tina. She is very (w)itchy at times, well most of the time. I don't know what he will do when the show is over, the way he talks at times is that they might try to get back together but maybe he will watch the show first and change his mind about that. hahahaha
Mother and Son are Toni and Dallas
Brother and sister are Nick and Starr
Frat boys are Andrew and Dan
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@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 08
Grandpa Bob.. How could you..
They would only air the show 8 hours right now in my country.. now i already know the results for tonite's episode...
well... just kidding... i dont mind the spoiler !!
since i might miss watching it anyways.. ( i always have to watch the repeat shows, anyways..)
Terence + Sarah are out ??!!
i dont really like Terence, but i didnt want them out just yet..
i dont really like Tina either, but Ken.. i kinda like him.. looks he's really, really trying hard to win this race - and win Tina back.. i guess, he's really crazy about this woman, isnt he?
i sure would like to see Ken+Starr or the Mom+Son team win this season..
For your info.. there is also The Amazing Race Asia - we're into 3rd season already, and the grand finale is this Thursday.. my malaysian team is in the Top 3,
and i really hope they win !.. interesting thing is.. we've had malaysian all-girls team in the finals for each season - we won the 1st.season, we got 2nd.place in the 2nd.season, and now.. fingers-crossed- i hope we win it again!

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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
This is why the capitalized word "SPOILER" to let those whom wish to not know avoid this discussion.
I did not like Terrance so much either. he was a tad too feminine in his words and actions for my likings actually. Ken is okay except for the fact he allows Tina to run rampant over him and his heart/feelings. Is there a link to a site of youre versions to see some of this or at least read about it?

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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I wish they would show the Asian version on US TV...that would be so interesting!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I wqs hoping for a link from this member.
It would be cool to see.
I have watched the British version of Big Brother in the past.

@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I am with you. I can't believe that Ken and Tina keep on hanging in there, despite all their setbacks. I also want the frat boys gone.
Right now I am rooting for the mother and son team. I really liked the nerd guy team, but they were off early. It just seems that the teams this year are not as likable as in years past...or is that just me?
I guess the real reason I watch it is not for the people, but to see some of all those countries they visit. I think if I were on the race, I would be so frustrated at having to race through the world's sights without really being able to stop and appreciate the world passing by. I love the show no matter who the teams are, but this year, those teams are really making it extra hard to enjoy!

@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Ken and Tina are the luckiest SOB's I've even seen on any reality show.
He tries so hard yet Tina drags him down with her belittling ways. She treats him like dirt in my mind. No it is not just you, the teams this year have no reall viewer pazzaz I feel. Maybe Starr is the only one I feel stands out in that way is it. Must have been a sorry field of possible canditates for the producers etc this year? I also love seeing all the places and their cultures etc the most. But it is an entertaining show as far as showing how couples of any type interact in times of despair and good will. Fun to see & try & guess what one will do next as well.
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@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
17 Nov 08
I can't beleive that Ken and Tina are still in it. They should of totally been gone this week. Well that was my wish to say the least. Terrance and Sarah are out because Terrance couldn't do the fast forward. However if it ment that much to them to be on the show he could of done it and just got it over with. But that was a choice that they made and it hurt them in the long run. The frat boys just make me laugh. They are complete idiots and I'm sure they know that. It was not the first time that they have misread the clues. If you keep that up you will be out very soon. I wonder if they did get their shoes back? Nick and Starr must have a horseshoe up their butt or something or maybe they are just that good. They are a fierce team to say the least. As well Toni and Dallas are another team that we have to watch. They are doing great as well. It will probably come down to Nick and Starr, Toni and Dallas and Ken and Tina. I would like to see Nick and Starr or Toni and Dallas win. Ken and Tina need the boot.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I know some vegetarians and one went back to meat eating and he got so sick the first week as his body had to get used to meat in his system again. So I can understand Terrance not being able to eat it even though it was disgusting. It was more than just the taste I feel. Yeah the frats are complete morons in my eyes, yet they also get so lucky. I think it will be funny to see them, Ken and Tina and Dtarr and Nick in the final episode. Unreal if the frats win. Star and Nick are very fierce it seems. I liked them from day one actually. I hated Tina from day one also. Mom and son would be great to see in the winners circle I feel as well.
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
17 Nov 08
You are right. I don't think that Terrance would do well eating meat after so many years without it. He would likely be sick and unable to finish the race. I have known vegetarians who accidentally ate meat without knowing it and ended up sick as a dog. And that was a lot(!) of meat!
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
17 Nov 08
Oh bummer! We are a couple of weeks behind you, I think, but I was hoping Ken and Tina would be gone by now! I don't like those two ladies who are friends, either - the ones who accused the other girl of chucking the sports bra off the ledge! They seem pretty spiteful and like bad sports.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I don't think you're behind.
But then again you could be as you're in Australia right?
So maybe you are behind us here in the States.
I was just very fast in posting this tonight.
I wanted to beat "Cortjo's Report."
This was the epsiode ran tonight, Sunday. I posted this before the previews of next weeks show was on.
The 2 girls have been gone for a week or two now. That Tina is so annoying. But those 2 keep getting the luckiest breaks it seems.

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@tamarafireheart (15384)
17 Nov 08
Sorry GRADNPA BOB, we don't have that programme here in the UK or I don't have the channel thats been shown on, so I cannot coment. I'm glad thought you are having fun.
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@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Slowly we are getting rid of the annoying teams. First the divorcees, then Terrence and Sarah. Unfortunately, we are left with the Frats and Ken and Tina. Only one will go home before the final three. The Frat boys have been very lucky in that their stupidity has not knocked them out thus far. I doubt that luck will hold. So, it looks like Ken and Tina make the final three. Last season 2 teams I liked and one I couldn't stand made the final three. Fortunately, one of the teams I liked won it all. Here's hoping history repeats itself.
I actually missed this episode. Did Nick and Starr win ANOTHER trip?
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Not a trip but each won a Wave Runner thing.
Like a ski doo for water or something.
Lucky baaastards.


@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
17 Nov 08
ugh. i was bummed that Ken and Tina SOMEHOW managed to come in safely! that was a big screw up too!
the whole Fast Forward thing with Terrance and Sarah was so annoying! She thought it wasnt a good idea..he said I DO. ok..however they were in fricken Kazahstan (sp?) their main food stuffs is sheep/lamb and goat..THEREFORE common sense says that a "Traditional Meal" would have at least ONE of those meats in it!! and STILL terrance thought it was a good idea?! what a moron! Sarah had worked hard to almost finish her plate and i think i only saw him take 2 bites. pathetic.
im happy they are gone, but truly wish it had been Ken and Tina..ok i dont mind Ken, but Tina needs to go LOL!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Yeah Tina and Ken have gotten a lot of breaks this season.
Terrance just wanted to get to the head of the pack is why he went for ther Fast Forward. He knew it would be meat and all. But yet.....
I am sorry but that I found funny as Sarah knew better yet he insisted.
What a waste of time and it ended up costing them in the end.

@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I thought it was so funny that the frat boys left their shoes behind at the costume shop! I was glad that they made it back before Terrance and Sarah. I was thinking he should know that sometime in this race they usually have to eat somethign disgusting. Then I thought it was rotten of Sarah to say it was Terrances idea to go for the fast forward and he will be regretting that for a long time.
From the previews it looks like Nick and Starr are going to have a tough time next week. I would love to see Nick and Starr, The mom and son team, and the frat boys in the final 3. Ken and Tina sure are lucky that they keep hanging on. HOpefully thier luck runs out.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Yeah eaving the shoeswas hilarious I felt.
Now I never saw, did they go back to retrieve them?
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 Nov 08
I imagine that somehow they got their shoes back. It would have been so funny if they had to catch a plane or something after that and they would have no shoes:)
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Yes, I too was hoping that Tina would be gone not sure why I don't like her I just don't..Her husband seems alright....I think Terrence is much more high maintenance then a woman
I love how well the Mom & son team are doing!
I did not think it was very nice of Ken to yank That clue/direction card from one of the frat boys hands.. that was uncalled for!

@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Tina seems to be the player of all players to hate doesn't she?
Terrance is/was a high maintanence man as well.
Mom and son are great. I'd love seeing them win it all actually.
That's whom I am rooting for anyhow at this time.
That snatching was rude and uncalled for.
But it is a game after all isn't it?

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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
17 Nov 08
I like good sportsmanship during games I guess. ( I am a plastic bubble looking at a world that is not perfect! ) 

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